In the entire history of Marshall football they have only played major opponents 45 times............and lost 38 of those games.

I can't wait to hear all the if only and would have, could have, and should have excuses the Herdiots come up with to explain that embarrassing record.
If Bryan Leftwich, Chad Pennington, and Randy Moss had 25 years of eligibility they would have won them all.
In the entire history of Marshall football they have only played major opponents 45 times............and lost 38 of those games.

I can't wait to hear all the if only and would have, could have, and should have excuses the Herdiots come up with to explain that embarrassing record.

Yeah, but you have to look at the facts. All of those losses came at a time when all 38 opponents were experiencing the golden age of their football programs while Marshall was at it's lowest point due to Mark Snyder or something.
so, the 2003 K State game is the mooooooooo's #1 all-time win ?
It seems that none of the usual Herdiots care to defend their 7-38 record against major football programs. I expected them to dump a bunch of "if only", "could have", "should have", "would have" and "maybe" excuses to explain away why their record looks so dismal when they actually play a team with a pulse. Seems like they avoid this thread like they'd avoid picking up Thunder Clap over at the strip bar in Barboursville. I'm disappointed in them, they seem like such tough guys most of the time. At least until someone puts facts before them. I will give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they are too busy managing their beach front properties and posing for pictures with every beautiful woman that walks by them and having their photos taken kissing babies. Maybe they are down at the gym maintaining their Greek God type bodies that they boast about. Maybe the last Disney Star they claim they are bagging got dog-notted and couldn't pull out. Maybe they are too busy counting all the thousands they make from investing in Merck. More likely they are full of bull shit and don't have a decent explanation for why they just cannot ever beat a team that any one ever heard of without doing a google search. But they have that 4-0 record against WV State going for them.
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Well, considering that for most of our program's existence we were at the small college or 1-AA level, that makes sense. I would question what you consider major opponents, I know you are using the "P5" designation, but I would think it's fair to say someone like Boise is a much tougher opponent than Kansas.

On a best case scenario, we are going to play 2 P5 opponents a year, so that is what it is. Oh, and of the 45 games, 38 have been on the road, so expecting a decent win percentage when you are almost always on the road is a little much - which is why you want to make sure you have as many homes games as possible.
Yes, and their starting QB was hurt.
Yes, and so was Marshall's starting QB. Bottom line, the Herd did something WVU has not been able to achieve in the modern era...defeating K-State. Not to mention, K-State ended up being the Little 12 champs that very same year. Stings doesn't it Bambi?
Yes, and so was Marshall's starting QB. Bottom line, the Herd did something WVU has not been able to achieve in the modern era...defeating K-State. Not to mention, K-State ended up being the Little 12 champs that very same year. Stings doesn't it Bambi?
Oh those glorious moral victories when real ones are impossible to come by. 0-12 little bitch.
Oh those glorious moral victories when real ones are impossible to come by. 0-12 little bitch.
Actually, moron, that was an actual victory, one that apparently, your kind is bitter over, and struggling to come to grips with. The Herd beat the Little 12 champs.
Actually, moron, that was an actual victory, one that apparently, your kind is bitter over, and struggling to come to grips with. The Herd beat the Little 12 champs.

No one is trying to diminish your win over Kansas's the 38 losses that we are talking about. 7-38
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Your kind are the ones that injected K-State into the conversation, moron.

Kansas State was a quality win. In the other 6 Marshall wins over major programs the combined record of their opponents is 25-47. Not very impressive to anyone outside of Herdzakistan.
Actually, moron, that was an actual victory, one that apparently, your kind is bitter over, and struggling to come to grips with. The Herd beat the Little 12 champs.
Oh the moron speaks but fails to grasp the moral victory. You beat a team that beat us. That must make you all powerful. Congrats on that wonderful moral victory over WVU. Little bitch you fail to realize most of us want to see MVU win. I hope you beat the shit out of Pitt. It does not make me bitter when your team is successful. 0-12
Oh the moron speaks but fails to grasp the moral victory. You beat a team that beat us. That must make you all powerful. Congrats on that wonderful moral victory over WVU. Little bitch you fail to realize most of us want to see MVU win. I hope you beat the shit out of Pitt. It does not make me bitter when your team is successful. 0-12
Do you always leap to conclusions like this? Marshall beat the Big 12 champs, K-State. As far as I know, WVU was still competing for 3 and 4 team ties in the Big Least. Therefore, we never beat the team that beat the team. As to my knowledge, WVU didn't play K-State the year the Herd punched them in the throat. With that being said, we did pound Maryland by two scores, in the same year that Maryland ass raped WVU by 5 or 6 touchdowns.
....... we did pound Maryland by two scores, in the same year that Maryland ass raped WVU by 5 or 6 touchdowns......

You just proved still5's point about moral victoies. It's good to know that WVU is the yardstick that you measure Marshall football with.
No, I destroyed his point of me claiming some sort of moral victory over K-State, which was actually a real victory. The score board proved it as such. I simply pointed out that our win over Maryland in the same year as Maryland pounding WVU could be seen as such, or any reasonable person would simply look at it as saying WVU sucks and couldn't have scratched Marshall's ass with a garden rake that year. Typically, one wouldn't jump to a conclusion using transitive property, but when team A beats team B by 10, and then Team B beats Team C by 34, then a reasonable person has to have quite a bit of confidence that Team A would destroy Team C.
...... when team A beats team B by 10, and then Team B beats Team C by 34, then a reasonable person has to have quite a bit of confidence that Team A would destroy Team C.

The oddsmakers love people who use that kind of logic. I hope you don't bet on football.
Well, considering that for most of our program's existence we were at the small college or 1-AA level, that makes sense. I would question what you consider major opponents, I know you are using the "P5" designation, but I would think it's fair to say someone like Boise is a much tougher opponent than Kansas.

On a best case scenario, we are going to play 2 P5 opponents a year, so that is what it is. Oh, and of the 45 games, 38 have been on the road, so expecting a decent win percentage when you are almost always on the road is a little much - which is why you want to make sure you have as many homes games as possible.

Do you ever get tired of making excuses for Marshall?
On a best case scenario, we are going to play 2 P5 opponents a year, so that is what it is. Oh, and of the 45 games, 38 have been on the road, so expecting a decent win percentage when you are almost always on the road is a little much - .

Please dear banker, explain just why is it that Marshall aways has to be the visiting team nearly every time the play one of the majors. Let's hear your excuses for not being able to get a major football program to visit the Joan.
First they aren't excuses, you don't have to make excuses for your team when they have won 33 games in the last three years. What I offer is well reasoned explanations to try and help you poor eer fans understand the situations you present. My failure seems to be that I assume if someone is smart enough to log on to a computer, they must have at least a base level of intelligence. I guess that's what I get for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Buzzard, we just moved up to I-A in 1997 and at the time only had a 28,000 seat stadium. We were establishing our program at this level and were willing to travel to do it. We are much more established now and have a much better AD, so we are getting more of those games at home. It's kind of like how you guys used to have to go to Pitt every year and they hardly ever came to Morgantown.
First they aren't excuses, you don't have to make excuses for your team when they have won 33 games in the last three years. What I offer is well reasoned explanations to try and help you poor eer fans understand the situations you present. My failure seems to be that I assume if someone is smart enough to log on to a computer, they must have at least a base level of intelligence. I guess that's what I get for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Buzzard, we just moved up to I-A in 1997 and at the time only had a 28,000 seat stadium. We were establishing our program at this level and were willing to travel to do it. We are much more established now and have a much better AD, so we are getting more of those games at home. It's kind of like how you guys used to have to go to Pitt every year and they hardly ever came to Morgantown.
First paragraph you state "they aren't excuses" followed up by paragraph two which is nothing but excuses. You are not very good at this banker.
First they aren't excuses, you don't have to make excuses for your team when they have won 33 games in the last three years. What I offer is well reasoned explanations to try and help you poor eer fans understand the situations you present. My failure seems to be that I assume if someone is smart enough to log on to a computer, they must have at least a base level of intelligence. I guess that's what I get for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Buzzard, we just moved up to I-A in 1997 and at the time only had a 28,000 seat stadium. We were establishing our program at this level and were willing to travel to do it. We are much more established now and have a much better AD, so we are getting more of those games at home. It's kind of like how you guys used to have to go to Pitt every year and they hardly ever came to Morgantown.

For somebody not making excuses, you continue to come up with a lot of them.

As for the 33 wins ... you don't need to make excuses, but you should definitely use an asterisk or qualifiers when talking about those wins.
First they aren't excuses, you don't have to make excuses for your team when they have won 33 games in the last three years. What I offer is well reasoned explanations to try and help you poor eer fans understand the situations you present. My failure seems to be that I assume if someone is smart enough to log on to a computer, they must have at least a base level of intelligence. I guess that's what I get for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Buzzard, we just moved up to I-A in 1997 and at the time only had a 28,000 seat stadium. We were establishing our program at this level and were willing to travel to do it. We are much more established now and have a much better AD, so we are getting more of those games at home. It's kind of like how you guys used to have to go to Pitt every year and they hardly ever came to Morgantown.

I can say with certainty that if your schedule didn't rank among the weakest in all of college football over the past three years that you would not have won 33 games in that time. You know it as well as the rest of us.
I can say with certainty that if your schedule didn't rank among the weakest in all of college football over the past three years that you would not have won 33 games in that time. You know it as well as the rest of us.

Well, that's pure conjecture on your part. Isn't that what you guys say when presented with evidence?
First paragraph you state "they aren't excuses" followed up by paragraph two which is nothing but excuses. You are not very good at this banker.

Again, I'm sorry that you don't have the ability to comprehend the difference between an excuse and a statement of fact.
Marshall = excuses
Rest of world = fact
See how easy that was? Ooooooooooh my head is spinning!!!
Nobody gives a damn about what you type. You know what? You've been proven to be a liar. You lie pretty much every time you hit the keys on the keyboard. Hell, you even lie to cover up previous lies. How big of a loser does one truly have to be in order to be you?

  • Definition of excuse

  1. transitive verb
  2. 1 a : to make apology forb : to try to remove blame from

  3. 2 : to forgive entirely or disregard as of trivial import : regard as excusable <graciously excused his tardiness>

  4. 3 a : to grant exemption or release to <was excused from jury duty>b : to allow to leave <excused the class>

  5. 4 : to serve as excuse for : justify <nothing can excuse such neglect>
Well, that's pure conjecture on your part. Isn't that what you guys say when presented with evidence?

Since when did you develop an allergy to conjecture? Seems to me most of your posts are based on it. Do you remember telling us that if Pennington wasn't rusty, if Leftwich would have been the QB, if only Cato didn't act like a deer in the headlights? Have you forgotten every other of your points that are based on pure conjecture? We haven't.
Since when did you develop an allergy to conjecture? Seems to me most of your posts are based on it. Do you remember telling us that if Pennington wasn't rusty, if Leftwich would have been the QB, if only Cato didn't act like a deer in the headlights? Have you forgotten every other of your points that are based on pure conjecture? We haven't.

Good to know that irony is also lost on you.

You guys can't really be this mentally inept, can you?
I hope you take the time to read the definition of excuse, so you can learn that a fact and an excuse are not mutually exclusive.
So, if I cannot compete in the upcoming Olympics Pole Vaulting due to having a broken leg, how would you view it? My excuse is that I have a broken leg. It's a fact that I cannot compete in the pole vault event with a broken leg.
So, if I cannot compete in the upcoming Olympics Pole Vaulting due to having a broken leg, how would you view it? My excuse is that I have a broken leg. It's a fact that I cannot compete in the pole vault event with a broken leg.

WTF????????? I suppose there was a semi-intelligent thought that spawned that comment..........maybe not.

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