OT: Donald Trump ?

I love how Trump supporters act they're the only ones being wronged or attacked. They're schoolyard bullies who can't take what they're dishing out, just like the candidate.

It's like the SS, but they're all angry pussies.

I'm far from a Trump supporter but truly despise that un-American Hillary. Trump is wronged all day by the liberal media while Hillary can do no wrong. And it sounds like you are in the same class as the media, a bunch of ignorant pussies!
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I'm far from a Trump supporter but truly despise that un-American Hillary. Trump is wronged all day by the liberal media while Hillary can do no wrong. And it sounds like you are in the same class as the media, a bunch of ignorant pussies!
I just want the liberals to explain how Trump is a racist. I want examples. Trump wants to return America to its founding principles minus slavery. Our founding fathers would likely support Trump. What's wrong with that?
And lets not forget concerning the deaths of four dead Americans that she could have prevented "At this point, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE????".......... "Arffff arfffff arfffff"

That "barking" comment was in reference to that speech she gave in the mid primaries where she barked like a dog. I despise that woman.
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I'd Like to know what Trump or Clinton's view is on the current state of WVU football and what changes need to be made if any to ensure that we will compete for a Big 12 title and hopefully a NC one Day.
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I'm far from a Trump supporter but truly despise that un-American Hillary. Trump is wronged all day by the liberal media while Hillary can do no wrong. And it sounds like you are in the same class as the media, a bunch of ignorant pussies!
I talked to a die hard republican the other day who said he was voting for Hillary because she was dishonest enough to make things happen and that he thinks Trump will resign after about a year because being the president is not really that much fun and will interfere with all of his business interests. He said the crucial thing to watch is Trumps pick for VP because that is who will really be the president eventually. In the past he has also said that Trump will never really accept the presidency because he will have to cut ties with the some 400 corporations that he has an interest in and that his business interests are more important than being the president. Maybe Trump is like Mel Brooks in The Producers who come up with a scheme to lose a lot of money by putting on a musical called "Springtime for Hitler". To their chagrin the play becomes a big hit and makes money. Maybe Trump is trying his best to sabotage his presidency but the more outrageous he gets the more people like him. Anyway, I know this guy wasn't blowing smoke, he is staunchly republican and has been at the upper levels of business management his whole life. What a strange year this is.
I talked to a die hard republican the other day who said he was voting for Hillary because she was dishonest enough to make things happen and that he thinks Trump will resign after about a year because being the president is not really that much fun and will interfere with all of his business interests. He said the crucial thing to watch is Trumps pick for VP because that is who will really be the president eventually. In the past he has also said that Trump will never really accept the presidency because he will have to cut ties with the some 400 corporations that he has an interest in and that his business interests are more important than being the president. Maybe Trump is like Mel Brooks in The Producers who come up with a scheme to lose a lot of money by putting on a musical called "Springtime for Hitler". To their chagrin the play becomes a big hit and makes money. Maybe Trump is trying his best to sabotage his presidency but the more outrageous he gets the more people like him. Anyway, I know this guy wasn't blowing smoke, he is staunchly republican and has been at the upper levels of business management his whole life. What a strange year this is.
Sounds like your friend missed a few doses of his aricept.
And just when I thought we were free of you are! Gumming up the didn't have the guts to post this on the Off Topic Board? Or the brains? Both....Man you are a piece of work....
I talked to a die hard republican the other day who said he was voting for Hillary because she was dishonest enough to make things happen and that he thinks Trump will resign after about a year because being the president is not really that much fun and will interfere with all of his business interests. He said the crucial thing to watch is Trumps pick for VP because that is who will really be the president eventually. In the past he has also said that Trump will never really accept the presidency because he will have to cut ties with the some 400 corporations that he has an interest in and that his business interests are more important than being the president. Maybe Trump is like Mel Brooks in The Producers who come up with a scheme to lose a lot of money by putting on a musical called "Springtime for Hitler". To their chagrin the play becomes a big hit and makes money. Maybe Trump is trying his best to sabotage his presidency but the more outrageous he gets the more people like him. Anyway, I know this guy wasn't blowing smoke, he is staunchly republican and has been at the upper levels of business management his whole life. What a strange year this is.

I think the one thing Trump values more than money is power. It used to be the U.S. President had the most power in the world. Not any more since Obama took office. I will not vote for Clinton no matter what but I will need to see who Trump's running mate will be. Your friend could be right but I think power is what Trump craves. The funny part is he could've won easily if he would have kept his big mouth shut.
A third party candidate is a Trojan Horse for assuring Shrillary wins the White House. No thank you...and anybody who understands the damage that she will do if elected should run from any mention of a third party candidate.

I believe that research is showing that the Libertarians are drawing equally from Dems and Reps. It's a wash. There desperately needs to be another voice in this race.

The idea of Hillary appointing judges sickens me.
The idea of Donald Trump demagoguing from the White House sickens me.

Both Hillary and the Donald sicken me.
It's time for the Libertarians to at least have their voice heard on the national stage.
Vote 3rd party. I dont care if you're left or right, unless there is an emergence of a 3rd option you will just get more of the same. Im old enough to see cycles of Republican Prez/Congress and Democratic Prez/Congress, both have hurt our position, have sent jobs overseas, sent the debt out of control, and furthered our agenda in the Middle East. Obama ran on a peace platform, yet 8 years later we are still losing soldiers daily in the Middle East and the region is more unstable now than ever before.

If Sanders actually wants to make a difference, he will spearhead a true 3rd party, but Sanders himself will prove to be more of the same and endorse Hillary at the DNC.
The Libertarian Party: Minimum Government, Maximum Freedom

Here is a recent blog entry (yesterday) concerning the LP's rise.

I'm telling you .... if you are just sick of American politics you need to do all that you can do to get the LP to the table and at least be a part of the national dialogue. We need something more than Hillary and The Donald slinging mud at each other.

If you are socially conservative then the LP will be a challenge for you. But at least you would have the liberty to pursue the lifestyle you believe to be best and have the freedom to talk about it and seek to persuade others.
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I think the one thing Trump values more than money is power. It used to be the U.S. President had the most power in the world. Not any more since Obama took office. I will not vote for Clinton no matter what but I will need to see who Trump's running mate will be. Your friend could be right but I think power is what Trump craves. The funny part is he could've won easily if he would have kept his big mouth shut.

Yes............I agree .............Trump seeks power. But, on the other hand.............Hillary is both power and money hungry. Still, I plan to remain on the Trump train for better or worse. He is not 'owned' by the rich who have bought their way into the Clinton house.
Nothing. It's the dead season and there's not much on the WVU sports front to talk about. It's better than fighting over the dog of a Presidential election that's before us that's like bobbing for apples in a bucket of a word that rhymes with spit. Just drop the "p" and add an "h" and you'll have it.
You've heard Hillary did a lot of bad things. You're not sure of any details, but nonetheless, you are convinced Hillary is a bad person.

Read more, watch less Fox TV.

Hillary has been a fanatical supporter of all things WV! You are barking up the right tree. She will be great for WV and USA. Good stuff wvpaper. Are you originally from California by chance?
I think this thread is a little misguided. I think the Clinton, Trump and Gary Johnson supporters have failed to make the case as to which candidate will ensure that Wvu athletics will blossom under there respective administrations
The Libertarians are a little too fuzzy on if and when and where they would favor regulation. I have always favored a form of government where big business and big government could both get a firm grip on each others throat.
Have you googled Gary Johnson today?

The assignment for each of you is to google Gary Johnson once a day and look at least the top 2-3 hits and see who is covering Johnson and what they are saying.

Even if you are hesitant to vote Libertarian I think you should do all that you can to get the Libertarians involved in the presidential debates. We need a fresh voice. We need an adult in the room.
About Gov. Johnson
Governor Johnson, who has been referred to as the ‘most fiscally conservative Governor’ in the country, was the Republican Governor of New Mexico from 1994-2003.

A successful businessman before running for Governor of New Mexico in 1994, Gary Johnson started a door-to-door handyman business to help pay his way through college. Twenty years later, he had grown that business into one of the largest construction companies in New Mexico, with more than 1,000 employees.

Not surprisingly, Governor Johnson brings a distinctly business-like mentality to governing, believing that public policy decisions should be based on costs and benefits rather than strict ideology. Johnson is best known for his veto record, having vetoed more than 750 bills during his time in office — more than all other governors combined. His use of the veto pen has since earned him the nickname “Governor Veto.” He cut taxes 14 times while never raising them. When he left office, New Mexico was one of only four states in the country with a balanced budget. Term-limited, Johnson retired from public office in 2003.
If the Libertarian candidate starts polling above 15% I think he will be included in the presidential debates. Right now, I think, he is just above 10%.

I encourage everyone, even if you don't think that you would vote Libertarian, to visit the Libertarian party website and consider expressing support for the Libertarians if you are polled.

We desperately need a third voice in the presidential debates who might inject some sanity.
I'll probably vote for Johnson, unless I find he's whacked too. Heard a little about his platform which I tend to mostly agree with, but when I saw him....seemed like he had crazy eyes. All I know is I can't vote for Clinton or Trump. Sad that in a nation of over 300 million, these are the two candidates we are basically stuck with. All we can do is hunker down and hope for the best. At least we know there are checks and balances in government and might be some comfort in knowing that at least in this presidency, government's infamous process of doing nothing or slow to do anything, might be a good thing. God help us!!!!
I'll probably vote for Johnson, unless I find he's whacked too. Heard a little about his platform which I tend to mostly agree with, but when I saw him....seemed like he had crazy eyes. All I know is I can't vote for Clinton or Trump. Sad that in a nation of over 300 million, these are the two candidates we are basically stuck with. All we can do is hunker down and hope for the best. At least we know there are checks and balances in government and might be some comfort in knowing that at least in this presidency, government's infamous process of doing nothing or slow to do anything, might be a good thing. God help us!!!!
Until there are term limits on congress, we will get the same results and agendas shoved down our throats.
staying home or doing anything other than voting for trump is a vote for Hillary. wake up.
Well at least Trump wants to stop terrorism on American soil. So how will the Obummer administration define the Terrorist act in Orlando today, since he won't be able to call it work place violence like he did with fort hood. Damn good thing ISIS is just the JV team as Obummer called them. I hate to see how he and the rest of the libs would handle a varsity terrorist organization.
staying home or doing anything other than voting for trump is a vote for Hillary. wake up.

While initially the research was showing that the Libertarians were drawing equally from both of the major parties in the last few days it seems that the Libertarians are drawing more from the Dems than the Reps. Interesting eh?

I encourage you to quit engaging in flippant reactions to the Libertarians and actually take the time to investigate the positions of Gary Johnson.

Here is a page with videos of Johnson discussing a variety of issues:

The issues dealt with are:
Term Limits
Personal Freedom
Foreign Policy and National Defense
Criminal Justice Reform
Internet Freedom and Security
Abortion and the Right to Life

Watch the videos and become educated to what Johnson really is about. He needs to be in the Presidential debates.
Until there are term limits on congress, we will get the same results and agendas shoved down our throats.

Gary Johnson is for term limits. He strongly believes that we need to end the option of people becoming lifelong career politicians. He reasons that if people know they are limited to certain terms they will more naturally do what is right rather than what they think they need to do in order to get reelected.
I'll probably vote for Johnson, unless I find he's whacked too. Heard a little about his platform which I tend to mostly agree with, but when I saw him....seemed like he had crazy eyes. All I know is I can't vote for Clinton or Trump. Sad that in a nation of over 300 million, these are the two candidates we are basically stuck with. All we can do is hunker down and hope for the best. At least we know there are checks and balances in government and might be some comfort in knowing that at least in this presidency, government's infamous process of doing nothing or slow to do anything, might be a good thing. God help us!!!!

Gary Johnson is so crazy that he turned a handy-man business he started in college into a construction company of over 1,000 employees.
I know in my heart of hearts the type of Supreme Court Justice Hillary would appoint. I have no idea on who Trump would appoint. When it comes down to it I will bet on the unknown as a better option than the known abomination of appointees Hillary would favor.