Phil Robertson outdoes himself. Link. *

always wondered if we'd have ever heard of Terry Bradshaw

had phil not given up football for fishin and huntin.....Bradshaw himself said phil was a hell of a qb
That's a pretty sick mind

And pretty feable one if he couldn't get a point across without resorting to that.
Interesting thing is, it implies that the rapist/murder is a non-atheist. *

He should have no audience (live or tv) of any kind to spew his ignorance and hate in front of, what a tool.
Why is that interesting?

Is this another misunderstanding of Christianity on your part?
Re: Why is that interesting?

Because he's trying to put down atheists and yet the atheists in his story (the man, his wife and two daughters) are apparently normal, decent people while the one non-atheist in the story (the intruder) is a rapist and murderer.
Not interesting to me

Believing that Jesus is Savior doesn't make you a good person. No more than being in a garage makes you a car.
Re: Not interesting to me

What if the four atheists in the story were good people that were honest and forthright and spent their spare time helping the needy, etc, while the intruder in the story was a born-again Christian that had been saved? The born-again Christian spends eternity in Heaven while the four atheists spend eternity in Hell. Right? Sorry but I just can't buy that.
That's because you have a self-righteous view of yourself

Your good < God's good
And being an atheist doesn't mean you're a bad person....

which is common among Christians. They commonly equate atheism with lack of morals. Which is not only sad, but ignorant.
That's the very message Robertson is pleading....

But you're the one who says there is no God, there's no right, there's no wrong, so we're just having fun. We're sick in the head, have a nice day.'[/I]
Re: That's because you have a self-righteous view of yourself

So God's good of being a born-again Christian but also being a rapist and murderer is greater my idea of good of being an honest and decent person that helps others? In that case, yeah, I just don't understand God.
Pfffffffffft What is more self righteous than saying I'm right and you are

are wrong? Or saying my God I've never met is more powerful than your God you have never met.
Phil's scenario doesn't bother me. I fully support one's right to make a complete ass out of themselves.

I am however interested in trying to understand your motivation for bringing it here? Is this a broad brush approach at painting all Christians as being as ignorant and intolerant as Phil? Certainly seems that way. In which case, I find it ironic that in trying to mock him for his Christianity you intern fall victim to being the same dumb ass as he is with your strawman. Nice job!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
neither then should rev al if you're talking ignorance and hate

there's no difference between the two, except Phil at least probably paid his income tax bill...and doesn't rub crap on a teenage girl to get attention...that's SO much better isn't it?
I have known MANY atheist through the years

I have never considered any of them as bad people simply because they are atheist. I do however start considering them as "bad people" when/if (most don't) begin to speak against my faith.
You've known more atheists than you think....

...because lots of them have to live in the closet.

In fact I bet there are some atheists in your church.
You had to dig for that one. The entire quote is...

"I knew that my God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real God and his was an idol."

I agree with his sentiment, but not his expectations because of that sentiment.
Re: I don't even know why he's a celeb?

I wouldn't say he's on par with the Kardashians. He built a business around something that he loves to do, and his kids have expanded that business. I will agree that those things don't mean he needs to have a TV show, but he's famous for something more than having a big but or making a sex tape with someone who is marginally famous.
have to live in a closet?

That is hilarious. You have been a self righteous bigot for 10 plus years. Id pay you to stfu in a closet.
Re: Why don't you go F yourself kid?**

That seems to have closed that exchange. We have to appreciate straight talk to understand each other.
Re: You've known more atheists than you think....

Originally posted by Op2:
...because lots of them have to live in the closet.
Wow, you are one delusional son of a bitch. Atheists are so persecuted they have to hide their feelings? For fear of what?

This is one of the most outspoken groups there are. I've never met a self pro-claimed atheist who didn't go out of their way to try and convince you their opinion is right.

I'll go one further...who gives a shit? Believe what you want, no one really knows and it all comes down to faith.

To deny the point of what Phil was trying to make as that morality is based originally on religious values and teachings is asinine. That is where it started. It has certainly evolved and become a mainstay, but there is no denying where the foundation was formed.

You continue to be one of the most uninformed and unintelligent jackasses I've read on here. Let me correct you before you lash out on what you think my beliefs are. I don't have any when it comes to faith. I'm not a Christian, Jew, Muslim, or Buddhist. I am a citizen of the world that believes in being good to my fellow man. I think organized religion doesn't work for me personally but I am all for someone feeling that it does and their right to celebrate it, regardless of belief. That includes atheism.
Re: You've known more atheists than you think....

For fear of what? Are you kidding? Do you see the reaction I get on this board? Look at the reaction I got just for saying that some atheists are closeted. Amongst other things I get called a delusional son of a bitch by you. Considering that attitude, don't you think there's a good chance that if an atheist was a friend of yours he'd simply stay silent about his atheism rather than speak out? Who wants to say something about themselves to a friend that will result in a harsh, negative reaction? Nobody.

With regards to the self-proclaimed atheists you know, let me remind you that such people are by definition not in the closet.

Morality most certainly was not based originally on religious values and teachings. Morality pre-dates religion. Religion served as a mechanism to enforce morality, what with the premise that an all-powerful God is making rules you must obey and that the all-powerful God is watching you at all times to make sure you do obey. And I can see how that serves a purpose in certain circumstances. But it's not like the moral rules weren't already in existence. Religion is an enforcement mechanism or morality, not a creator of morality.

Even animals exhibit forms of morality. And people all over the world, regardless of their religion, exhibit morality.
Re: You've known more atheists than you think....

I had never heard that atheists do not believe in right and wrong. Phil seems to think that is the case though. The golden rule provides moral guidance and all or nearly all religions make mention of it and not all religions are theist.
Re: You've known more atheists than you think....

You are the most uninformed and ignorant posters on here. People are mocking your statement. Not because you are an atheist but because it is ridiculous.

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