Oklahoma Fans Didn't Turn Out Last Night...

....I thought you guys would pack-em in.
It's not "our" problem that they have lost interest in their basket ball team. Then again, I don't remember anyone saying that WVU has a yuuuge (for your Trump fans) following and we sell out every where we go.
....I thought you guys would pack-em in.
I don't think the rest of the Big 12 feels much excitement when a middle of the pack team from 1,000 miles away comes to town. Not to mention, WVU fans don't travel well to away venues, unless it's within a tank full of gas in the old pickup, and a 12 pack of Natti Light.
Not to change the topic, but as far as traveling, WVU Tech is about to finish up it's last basketball season played in Montgomery. There was a story done by TV8 about their point guard that shoots 50% plus from 3 point range. How did Michigan's JB let that one get away?

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