OT: Goodell Supports Oppressed Millionaire Kneelers

I have a solution for you and Kap. Support the Police and this Country,be honest about the problems we face, encourage people to work together instead of dividing and demand that every be responsible for their action. BTW....all police shooting are investigated.

My family has given over 75 consecutive years of service to the State Police. I do support the police. I do not, however, support those officers and people who disregard the safety and rights of minority communities. They make those doing the job correctly look bad and need to be taken off of the force.

Investigated openly and honestly. The justice system has its issues.
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I never said I disagreed with those rulings. But what about the man shot in South Carolina for a broken tail light? Or the man killed for reaching for his wallet (as instructed by the officer)? Eric Gardner being suffocated for selling counterfeit cigarettes? The man in Minnesota that was shot and killed for selling DVDs in front of a gas station?
Umm the man in Minnesota was shot by a latino officer...kinda shoots (no pun intended) that little diddy down - white police shoot black man argument - doesn't it.
Umm the man in Minnesota was shot by a latino officer...kinda shoots (no pun intended) that little diddy down - white police shoot black man argument - doesn't it.

Who said its white police shooting black men? It is police shooting minorities.
I never said I disagreed with those rulings. But what about the man shot in South Carolina for a broken tail light? Or the man killed for reaching for his wallet (as instructed by the officer)? Eric Gardner being suffocated for selling counterfeit cigarettes? The man in Minnesota that was shot and killed for selling DVDs in front of a gas station?
I was the first to call on the OT board for the officers arrest in the Gardner case. I also have demanded investigations for all police shootings. A lot of bad things happen in this world. I have been stopped by police in certain areas and asked what I was doing. My brother was beaten up by cops during a traffic stop....... I have not to this day put on a pair of PIG COP socks. What Kapernick is doing is totally misguided and as you can see is very divisive.
I was the first to call on the OT board for the officers arrest in the Gardner case. I also have demanded investigations for all police shootings. A lot of bad things happen in this world. I have been stopped by police in certain area and asked what I was doing. My brother was beaten up by cops during a traffic stop....... I have not to this day put on a pair of PIG COP socks. What Kapernick is doing is totally misguided and as you can see is very divisive.

Then you, above all, should understand the importance of his message and desire for policing reform. Even police officers would prefer that their unruly counterparts receive punishment for these issues. It makes their job easier and safer too.
Oh please that is the BLM narrative.

Their name is Black Lives Matter. Their narrative is to end police brutality against minority communities. BLM is not made up of only African Americans, despite what you believe.
Couldn't his inept police work be because of his racial anxiety and preconceptions of the minority he has stopped? Poor training can lead to these types of situations.
More than half the people shot this year by police showed signs of mental illness...are you suggesting that police have preconceptions about people with mental illness?
Their name is Black Lives Matter. Their narrative is to end police brutality against minority communities. BLM is not made up of only African Americans, despite what you believe.
The BLACK in Black Lives Matter kinda threw me (and everyone) off I guess.
More than half the people shot this year by police showed signs of mental illness...are you suggesting that police have preconceptions about people with mental illness?

There are instances where that is the case. Those that hold these preconceptions should not be on the police force. Also, where is that statistic from? Source?
You should look more deeply at an organization and at more than just their name. It helps clarify their intent and goals.
Maybe they should take the BLACK out of Black Lives Matter and clarify it themselves.
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The justice system has its issues.
The justice system has ALWAYS had issues and WILL CONTINUE to have issues. I think it's best that we respectfully agree to disagree on this KAP issue.
That we can do. Nothing wrong with spirited dialogue.
I have been blessed to have spent time in almost every major city in this country and that time was not spent on golf courses or sightseeing. I have seen the despair and hopelessness and the dead end futures of the people living in horrendous conditions. Thats where the focus needs to be.......not on some misguided asshole that wears Castro shirts and pig cops socks.
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Then you have guys completely making up shit about the innocence of individuals in the game in West Baltimore. Everyone is in the game in West Baltimore.

This quote goes to the root of the problem. If a police officer has this mindset how can he fairly patrol that area? Of course he's going to have an itchy trigger finger.

As someone who works throughout the city of Baltimore I can tell you that you are absolutely incorrect. Just wrong. There are good people everywhere.

Painting with that broad stroke is proving the point that too many people think that poor black folks are all criminals. It is just not true. You think you're frustrated with urban violence? Imagine living there...

I could not have provided a better example of bigotry, ignorance and racism if I would have made it up myself. I hope you're not a cop...
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The NFL has displaced baseball as America's pastime. I'm not so sure that it can allow itself to become the home of anti-American expression.

If this thing starts to mushroom, they will rue the day they didn't try and create a uniform respect for behavior during the National anthem.
Anti-American? You are aware of the subsequent verses of the song and particular history of the composer, right? I get that some people may choose to ignore those facts in favor of some notion of patriotism, but it's fully within his rights to express dissent with some of the more unsavory aspects of our history.
Then you have guys completely making up shit about the innocence of individuals in the game in West Baltimore. Everyone is in the game in West Baltimore.

This quote goes to the root of the problem. If a police officer has this mindset how can he fairly patrol that area? Of course he's going to have an itchy trigger finger.

As someone who works throughout the city of Baltimore I can tell you that you are absolutely incorrect. Just wrong. There are good people everywhere.

Painting with that broad stroke is proving the point that too many people think that poor black folks are all criminals. It is just not true. You think you're frustrated with urban violence? Imagine living there...

I could not have provided a better example of bigotry, ignorance and racism if I would have made it up myself. I hope you're not a cop...
Well said.
There are ways to protest. When you are allegedly trying to bring awareness to a situation to make it better it's not in the best interest of that movement to piss off a large majority of the country. Kaepernick and the few other guys are hurting their cause.
What's he supposed to for his own public service announcement? Maybe he should just play along and hope everyone gets his point through intuition?
Then you have guys completely making up shit about the innocence of individuals in the game in West Baltimore. Everyone is in the game in West Baltimore.

This quote goes to the root of the problem. If a police officer has this mindset how can he fairly patrol that area? Of course he's going to have an itchy trigger finger.

As someone who works throughout the city of Baltimore I can tell you that you are absolutely incorrect. Just wrong. There are good people everywhere.

Painting with that broad stroke is proving the point that too many people think that poor black folks are all criminals. It is just not true. You think you're frustrated with urban violence? Imagine living there...

I could not have provided a better example of bigotry, ignorance and racism if I would have made it up myself. I hope you're not a cop...
Hahahha, I live in Baltimore, man. Relax Francis. You think by my one post you can tell that I'm bigoted, ignorant, and a racist. Bravo.
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Anti-American? You are aware of the subsequent verses of the song and particular history of the composer, right? I get that some people may choose to ignore those facts in favor of some notion of patriotism, but it's fully within his rights to express dissent with some of the more unsavory aspects of our history.
Lmao at the outrage in this thread

That's the new America . Be outraged about everything
Interesting take. Could you please point me to the statute that suspends constitutional rights while at work? Must have missed that one.
Yea, it's called corporate policy. Walk in and call your boss an asshole, I mean you're free to say it, no one is going to stop you, amiright?
Pipe down. My response was pretty measured and didn't involve a personal attack. Disagreement doesn't equal outrage, but you obviously don't get that.
I was agreeing with you nimrod

Jimmy has his panties all in a wad
Interesting take. Could you please point me to the statute that suspends constitutional rights while at work? Must have missed that one.
Never knew you were a constitutional lawyer. Show me the statute that suspends the rights of coaches and players that like to kneel and pray. Or the one the suspends the rights of an 8 year old child that wears a shirt with an American flag on it to school.
Never knew you were a constitutional lawyer. Show me the statutes that suspends the rights of coaches and players that like to kneel and pray. Or the one the suspends the rights of an 8 year old child that wears a shirt with an American flag on it.
Nope, not a constitutional lawyer. Where did I say anything about kneeling for prayer or wearing whatever shirt you want? Shewww.
Nope, not a constitutional lawyer. Where did I say anything about kneeling for prayer or wearing whatever shirt you want? Shewww.
Are you aware that the 8 year old child was sent home for wearing the flag shirt or that coaches and players have been ordered to stop kneeling and praying at sporting events and practices by several schools in this country? Is it fair to say that those people's rights were suspended ?
Are you aware that the 8 year old child was sent home for wearing the flag shirt or that coaches and players have been ordered to stop kneeling and praying at sporting events and practices by several schools in this country? Is it fair to say that those people's rights were suspended ?
Yep. I don't give a flying f×ck what you or anyone else wears, thinks, believes, etc. As long as you don't impinge on my rights,.have at it.
After reading an amazing amount of drivel I felt compelled to add my 2 cents. Kapernick has EVERY right to protest however his employer the NFL should ban that type of protest as most employers ban that type of behavior in the workplace. After the game Kap can have a 24 hour rant in the post game press conference or for a f*cking month if he wants but when he steps out on that field for his employer he needs to stand his ass up and respect the flag and our country. As stated by others I was sickened and disgusted on the anniversary of 9/11 players disrespecting those who died that day and every person who ever died serving or defending our country.

Kap can go on Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, every f*cking alphabet channel he wants and say whatever the hell he wants but he is a piece of shit for doing it the way he is doing it and the NFL should be ashamed for allowing that behavior.

I'm as left as it goes usually but that flag and that song mean something special if you don't like it get the f*ck out then!

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