OT: Donald Trump ?

are there enough haters in america for this guy to win??
Polls show that over 60% of the public believes the Country is headed in the wrong direction after the disaster called 'Obama'. Nothing to do with haters--just reasonable people seeing our Country becoming something that causes nausea.
Polls show that over 60% of the public believes the Country is headed in the wrong direction after the disaster called 'Obama'. Nothing to do with haters--just reasonable people seeing our Country becoming something that causes nausea.

Just speaking for myself Obama fooled me the first time he ran........and the thought of Hillary continuing to force his agenda down our throats for the next four or eight years actually does make me want to puke my guts out.
I ain't a big Trump fan but ................I would vote for my dog before I vote for HRC!

You've heard Hillary did a lot of bad things. You're not sure of any details, but nonetheless, you are convinced Hillary is a bad person.

Read more, watch less Fox TV.
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You've heard Hillary did a lot of bad things. You're not sure of any details, but nonetheless, you are convinced Hillary is a bad person.

Read more, watch less Fox TV.
if you are not sure of the details of either candidate, you are ill-informed.

your bias is seeping through. take it to the OT board since you have an agenda.

You might want details to be more informed like details need in understanding other areas where you pass yourself off as informed (not!!!).
if you are not sure of the details of either candidate, you are ill-informed.

your bias is seeping through. take it to the OT board since you have an agenda.

You might want details to be more informed like details need in understanding other areas where you pass yourself off as informed (not!!!).

Hillary is your own personal Satan
it's been a while. i read a few books. spent some time in the hexagon. good to be home.

Well I can only speak for myself, but let me say it's nice to have you back.

Would you mind trolling Keaton? I recall a feisty debate between you two regarding the Cavs v. Bulls, after Lebron came back to Cleveland. Keaton went full retard for the Bulls HARD......

Keaton, if you're reading know I love you bro.
You've heard Hillary did a lot of bad things. You're not sure of any details, but nonetheless, you are convinced Hillary is a bad person.

Read more, watch less Fox TV. don't know why I make my decisions. You my friend, are convinced of a lot of things that you won't admit to. You know, I know it.
Clinton is corrupt, Sanders is an ideologue, Trump is dangerously clueless. Is anybody else running?

Gary Johnson, former gov of NM, is running as the Libertarian candidate. He is making an attempt to get into the post-convention debates. This may be the year that a good Libertarian candidate makes a big enough splash to be taken seriously.
are there enough haters in america for this guy to win??
And yet it is Liberal buffoons like yourself physically and verbally attacking citizens just because they support Trump. Libs like HRC, and Obummer get their power by driving a wedge between class and race. Without it they can't get elected.
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And yet it is Liberal buffoons like yourself physically and verbally attacking citizens just because they support Trump. Libs like HRC, and Obummer get their power by driving a wedge between class and race. Without it they can't get elected.
Liberals rely on illegal immigrants, and making minorities believe they are victims.
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And yet it is Liberal buffoons like yourself physically and verbally attacking citizens just because they support Trump. Libs like HRC, and Obummer get their power by driving a wedge between class and race. Without it they can't get elected.
I love how Trump supporters act they're the only ones being wronged or attacked. They're schoolyard bullies who can't take what they're dishing out, just like the candidate.

It's like the SS, but they're all angry pussies.
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You've heard Hillary did a lot of bad things. You're not sure of any details, but nonetheless, you are convinced Hillary is a bad person.

Read more, watch less Fox TV.

OMG, stop watching MSNBC and if you haven't noticed Fox news are not Trumps fans at all.

Clinton is an old lying political creature and before you try to label me, I am a democrat.

There is not a candidate that is worth a shit and with that said, I would love to see Trump win just to watch the liberal elite, hollywood, and press lose their collective minds.

I am a moderate semi-conservative democrat ( not a lot of us in the world ) and I am sickened by the whole political climate. I voted for Obama the first time around chiefly on his promise of transparency. I should have known that any politician coming out of Chicago politics would be the most back room dealing least transparent to ever gain office.

It amazes me that we are going to have to choose between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Both despicable, vile, and unworthy IMO.
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I love how Trump supporters act they're the only ones being wronged or attacked. They're schoolyard bullies who can't take what they're dishing out, just like the candidate.

It's like the SS, but they're all angry pussies.

And what forms of public assistance are you on? Hearing the word "bullies" and mentioning the "SS" tells me your age, IQ, and level of manhood. LOL
It amazes me how some folks think this should be the nation of income equality no matter how much or how little you work for it; an open border society where citizenship means nothing; and a society that has a village take care of you instead of doing it yourself. Get a job. Work hard. Achieve. Take care of your responsibilities. Wave the flag...and give the finger to those who think they deserve a free ride. Trump in 2016.
It amazes me how some folks think this should be the nation of income equality no matter how much or how little you work for it; an open border society where citizenship means nothing; and a society that has a village take care of you instead of doing it yourself. Get a job. Work hard. Achieve. Take care of your responsibilities. Wave the flag...and give the finger to those who think they deserve a free ride. Trump in 2016.
What he said
You've heard Hillary did a lot of bad things. You're not sure of any details, but nonetheless, you are convinced Hillary is a bad person.

Read more, watch less Fox TV.

Spoken like someone whose only source of information is Public Broadcasting. Hillary's questionable past is well documented. Whitewater, Vince Foster, Bengahzi, illegal e-mails......and who knows how many other scandalous activities she's managed to sweep under the rug????? They used to call Bill "Slick Willy" and "Teflon Bill"........Hillary must have been his tutor.
It amazes me how some folks think this should be the nation of income equality no matter how much or how little you work for it; an open border society where citizenship means nothing; and a society that has a village take care of you instead of doing it yourself. Get a job. Work hard. Achieve. Take care of your responsibilities. Wave the flag...and give the finger to those who think they deserve a free ride. Trump in 2016.
The simple truth is, if you are a minority and find yourself unable to "make it" in this country, the blame is on YOU. The system is geared towards the immigrant and minorities to have an OPPORTUNITY for a better life and to prosper.
I'd like to vote for the candidate who best lets me pretend that our elected officials work for the people for the one believes that BS, because it's never been true..extreme wealth has a different voice in how things are run.
If the Libertarian candidate starts polling above 15% I think he will be included in the presidential debates. Right now, I think, he is just above 10%.

I encourage everyone, even if you don't think that you would vote Libertarian, to visit the Libertarian party website and consider expressing support for the Libertarians if you are polled.

We desperately need a third voice in the presidential debates who might inject some sanity.
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A third party candidate is a Trojan Horse for assuring Shrillary wins the White House. No thank you...and anybody who understands the damage that she will do if elected should run from any mention of a third party candidate.
One thing I have Noticed about the message board is people seem to be divided on a great many topics whether its Pro Dana, Anti Dana, Pro expansion, Anti Expansion. Politics will always be polarizing but i don't understand why some one would come on to the main board and choose this topic for a thread unless there trying to ruffle peoples feathers. The mod's have created an area for this type of talk it would be more appropriate to talk about this in the proper forum and not on the main page of the sports section. Everyone has their right to there opinion but be respectful and take it to the proper forum. Its not like we need anymore more topics to divide us
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One thing I have Noticed about the message board is people seem to be divided on a great many topics whether its Pro Dana, Anti Dana, Pro expansion, Anti Expansion. Politics will always be polarizing but i don't understand why some one would come on to the main board and choose this topic for a thread unless there trying to ruffle peoples feathers. The mod's have created an area for this type of talk it would be more appropriate to talk about this in the proper forum and not on the main page of the sports section. Everyone has their right to there opinion but be respectful and take it to the proper forum. Its not like we need anymore more topics to divide us
It's cause wvpaper is a ****ing idiot that has no clue how to use social media. **** yourself mother****er!
"Arrrrffff, Arrrffff, Arrrffff, Arrrfff, !!!

And lets not forget concerning the deaths of four dead Americans that she could have prevented "At this point, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE????".......... "Arffff arfffff arfffff"
Yes...........HRC is a bad person! And makes a difference at this point.
You've heard Hillary did a lot of bad things. You're not sure of any details, but nonetheless, you are convinced Hillary is a bad person.

Read more, watch less Fox TV.

I've seen with my own 2 eyes how bad Hillary is. She is a disgrace and should be in prison.

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