Sistersville, you're a moron. I'm not sure what your problem is, but if you're upset because I'm on a smack board trading barbs with opposing fans, then perhaps you shouldn't be here. I mean, that's the intent of this forum. As far as Facebook is concerned, you sent me a message in regard to a couple Herd posters not treating you fairly. I reluctantly replied, telling you to come over here to this forum, and 'kick some ass'. Allow me to now dumb that down for you. It meant for you to come here and talk your trash here, as opposed to you literally kicking someone's ass. I was actually one of the few, perhaps the only poster who has actually defended you over at the board you now diss. The posters in question are only rattling your chain. Why do they do that to you? Because they know they can mock you and you'll breakdown mentally for them.
Your only rebuttal to those posters is to let them know (over and over again) your life story of being a fan of the Herd, WVU, and Kentucky. Hell, you've posted that same tale on this very forum at least 2 or 3 times in the last 48 hours.
As for you posting my personal information, I couldn't care less. I know at least a dozen or so posters on this forum, so why would I care? I wouldn't be on social media if I was afraid of someone knowing anything about me. I can also support anything I've ever claimed about myself. Can you?
Lastly, now that it's apparently fair game for you to post other folks personal information, I guess I could go ahead and post photo's of the three of us (Dan included since he liked your comments), and allow the board to have some great laughs at your expense. I could also post pictures of our women as well. Let me know if you want to play this game, because I'm all in.
When you come down from your shine/oxicotin buzz later this afternoon, and do a 180 to the other side of the bipolar spectrum, don't bother apologizing as you've done so many times before. You know, telling folks how you're a Christian, instructing anonymous men on a message board to go find God, and letting folks know you only want to be friends.