No "I" in Team

Soaring Eagle 74

Jan 4, 2008
no team in "me"

McCaffrey and Fournette sitting out bowl games to prepare for draft.

Way to support you teammates guys.
I don't blame them for sitting out the bowl games. Remember.............when we are talking money............what is good for the goose is also good for the gander. This ain't something new that you are hearing from ole Warez.
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I hope they are not traveling with the team either. No promo time on TV if you're not going to play.

I doubt they care about the other "team" activities and swag bag either.

I understand the money aspect and Warez hit the nail on the head, but it doesn't sit right with me.
There will be more of this....especially since the playoffs have rendered the other bowl games meaningless.
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are they getting paid to play their last game of there careers? Should they risk hundreds of thousands of dollars and potentially millions? NA!
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Why would a potential 1st Round draft pick play in a scrimmage game?

-- NFL scouts attend/watch these bowls too. Typically the team matchups are close which makes evaluations more valuable (to the scouts) than many mismatch regular season games.

-- The school and fans made a financial and emotional investment in the recruits. How about a final tribute (aka bowl) game as a thank you ?

-- Coaches and teammates helped groom them to become NFL prospects. How about a final tribute (aka bowl) game as a thank you ?

-- When you join a team you imply (if not outright declaring) loyalty. Sometimes loyalty comes with risks.

--- If I'm an NFL scout I mark their draft folders with a red tab...adding a Post-It note that the player is a me-me player before ANY team or ANY organization.

....and then there's the old fashion, 'It's just the right thing to do'.
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I side with the players on this issue, intelligent decision to prevent possible injury. You can lose a lot of cash due to an injury. Look at Jaylon Smith last year in bowl game. He may never get back on the field and if he does, he will never be the same. He was a top 3 pick heading into the bowl game, fell into 2nd round if I'm not mistaken. Dallas took a chance on him
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I side with the players on this issue, intelligent decision to prevent possible injury. You can lose a lot of cash due to an injury. Look at Jaylon Smith last year in bowl game. He may never get back on the field and if he does, he will never be the same. He was a top 3 pick heading into the bowl game, fell into 2nd round if I'm not mistaken. Dallas took a chance on him
So, if our NFL bound upperclassmen were smart, they'd say screw the team, screw the university, and start getting ready for the pros. I guess they're more loyal than smart.
So, if our NFL bound upperclassmen were smart, they'd say screw the team, screw the university, and start getting ready for the pros. I guess they're more loyal than smart.

Wouldn't you want the young guys to play anyways? Isn't that the whole purpose of bowl games? 15 more extra practices before Spring Ball?
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Well, if you are going to skip that meaningless bowl game, might as well skip most of the regular season as soon as it is obvious that your team is not getting in the playoffs.

Then again, how much is the playoffs going to actually mean anything toward my NFL career?

...and practice? Have you seen how many guys get hurt in practice?

Screw that, I'll just train for my showing at the combine.
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I hope they are not traveling with the team either. No promo time on TV if you're not going to play.

I doubt they care about the other "team" activities and swag bag either.

I understand the money aspect and Warez hit the nail on the head, but it doesn't sit right with me.

Speaking of promo and TV, McCaffrey has given Stanford plenty of damn free "promo" these last few years.................including his trip to Heisman Ceremony last year, along with all of the preseason hype and constantly being talked about in the media. All free promo for Stanford because of McCaffrey.
Tough situation as I see both sides although don't think it's good for the sport. Unfortunately there will be more of this to come. About half of these guys upper echelon could care less about school pride, there to get paid and play on Sunday's.
He agreed to a contract. Stanford took the risk in giving him an education but when it comes tme for him to shoulder some risk he splits.

Ask yourself, "What would Trump do?"
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Prolly the start of the down fall of College football......If a lot more of these kids start doing this, people are just going to get fed up and turn away....I'm with the kid cause you don't want to get injured before getting paid, but instead of quitting in the Season, just go ahead and quit before the season to not make it look shady
For sure we'll see more of this going forward as schools make bank off the players and give back little in the way of measurable "compensation" for what the players deliver to the schools.

The schools, conferences and tv partners have caused this situation with endless greed.
Not surprising some aren't going to risk their futures for now meaningless bowls.
For sure we'll see more of this going forward as schools make bank off the players and give back little in the way of measurable "compensation" for what the players deliver to the schools.

The schools, conferences and tv partners have caused this situation with endless greed.
Not surprising some aren't going to risk their futures for now meaningless bowls.

The bowl's not meaningless to me. So you don't care whether or not we beat Miami?

If you do care, then you don't think the bowl is meaningless. If we win, we could finish in the top 10. Is that also meaningless?
Let's talk about loyalty. Do the coaches display loyalty? Do the administrators show loyalty? You read it in the paper most every day.................coaches getting up and just walking away. Remember Rich Rod leaving on a jet plane? The players have a lot to lose by playing a bowl game...........if they are in line to sign a lucrative pro contract. I'm good with the players opting out.
Coaches leaving a school should not happen until after bowl season. Other teams should not be allowed to contact another coach for job interview until the end of Bowl Season.

As far as players not playing in the bowls. They let their team, coaches, fans and school down and show they only care about self. NFL will look at this as well. IMO
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So many people are acting like the playoff games are where the lines are drawn... ...if this becomes the norm you can expect players from those games to start backing out too.

It's two games...not one. Twice the chance of injury. this discussion is about selfish/greedy people.

National titles don't pay the bills...just like the crappy 'all the rest' bowls.
National titles and the crappy 'all the rest ' bowls may not pay the bills but something is sure in hail paying them. What is it? Warez
There have already been a lot of "loss of value" type insurance policies for players coming back for their SR years (instead of entering the draft).

I'm sure that if the player is that important to their team, the team can do the same type of thing for one bowl game also. That is, as long as that player actually cares enough about his team and teammates to want to go that route.

It may not be a perfect answer to the situation but it would be an option.
Why would a potential 1st Round draft pick play in a scrimmage game?
So tell me, where does this end? When does a player, in the middle of a season, after his team has been eliminated from NC consideration or a conference championship, say the rest of the season is not worth the risk of injury? Of when do entire teams start boycotting bowl games because the risk is not worth the reward. After the chance to play for and win these championship games is gone, all games are what you call scrimmage games. Why does a 1st round player play in a "scrimmage game?" Because that is what he signed on to do. I guess it really is a matter of character in the end. This is why fan bases do not spend money and travel great distances to watch their teams in bowl games. If it is not important to the players, why should it be important to the fans?
Meaningless bowl game isnt worth risking millions of dollars. Thats too big of a gamble.
no team in "me"

McCaffrey and Fournette sitting out bowl games to prepare for draft.

Way to support you teammates guys.
Their future more important than a game, why should they play fro free anymore? All of them are exploited by having the NCAA earn millions off their backs for nothing. I applaud them.
Yep. Better to be loyal to yourself in their case.

This just might be costing themselves millions in pro money. If they'll quit on their college teams, they'll quit on their pro teams too.

I think for people with strong moral and ethical foundations, bailing out on your teammates seems wrong.

Do you think Gibson, Shorts, Shell, Douglas, and Orlosky should play in our bowl game? They could all get injured.
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-- NFL scouts attend/watch these bowls too. Typically the team matchups are close which makes evaluations more valuable (to the scouts) than many mismatch regular season games.

-- The school and fans made a financial and emotional investment in the recruits. How about a final tribute (aka bowl) game as a thank you ?

-- Coaches and teammates helped groom them to become NFL prospects. How about a final tribute (aka bowl) game as a thank you ?

-- When you join a team you imply (if not outright declaring) loyalty. Sometimes loyalty comes with risks.

--- If I'm an NFL scout I mark their draft folders with a red tab...adding a Post-It note that the player is a me-me player before ANY team or ANY organization.

....and then there's the old fashion, 'It's just the right thing to do'.

We don't agree often, but I agree with every single word of that. Well said.
Their future more important than a game, why should they play fro free anymore? All of them are exploited by having the NCAA earn millions off their backs for nothing. I applaud them.

Exploited. Jesus, LOL. College athletes aren't exploited. It's a very nice club they gladly join. That attitude is everything that's wrong with the "it's all about me and I love being a victim" generation. If you think it's ok to let your teammates, coaches and fans down and break a commitment to play out your season...then don't accept a scholarship and put on the colors. Whatever happened to the simple moral obligation of keeping your word?

Fournette gets a pass because he's hurt. I think it's a selfish example set by the rest of them. Then again maybe I'm just old and out of touch. If I had a safe space, I'd go there and suck my thumb while I reconsidered..
Their future more important than a game, why should they play fro free anymore? All of them are exploited by having the NCAA earn millions off their backs for nothing. I applaud them.
Exploited for free? Are you kidding me? The NCAA provides these kids the ultimate marketing platform. They can play on TV every week and have the opportunity to market their skills to the NFL and because of that are even in the position to make their millions. If not for their opportunity to play college football they certainly would not be in the position to make that money.
This just might be costing themselves millions in pro money. If they'll quit on their college teams, they'll quit on their pro teams too.

I think for people with strong moral and ethical foundations, bailing out on your teammates seems wrong.

Do you think Gibson, Shorts, Shell, Douglas, and Orlosky should play in our bowl game? They could all get injured.

If a pro team already has interest in a player as a high draft pick, I am sure they don't want them to play and take a chance of hurting themselves.

It is easy for us to criticize a player, but none of us know their home life. I understand your point about quiting on your team, but unless you are in their shows, their upbringing, possibly being the future sole support of your family, you don't know how you would react.