Please allow me to brag for just a second

Snow Sled Baby

Gold Member
Jan 4, 2003
Staunton Va
my 34 yr old son got a job at a 4 star resort in Pa and started on Jan 1. He had some issues a few years ago and was wallowing around in the food business in Lynchburg before getting this opportunity . He's really done a turnaround and yesterday we found out that he has been promoted to head chef at the main fancy restaurant at the resort called The Crystal Room....this after just 3 months. He was told by the executive chef that it usually takes two years before one is even considered for such a promotion but because of his work ethic and other personnel situations they picked him over 32 other candidates and he didn't even apply for it...they came to him. I am so freaking proud of him that my chest is about to pop. The resort is Bedford Springs in Bedford Pa.....and yes there IS a golf course....#1 resort course in Pa.........ok bragging over...just had to tell somebody...thanks for listenening
Congrats to your son and you too.

Sounds like an exciting opportunity for him.
Re: +1 Snow**

I've go some good ones coming up this year starting in 2 weeks. I nominated one of my friends who I've traveled a lot with to be a panelist for Golf Digest and he was invited so we'll be burning up the roads this year.
Great news

Congratulations. It's always heartwarming to hear of people turning things around
Re: Congrats to your son and you too.

I'm not sure on the broccoli. It sounds about right.

I finally tilled last night. I'll get all my cold weather stuff in the ground this weekend I hope.
Re: Congrats to your son and you too.

Well done for your son.

I think it's too early for onions, or anything you plant in the ground -- it's supposed to be in the 20s and 30s after rain tomorrow. I wouldn't plant anything like onions or potatoes before Easter this year, my brother in law planted potatoes about this time last year and it was so cold and wet that a third of them rotted before they started to grow and they hardly got anything out of them. Broccoli maybe -- my brother in Mt. Jackson told me Saturday that he'd put broccoli seeds in during that last really warm spell and it's already sprouted, but I didn't catch whether he was just starting them in foam cups or if he'd put them out in his garden boxes. (He grows everything in boxes.)
Re: Congrats to your son and you too.

I'll put lettuce, spinach, radish and maybe onions in this weekend. Not much else though.

I'm a few weeks from potatoes and at least month before tomato and peppers. I try to wait until there is no chance of a cold snap or a frost for the above ground stuff.
This IS the place to brag about your kids !!!

Congrats on your boy's newfound but rousing success, made that much more satisfying because it appears to have resulted from the light finally coming on his head (for which all us fathers wait so patiently to occur). The best part is that he was approached for the opportunity, and hadn't even thrown his hat in the ring. Apparently, the change of scenery did this young man a helluva' lot of good.

You have every right to be proud......and just as importantly, so does he !!!!!

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