Shared by Mom.
Nickson Pelton was born two months premature.
"At his two month checkup Nickson’s pediatrician gave him eight vaccines,the 5-in-1 combo Pentacel for (DTaP, polio and Hib), Energix B for hepatits B, the pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar 13 and the oral rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq. After his 2 month shots, his leg began tremoring. His mother was told it was no big deal.His doctor said since he was a preemie, his nerves were just getting used to working.He also ran a very low grade fever daily from the 2 month shots, even up to his next appointment At the age of four months,with a low grade fever upon arrival, his doctor said he needed seven vaccines during this visit."
" Nickson’s doctor insisted his premature birth was all the more reason he should be vaccinated on schedule. His mother Lindsey knew this was not a good idea and protested against them.He was so tiny, weighing less than ten pounds and she was concerned about his previous reactions to vaccines."
"Lindsey was threatened if she didn’t allow the vaccines, Child Protective Services would be called because Nickson was born prematurely and his doctor said he needed all these vaccines to protect him.Lindsey didn’t want her son taken away so she watched in horror as her tiny little 4 month old son was given seven vaccines.The 5-in-1 combo Pentacel for (DTaP, Polio and Hib), the Pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar 13 and the oral Rotavirus vaccine RotaTeq."
" Less than 12 hours later, he stopped breathing and passed away.”
RIP sweet baby.