Phil Robertson outdoes himself. Link. *

Re: You've known more atheists than you think....

He didnt say the atheists dont know right from wrong. He said that without religion there would be no right and wrong because the foundation of morality and laws began with religion and God.
Re: You've known more atheists than you think....

Surprise surprise, Dumb Dave defending idiot Phil.

So, let us get this straight Dumb Dave; without religion no one knows right from wrong? Without religion, there is no morality? Without religion, there are no ethics?
I may be a day late to put my 2 cents in but it's really quite simple

I don't like seeing the Kardashian girls......I'm not into reading about Bruce Jenner becoming a woman, don't care to keep up with the latest exploits of the Osborns, Justin Bieber or Miley I don't bother myself with them in spite of the best efforts of the media.

One thing that we can all agree on is that Phil Robertson speaks from his heart, he says what he thinks and believes and he doesn't care if you like his message or if you don't.

And there is an easy solution for those listening to him but not liking what they are hearing -

If you don't like the message that Phil Robertson is preaching, then don't listen to it. It's that simple.
Re: I may be a day late to put my 2 cents in but it's really quite simple

Anybody question his Rags to Riches story does not believe in the capitalist system that we practice in this country. You are welcome to go make your own story. Made it on his own and took care of his family. What could you possibly find wrong with this man? He atoned for his wandering. But if the real problem you have with the man is that he practices a religious life, there is nothing that can be said for you. You are the problem - not Phil.