I'm talking about Bill. And as I said I don't think he was just a rogue Jewish man I believe he was working specifically for Israel intelligence to do this.
Ghislain's dad also was Mossad and Epstein notably had ties to Ehud Barak.
Who did he work for? Is much more important than who did he blackmail imo
Yes that's true. That doesn't mean the entire Israeli Government was involved.
Do you believe the Clintons were really innocent in Filegate?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton has signed a sworn statement declaring she had no involvement in the White House's improperly obtaining hundreds of FBI files on Bush and Reagan administration officials.
Mrs. Clinton is a defendant in the $90 million civil lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch on behalf of the over 900 staffers from the Reagan and Bush Administration and others whose FBI files were illegally obtained and misused by the Clinton White House. Judicial Watch will seek Court permission to depose Mrs. Clinton.
In Filegate, sworn testimony from several witnesses and documentary evidence indicates she hired Craig Livingstone, the former bar bouncer who helped obtain the FBI files for the Clinton White House. Testimony shows that Mrs. Clinton directed the uploading of FBI files into a White House database, so that the FBI files information could be shared with the Democratic National Committee. Livingstone, a defendant in the Filegate lawsuit, testified last week and admitted he sought help from Maggie Williams, Hillary Clinton’s former chief of staff, to obtain his job at the Clinton White House.