No shocker here: Schumer to push for Biden rule


Gold Member
Feb 2, 2008
poor fella doesn’t understand how the game is played. I hope like hell the left stands on ceremony. Might as well kiss those red state senate seats goodbye.
poor fella doesn’t understand how the game is played. I hope like hell the left stands on ceremony. Might as well kiss those red state senate seats goodbye.
He can push it like a fresh turd on a hot summer day, up hill, with a feather...he isn't going to get far.
poor fella doesn’t understand how the game is played. I hope like hell the left stands on ceremony. Might as well kiss those red state senate seats goodbye.
It kinda doesn't make any sense anyway. The Dems aren't going to control the Senate after the mid-terms and delaying the vote would probably make for a great GOP GOTV, no? FSM they are stupid.
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Lol, whatever will we do, it's Trumps party now ain't it? Probably be like that forever conservative wave Karl predicted back in the W days. I love following politics.
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Just think if it were Hillary picking SUPCO Justices? Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg may have already decided to hang it up so we'd be looking at a 6-3 Left wing activist court or possibly a 7-2 Left wing Oligarchy for generations...not to mention the appellate levels and Circuit Judges. Ugh!

Nov 2016 was such a crucial election, and so is this upcoming midterm. '16 saved the damn Republic IMO.
Just think if it were Hillary picking SUPCO Justices? Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg may have already decided to hang it up so we'd be looking at a 6-3 Left wing activist court or possibly a 7-2 Left wing Oligarchy for generations...not to mention the appellate levels and Circuit Judges. Ugh!

Nov 2016 was such a crucial election, and so is this upcoming midterm. '16 saved the damn Republic IMO.
If Hiliary had won, Loretta lynch was buying the spot all she had to do was look the other way . She lost, Lynch didn't get to be a supreme.
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Just think if it were Hillary picking SUPCO Justices? Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg may have already decided to hang it up so we'd be looking at a 6-3 Left wing activist court or possibly a 7-2 Left wing Oligarchy for generations...not to mention the appellate levels and Circuit Judges. Ugh!

Nov 2016 was such a crucial election, and so is this upcoming midterm. '16 saved the damn Republic IMO.
Oh, I agree with you soooo sooo very much on this point.
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Dont worry folks. The crazy wing of the lib party are fixing to demand bank records of Justice Kennedy because this smells like a payoff to retire. I wish I was kidding.
Dont worry folks. The crazy wing of the lib party are fixing to demand bank records of Justice Kennedy because this smells like a payoff to retire. I wish I was kidding.

They are also lining up to publicize the addresses of all the potential nominees on Trump's well known list to hold demonstrations in front of their homes, or hound them publicly wherever they go. It's going to be one giant 24/7 smear campaign for whoever he nominates all because of their fear that this will be the vote to overturn Roe v Wade.

These people are insane.
Dont worry folks. The crazy wing of the lib party are fixing to demand bank records of Justice Kennedy because this smells like a payoff to retire. I wish I was kidding.
It's going to be one giant 24/7 smear campaign for whoever he nominates all because of their fear that this will be the vote to overturn Roe v Wade.
I don’t think this is necessarily the driving force behind their reasoning. I think it’s mostly that they are terrified of losing balance on the courts.
I don’t think this is necessarily the driving force behind their reasoning. I think it’s mostly that they are terrified of losing balance on the courts.

If I were them I'd worry about losing balance mentally! And yes for many of the radical Feminist types, their fear that Roe v Wade is about to be overturned is a very palpable motivation for their zanniness.
If I were them I'd worry about losing balance mentally! And yes for many of the radical Feminist types, their fear that Roe v Wade is about to be overturned is a very palpable motivation for their zanniness.
RvW I hope isn’t challenged until after 2020. We don’t need that kind of a distraction.
RvW I hope isn’t challenged until after 2020. We don’t need that kind of a distraction.

I don't think it will be in the SUPCO, but it doesn't have to be. State by State, GOP Legislatures are either restricting it or eliminating major planks of it....primarily cutting off its funding by the public. It's going to be de-facto banned in most states within a decade...available, but rare.

Isn't that what the Left has always said they wanted for it anyway? Keeping it safe, legal, and rare? Well it's happening for them and they're still pissed off about it!
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