No expansion no talks


Sep 3, 2001
As I mentioned before and was skewered for doing so--the BIG 12 isn't going to expand.

Straight from OUs athletic director:

The notion of the Big 12 staying pat at 10 teams for the near future is getting stronger.

According to Oklahoma’s athletic director, the conference isn’t going to be expanding in the immediate future and Joe Castiglione told CBS Sports that the possibility is over “for the time being.”

“There aren’t any signs that we’ll talk anymore about expansion for a little while,” Castiglione also told the site. “We don’t have a timeline on it.”

so Texas and OU have spoken.
But there is also this from Bowlsby:

In 10 years, will the Big 12 still be at 10 schools, or will it consist of more than 10 members?

“I would tend to think it would be more,” Bowlsby said. “But the other thing I would say is that I don’t know that the traditional conference model is necessarily the one that goes forward in the long horizon.”

That’s not a push for this super-conference stuff people often talk about. What Bowlsby is talking about here is a full-out, one-conference-fits-all concept.

“I could see a different (type of) organization that might not have conference subdivisions,” Bowlsby said.
The same article talks very seriously about an 8 team playoff. It also talks about a MAJOR restructuring of conferences that could come about through collective bargaining if all the major schools ever realize that they could make a lot more money if they have a unified front, rather than being in competition with each other. The future could be drastically different than the landscape of college football today and MONEY and INTERESTING matchups will drive that train. Realignment is going to remain an interesting topic for at least 10 years.
Someday the top Division 1 schools are going to realize that they should be competing against the NFL instead of each other. Headed that way already with coaches salaries and player compensation issues and a college playoff system.
While Bowlsby talks about the possible future with a unified NCAA group, the SEC has a contract for itself through 2034. The Big Ten is riding high on new contracts and scheduled to get another before the BIG 12 or Pac 12 even get to their next round. Such changes as Bowlsby or the author of the article write about aren't likely coming anytime soon.
Looks like Jacobs has diarrhea of the brain again--whatever stupid thought pops in runs right out.

wonder what its like to never have contributed anything other than displaying your tourette syndrome but have nearly 2000 posts?
What the BIG and the SEC are making is chickenfeed compared to the NFL, and probably there is more interest in college football than the pros. I have read enough articles from different sources to know that an expanded playoff and a united Division 1 scheme are not just wild ideas of a few people and Bowlsby is not alone in suggesting it. Don't know if it will ever happen but is a plausible scenario regardless of whether it is probable.
Looks like Jacobs has diarrhea of the brain again--whatever stupid thought pops in runs right out.

wonder what its like to never have contributed anything other than displaying your tourette syndrome but have nearly 2000 posts?

Emotional rant again Buck!!! You have no friends here troll. Let the last 29 threads on Big 12 expansion say it all. What's your deal with new expansion threads. If you had more friends than your mut poodle you'd have more of a life.
Emotional rant again Buck!!! You have no friends here troll. Let the last 29 threads on Big 12 expansion say it all. What's your deal with new expansion threads. If you had more friends than your mut poodle you'd have more of a life.

Wow, another post with nothing to say. Must have a very sad life. Everyone else wants to discuss things and you want to toss out meaningless diarrhea to pump up your ego.
What the BIG and the SEC are making is chickenfeed compared to the NFL, and probably there is more interest in college football than the pros. I have read enough articles from different sources to know that an expanded playoff and a united Division 1 scheme are not just wild ideas of a few people and Bowlsby is not alone in suggesting it. Don't know if it will ever happen but is a plausible scenario regardless of whether it is probable.

It might happen one day far off in the future. But then again a few years back Bowlsby was saying that he could see the day when there were only three or four power conferences. Now he's moved on to no conferences at all and neither one is closer to happening than yesterday.
Wow, another post with nothing to say. Must have a very sad life. Everyone else wants to discuss things and you want to toss out meaningless diarrhea to pump up your ego.

Dude who exactly is everyone else. You are the site clown that orgasms every time you post something about expansion. Memo: WVU is in a great spot! The ACC is very healthy! The Big 12 will be fine! Dude get a life and move on.
Back to the original post--OU against expansion now indicates they don't have long term intentions with the conference necessarily. The conference will go forward with the disadvantages of a guaranteed rematch and fall behind the Big Ten and perhaps the SEC financially as their networks pump up their revenues.

Nothing to deliver a better tv contract in 2025 spells trouble.

OUs fanbase has been turned against the BIG 12 from a deliberate and constant barrage of outside influence, and that is really all it takes.

The Big Ten is the most likely target conference for that school--fully expect them to be offered in 2022 or so which will lead to Texas seeking other homes-most likely the Pac 12 since they basically have to get Texas or are in big trouble. OSU and Texas Tech and probably TCU have homes as a result.

WVU has a more difficult situation as only the SEC and ACC are viable next conferences, but the ACC is having its own financial problems and the SEC is as likely to add OU and OSU as a group than OU and WVU. Schools like OU and Texas have clout and will likely try to pull certain schools with them.

WVUs best bet should realignment tear up the BIG 12 would be UT, OU, OSU and Tech to the Pac 12. Then the Big Ten would likely go back to targeting ACC schools such as UVA, UNC, and GT. That could mean a new conference with the likes of FSU, Miami, Clemson and Louisville-- a nice base for a conference and those pining for the east get it.

WVU has an SEC chance if Baylor and TCU are the competition. TCU is probably a lock but with Baylor's issues who knows how they'll look by the early 2020s
Emotional rant again Buck!!! You have no friends here troll. Let the last 29 threads on Big 12 expansion say it all. What's your deal with new expansion threads. If you had more friends than your mut poodle you'd have more of a life.
The sky is falling the Sky is falling. :eek:
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What the BIG and the SEC are making is chickenfeed compared to the NFL, and probably there is more interest in college football than the pros. I have read enough articles from different sources to know that an expanded playoff and a united Division 1 scheme are not just wild ideas of a few people and Bowlsby is not alone in suggesting it. Don't know if it will ever happen but is a plausible scenario regardless of whether it is probable.
Within 4 years, there will be an 8 team playoff
There's no movement towards an 8 team playoff and no opener clauses in the playoff contract. In 2025 when the BIG 12 contracts expire there will still be 1 year left on the playoff deal.
There's no movement towards an 8 team playoff and no opener clauses in the playoff contract. In 2025 when the BIG 12 contracts expire there will still be 1 year left on the playoff deal.
Money talk and Bull Shit walks. I don't give a flying F if there isn't an opener clause, if the money is there and all parties, and there is, they will re-open the contracts to expand.
Money talk and Bull Shit walks. I don't give a flying F if there isn't an opener clause, if the money is there and all parties, and there is, they will re-open the contracts to expand.

Where is this money? LINK? Where's the interest in changing the playoff LINK?--it certainly isn't in the BIG 12.

There's no opener clause and no momentum to change the playoff from the four team playoff.

You thinking there should be an eight team playoff so the BIG 12 doesn't have to do anything doesn't create an eight team playoff. And never will.
Where is this money? LINK? Where's the interest in changing the playoff LINK?--it certainly isn't in the BIG 12.

There's no opener clause and no momentum to change the playoff from the four team playoff.

You thinking there should be an eight team playoff so the BIG 12 doesn't have to do anything doesn't create an eight team playoff. And never will.
You have no idea what I think. It has zero to do with the BIG12. I know there is a great deal of money to be made to expand, anyone that thinks different has no brain.
Money talk and Bull Shit walks. I don't give a flying F if there isn't an opener clause, if the money is there and all parties, and there is, they will re-open the contracts to expand.

The issue isn't the money. The issue is who gets the money. You're right, that if the schools basically formed a single league (a la the NFL), there would be a lot more money overall. The problem is, everybody would get more money. Right now, schools like Alabama, Ohio St, Florida, Oregon, etc. dominate because they've got more money than God, and other schools don't. Hell, even schools like Vanderbilt or Wake Forest make a ton more money than solid programs like Boise St or BYU. They aren't really keen to give that up either, because it's the only advantage they've got. So this issue isn't about contracts. It's about the big schools changing their attitude.
The issue isn't the money. The issue is who gets the money. You're right, that if the schools basically formed a single league (a la the NFL), there would be a lot more money overall. The problem is, everybody would get more money. Right now, schools like Alabama, Ohio St, Florida, Oregon, etc. dominate because they've got more money than God, and other schools don't. Hell, even schools like Vanderbilt or Wake Forest make a ton more money than solid programs like Boise St or BYU. They aren't really keen to give that up either, because it's the only advantage they've got. So this issue isn't about contracts. It's about the big schools changing their attitude.
There isn't equal money in the NFL either. I would expect that the rich programs would get richer, far richer than they are already. It won't be some socialist arrangement. I don't think God has much need for money, I probably have more money than God. Texas and Oklahoma are two of the richest schools in the country. Is it enough for them? Apparently not.
There isn't equal money in the NFL either. I would expect that the rich programs would get richer, far richer than they are already. It won't be some socialist arrangement. I don't think God has much need for money, I probably have more money than God. Texas and Oklahoma are two of the richest schools in the country. Is it enough for them? Apparently not.

You might want to research that a little bit. This article doesn't support your conclusion. The NFL has a revenue-sharing model, primarily involving the TV contracts. The P5 conferences all have revenue sharing models as well. (Note that in the Big 12, the range was only $4 million difference, from $23-$27 million, and most of this due to TCU and WVU being on a phase-in program). The issue is, the revenue sharing is only within conferences. Not the same thing at all as global revenue sharing for all the schools.
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You might want to research that a little bit. This article doesn't support your conclusion. The NFL has a revenue-sharing model, primarily involving the TV contracts. The P5 conferences all have revenue sharing models as well. (Note that in the Big 12, the range was only $4 million difference, from $23-$27 million, and most of this due to TCU and WVU being on a phase-in program). The issue is, the revenue sharing is only within conferences. Not the same thing at all as global revenue sharing for all the schools.
I would be happy to read it but your link does not work.
An issue that could change the thinking is the ACC and its network if that happens, or if it does not happen. The B12 is waiting on other issues outside the conference.

Oh chit, now you done pissed Buck off. His next post will be a twenty paragraphs telling the ACC is about to get a billion dollar network, you how stupid you are to think any team would leave the best conference iin the country ACC, not even for the B1G
The ACC getting a network or not doesnt change things for the BIG 12.

The BIG 12 still wont have expanded or added its own network. It will still have teams sought after when the contract gets near the end.

The BIG 12 expanding and getting a network would have changed everything- and then at the end of the contracts ACC schools or other P5s could have been approached and some may have accepted.
As I mentioned before and was skewered for doing so--the BIG 12 isn't going to expand.

Straight from OUs athletic director:

The notion of the Big 12 staying pat at 10 teams for the near future is getting stronger.

According to Oklahoma’s athletic director, the conference isn’t going to be expanding in the immediate future and Joe Castiglione told CBS Sports that the possibility is over “for the time being.”

“There aren’t any signs that we’ll talk anymore about expansion for a little while,” Castiglione also told the site. “We don’t have a timeline on it.”

so Texas and OU have spoken.
So now you're claiming to be right when you've been wanting South Central Metro Tech added. You're a strange fellow.
So now you're claiming to be right when you've been wanting South Central Metro Tech added. You're a strange fellow.

I am not claiming -- I stated there won't be any expansion just prior to and after the meetings and was blasted for saying it. Prior to the meetings I, like WVUs leaders and OUs leaders wanted expansion because of the benefits it would bring--and was blasted for that. South Central Metro Tech was never a consideration, but quality institutions like BYU, Cincinnati, UConn and others were.

They would have made all the difference but now its too late.
Back to the original post--OU against expansion now indicates they don't have long term intentions with the conference necessarily. The conference will go forward with the disadvantages of a guaranteed rematch and fall behind the Big Ten and perhaps the SEC financially as their networks pump up their revenues.

Nothing to deliver a better tv contract in 2025 spells trouble.

OUs fanbase has been turned against the BIG 12 from a deliberate and constant barrage of outside influence, and that is really all it takes.

The Big Ten is the most likely target conference for that school--fully expect them to be offered in 2022 or so which will lead to Texas seeking other homes-most likely the Pac 12 since they basically have to get Texas or are in big trouble. OSU and Texas Tech and probably TCU have homes as a result.

WVU has a more difficult situation as only the SEC and ACC are viable next conferences, but the ACC is having its own financial problems and the SEC is as likely to add OU and OSU as a group than OU and WVU. Schools like OU and Texas have clout and will likely try to pull certain schools with them.

WVUs best bet should realignment tear up the BIG 12 would be UT, OU, OSU and Tech to the Pac 12. Then the Big Ten would likely go back to targeting ACC schools such as UVA, UNC, and GT. That could mean a new conference with the likes of FSU, Miami, Clemson and Louisville-- a nice base for a conference and those pining for the east get it.

WVU has an SEC chance if Baylor and TCU are the competition. TCU is probably a lock but with Baylor's issues who knows how they'll look by the early 2020s

Dude I bet you watch Asteroid week on Discovery praying for the end of he world. Then go to the Weather Chan and watch tornados rip up Kansas and Oklahoma.
The sky isn't falling, OU is probably checking out of the BIg 12 though and WVU needs to take steps now to ensure it remains part of the majors long term.

No they aren't checking out of the Big12! You talk as if you know something everyone else doesn't know.
WVU to SEC = done deal. Somebody finally put paper in the WVU AD fax machine and our missing SEC invitation and Tevita Finau's LOI commitment from 2008 just came through.
There aren’t any signs that we’ll talk anymore about expansion for a little while,” Castiglione also told the site. “We don’t have a timeline on it.”

In other words ...... the issue could pop up at anytime.

I think it foolish to think there is a definitive take on expansion. It's simmering on the back burner and could be whipped up to a boil next month, next year, or even next week. It's just there sitting in the corner waiting for the right moment to jump up and say, "Here I am!"
Expansion is not needed.

What is needed, is a 'College Football Nazi'. That person can then re-shuffle the deck, and split the current P-5 into 4 major conferences (20 teams each) with two 10 team divisions. Play a round robin within your division, the two division champs play one another for the conference championship, the four conference champs advance to the final four.

The biggest change necessary is to arrange the teams to make them more geographical friendly, bringing back all of the rivalries that no longer exist.

Balance of teams (about 50) setup their own division, bringing with them some of the better teams currently playing FCS to form a similar league. The sucky FCS teams can move to Division II or III.
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I'm not sure the left hand knows what the right hand is doing at Oklahoma. Boren is for expansion. Then, Board of Regents comes out against expansion. Boren backs off expansion. Chairman at OU states that BYU has a tiny stadium (it would be third largest in the BIG12), Bowlsby says expansion will be discussed and decided on one way or another on July 19. Oklahoma AD says the same day that expansion discussions are dead. Who really knows at this point who is speaking for Oklahoma and what they really have decided? I think I may wait and read about it in the paper.
Expansion is not needed.

What is needed, is a 'College Football Nazi'. That person can then re-shuffle the deck, and split the current P-5 into 4 major conferences (20 teams each) with two 10 team divisions. Play a round robin within your division, the two division champs play one another for the conference championship, the four conference champs advance to the final four.

The biggest change necessary is to arrange the teams to make them more geographical friendly, bringing back all of the rivalries that no longer exist.

Balance of teams (about 50) setup their own division, bringing with them some of the better teams currently playing FCS to form a similar league. The sucky FCS teams can move to Division II or III.
I believe you meant to say "College Football Czar".......... N'est pas?

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