George Preston Marshall is buried in Romney... At one point his monument outside of RFK was going to be moved to Romney but nobody would foot the 30k bill....

All the haters should keep in mind Marshall was a typical West Virginian.. born poor, worked hard, made a fortune in the laundry business in the 1920s. Without Marshall DC has NO pro football team (whatever their name is). Yeah he didn't like blacks... Most West Virginians didn't in that era (and many many still don't).

Jesus Christ...not even hiding it anymore I see
  1. You guys are a hoot. Seeing what you rage over but don’t juxtaposition against other people complaints is fascinating. I can see people having a fair position if Seminoles or Chiefs were being replaced. But Redskins? Redskins? Come one. Any reasonable person could see that as being problematic at best. It was/is literally a racial epithet. I live in DC and nobody I know is feeling assaulted by a name change conversation.
The issue I have with your argument is that we use white and black to represent race and nobody bats an eye. I guess adding “skin” at the end is the issue? I dunno. I don’t have a dog in the fight and don’t care what they call themselves. To me it just seems trivial that while I have white skin and someone else has black skin, you can’t refer to Native Americans as red skin. My recommendation earlier was just change the name to an indigenous people from the area. Algonquin or something of that nature, and leave the logo the same.
The issue I have with your argument is that we use white and black to represent race and nobody bats an eye. I guess adding “skin” at the end is the issue? I dunno. I don’t have a dog in the fight and don’t care what they call themselves. To me it just seems trivial that while I have white skin and someone else has black skin, you can’t refer to Native Americans as red skin. My recommendation earlier was just change the name to an indigenous people from the area. Algonquin or something of that nature, and leave the logo the same.

it’s a racial slur used since the 1800s it’s just like other slurs like Mick, Guinea, Chink, etc. Native Americans don’t have red skin either...

imagine a team called the blackskins and then a 1930s style stereotype drawing as the mascot. Its just wrong and has been forever. I do agree though change the name to a tribe from the area and Native Americans I’m sure we’ll respect that and maybe even embrace it. But I’m today’s age you can’t make everyone happy so who knows tbh
Will they be forced to change the name Washington as well? Washington is considered racist because of owning slaves and they are tearing down his statues.

Perhaps rename them to Wuss Libs.
This place never disappoints, the same
old, white guys explaining away how people of color should feel and act.....It’s always the same guys. We get it, you want everyone to get over it and stay in their place...
They should’ve fought better. They lost, tough shit. Ironic to me, given the left’s desire to tear down other loser’s images with the Confederacy. You don’t like it, win.
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This place never disappoints, the same
old, white guys explaining away how people of color should feel and act.....It’s always the same guys. We get it, you want everyone to get over it and stay in their place...

George Preston Marshall is buried in Romney... At one point his monument outside of RFK was going to be moved to Romney but nobody would foot the 30k bill....

All the haters should keep in mind Marshall was a typical West Virginian.. born poor, worked hard, made a fortune in the laundry business in the 1920s. Without Marshall DC has NO pro football team (whatever their name is). Yeah he didn't like blacks... Most West Virginians didn't in that era (and many many still don't).
So not true! Born & raised in WV & dont have a racist bone in my body .
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I disagree with this statement. You are misrepresenting West Virginians with this remark. Are you that racist you can make a claim that an entire state doesn't like blacks?

Didn't say anything about my personal views... Figured people would start labeling and assuming however. Proved a point.

I'd also suggest you get out in the country a little a bit in WV and actually listen to what people say (or more importantly watch how they act). I am not labeling an entire state what I am saying is 100 years ago most West Virginians strongly supported segregated schools and had negative opinions of people of color. In rural parts of WV if you actually listen to people and observe them I am not sure views have significantly changed... That's just observation. BTW that goes for many rural areas of our country where people do NOT routinely interact with people of color. Not just WV.
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My family was raised in Hurricane. I'm the first of five siblings, and we all played sports growing up. In fact, each of us played every single season of sports growing up, through midget league, middle school, and high school. Of the five of us, I am the only one that is not up on the wall for being all state in one or more sports.

I've always been damn proud to be called a Redskin, and I honestly don't understand why people in this day and age would take offense to that.

I'll have to go through, I guess to see what we are, but I'm under the impression that I am of German-Irish descent. I've been pretty proud of that over the years because my thinking is that not only are most of my folks Catholic, but they probably also have a cast iron liver. If you want to call me a potato eating kraut, have at it.

In this day and age, people are too busy being offended by anything and everything to be proud of their heritage.

I would offer this up, and maybe the Washington (insert new name) whatever they're going to be called could do the same.

Some of you may recognize my board name. Just a little background, Simon Kenton was one of the frontiersman, and traveled primarily around West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio.

The book The Frontiersman is one of my favorites, and the two main characters are Simon Kenton, and Tecumseh, the great Shawnee Chief. The book tells of their life stories, and how each interacted with the other's group of peoples. I would consider these two people toward the upper part of my list of heroes.

Anyway, back to the name Redskin. If people are going to change the name of these teams, then I would suggest that they go back to naming it whatever tribe was from that area of the country. For instance, the area around us primarily consisted of Shawnee and Cherokee, among others. I would think that naming your team or school after the original local tribe (like Florida State being called the Seminoles) would be a way to honor or celebrate the indigenous people of this area. You're probably still going to have people up in arms about it, tho.
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How about doing nothing? If anyone thinks a person of color is bettered by a goddamed sports name change, then you are a shallow no-nothing. DO SOMETHING and then talk to me

Dystopia....the stench is unbearable to me but I see more and more sheep "righteously" advocating for their own demise every day.
George Preston Marshall is buried in Romney... At one point his monument outside of RFK was going to be moved to Romney but nobody would foot the 30k bill....

All the haters should keep in mind Marshall was a typical West Virginian.. born poor, worked hard, made a fortune in the laundry business in the 1920s. Without Marshall DC has NO pro football team (whatever their name is). Yeah he didn't like blacks... Most West Virginians didn't in that era (and many many still don't).

Yawn.... the name redskins comes from the fact that early settlers noted that some tribes would put red clay on their face. Bunch of pussies.
Just remember it is the same young white woke morons that make your reply.

the only difference is I have a brown, Spanish speaking wife and step kids, so I see it all the time. So don’t tell me you old ****ing MAGA thinking wacko....
What does the color of the skin of people you know have to do with anyones ability to say stupid things? have brown friends. My bad.

You make my point for me....thank you.
Didn't say anything about my personal views... Figured people would start labeling and assuming however. Proved a point.

I'd also suggest you get out in the country a little a bit in WV and actually listen to what people say (or more importantly watch how they act). I am not labeling an entire state what I am saying is 100 years ago most West Virginians strongly supported segregated schools and had negative opinions of people of color. In rural parts of WV if you actually listen to people and observe them I am not sure views have significantly changed... That's just observation. BTW that goes for many rural areas of our country where people do NOT routinely interact with people of color. Not just WV.
You can’t use segregation as an argument. Most of the BLM folks are basically calling for segregation now. At Harvard a year ago I believe there was at least discussion of a separate black graduation ceremony. We’re going backwards in these areas and too many people are too mad at a select few legitimate injustices to see it.
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You can’t use segregation as an argument. Most of the BLM folks are basically calling for segregation now. At Harvard a year ago I believe there was at least discussion of a separate black graduation ceremony. We’re going backwards in these areas and too many people are too mad at a select few legitimate injustices to see it.
You saw a similar phenomena in the now defunct CHOP zone. They had their "black-only" safe zone. It seems in the realm of wokeness the more woke you are the more you lean toward an America pre-60's.
You can’t use segregation as an argument. Most of the BLM folks are basically calling for segregation now. At Harvard a year ago I believe there was at least discussion of a separate black graduation ceremony. We’re going backwards in these areas and too many people are too mad at a select few legitimate injustices to see it.

Another "back to Africa" movement coming? Liberia?
Didn't say anything about my personal views... Figured people would start labeling and assuming however. Proved a point.

I'd also suggest you get out in the country a little a bit in WV and actually listen to what people say (or more importantly watch how they act). I am not labeling an entire state what I am saying is 100 years ago most West Virginians strongly supported segregated schools and had negative opinions of people of color. In rural parts of WV if you actually listen to people and observe them I am not sure views have significantly changed... That's just observation. BTW that goes for many rural areas of our country where people do NOT routinely interact with people of color. Not just WV.

I grew up in a small community of 1,000 or less With about 25% being black. I had no issues or hatred toward any black, white, or any other ethnic group individuals. Have never had a racial incident and or otherwise. It is the way I was raised. Education towards other ethnic groups is the root of our problem in today's society.

Segregation was supported by every state in America 100 years ago not just West Virginia. With 40 to 50 years of that Joe Biden was segregation #1 cheerleader.

Assumptions are part of Americas problem.
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Looks like name is going bye-bye. So, Indians, Seminoles, Chiefs or anything else offensive, I expect are next in line.
Good. Let them change the name. Let the players kneel. Play national anthems according to race. Let it all collapse. I ended my following as a “fan”. After all, it’s their game. They’re the players. I could care less anymore. I doubt I’m the only one who feels that way.
Lol how many of y'all would call a native a Redskin in real life?
Lol how many of y'all would call a native a Redskin in real life?

you do realize why it’s “redskin” right? Because early settlers reported the Indians using red clay on their face.

and if I say it to their face, are they going to bang a drum in my face?
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Not one liberal on here will be able to explain why they don't shower on a frequent basis. NOT ONE!
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t’s a racial slur used since the 1800s it’s just like other slurs like Mick, Guinea, Chink, etc. Native Americans don’t have red skin either...

If Native Americans don't have "Red skin" why is anyone getting upset over use of that nickname? o_O
Didn't say anything about my personal views... Figured people would start labeling and assuming however. Proved a point.

I'd also suggest you get out in the country a little a bit in WV and actually listen to what people say (or more importantly watch how they act). I am not labeling an entire state what I am saying is 100 years ago most West Virginians strongly supported segregated schools and had negative opinions of people of color. In rural parts of WV if you actually listen to people and observe them I am not sure views have significantly changed... That's just observation. BTW that goes for many rural areas of our country where people do NOT routinely interact with people of color. Not just WV.

How many of you SJW so "concerned" about how Black folks are looked at or treated would move into a predominantly Black neighborhood, or even wouldn't move away from your "lilly white" strongholds if a bunch of Negroes suddenly moved in?

How many of you go to Black Churches to worship? How many Blacks do ya'll even know? This is such a canard. People associate with who they are most comfortable with, and that usually means someone of their own race or ethnicity. I have just as many White friends as Black friends. I socialize with people I feel comfortable with, and I don't care what the color of their skin is.