OT: Baby Dog steals the show......

I think it's obvious as to why he's popular in state, but JJ has treated people and biz owners like shit the past 10-15 years, constantly stiffing them out of payment and making them sue him to get their money. He's a business bully and one that does not like to pay his bills. And I know this first hand.

He's apparently been stiffing The Greenbrier staff too. The 20% gratuity on each bill isn't going to the workers but the hotel to keep it afloat. Can't even buy merchandise for the shops because the vendors require COD now because Justice hates paying bills.
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He's apparently been stiffing The Greenbrier staff too. The 20% gratuity on each bill isn't going to the workers but the hotel to keep it afloat. Can't even buy merchandise for the shops because the vendors require COD now because Justice hates paying bills.
It's OK... Most of the staff is from out of state, originally, so **** them, too !
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I don’t hate justice he’s been good to me and my family in the past but your last sentence is laughable. He’s sort of a joke. Doesn’t pay his bills or taxes. People here would vote for a tree if it had the R beside it. He isn’t popular. He’s a R. And flip flopped after running as a dem to do it. Kinda pathetic really. Dude can’t even wear shoes. Great rep for the state on the national stage.
Justice ran as a Democrat and won...Joe Manchin is a Democrat and wins all the time.
I was not watching but my mom was texting me about how embarrassing Jim was for the state and how pitiful he looked not even being able to stand for his time on stage.
I looked at clips, it looked like he was standing
I don’t hate justice he’s been good to me and my family in the past but your last sentence is laughable. He’s sort of a joke. Doesn’t pay his bills or taxes. People here would vote for a tree if it had the R beside it. He isn’t popular. He’s a R. And flip flopped after running as a dem to do it. Kinda pathetic really. Dude can’t even wear shoes. Great rep for the state on the national stage.
He fits in with all the graft and theft in DC. Bob gold bars Mendez, pelosi inside trading, Biden selling the office and all the other crooks.
I was not watching but my mom was texting me about how embarrassing Jim was for the state and how pitiful he looked not even being able to stand for his time on stage.
I thought his presentation was great - unlike other senatorial candidates Jim Justice was able to talk about Donald Trump the man (they have been friends for years). Justice took Trump's sons hunting and fishing when they were kids. Baby Dog got a hand from the audience - a welcomed humorous relief from the "sameness" of the other senatorial speeches.
I looked at clips, it looked like he was standing