Message from Neal Brown


Jan 6, 2005
Here is the real Neil message:
"We're not going to play at home again for another month. Probably need a break"

Only a really bad coach like Neil Brown needs a break from playing home games lol. I have never heard such nonsense in my life. Leave him in arizona, please. This dude will never learn to shut his big mouth.

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Here is the real Neil message:
"We're not going to play at home again for another month. Probably need a break"

Only a really bad coach like Neil Brown needs a break from playing home games lol. I have never heard such nonsense in my life. Leave him in arizona, please. This dude will never learn to shut his big mouth.

He has a break after this game with a week off before being at Cincinnati.
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Good try at attempt to lose. You know you can still score to get a bigger lead instead of trying to eat the clock with 12 minutes to go. That nearly cost you the win. I pray it's not the last one.

Neal is a softie when it comes to putting the foot on opponents throat.
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Good try at attempt to lose. You know you can still score to get a bigger lead instead of trying to eat the clock with 12 minutes to go. That nearly cost you the win. I pray it's not the last one.

Neal is a softie when it comes to putting the foot on opponents throat.
The humble will be exalted.
The humble will be exalted.
Humble can be used to describe what is ranked low by others, as in "persons of humble origins." People also use the word of themselves and things associated with themselves; if you describe yourself as "but a humble person" or refer to your home as your "humble abode," you are saying that neither you nor your home is very impressive.

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
— Proverbs 11:2
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Looks like the wolf pack group has a message "for" Neal.

I don't like the idea of putting up Billboards for his family to see, but the Counterpoint to that is that he has made 20 million dollars off of WVU so far and most people would trade that type of humiliation for 20 million dollars anyways. But the thing about Neil Brown is that he said if he wasn't getting the job done he would step down and he didn't. If he's going to be all about the money over his word then I guess he has welcomed this in his life. So it is what it is. Sucks but this is what happens when you should have already fired a coach who hasn't got it done and instead you double down on stupid and extend him.
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Looks like the wolf pack group has a message "for" Neal.

I don't like the idea of putting up Billboards for his family to see, but the Counterpoint to that is that he has made 20 million dollars off of WVU so far and most people would trade that type of humiliation for 20 million dollars anyways. But the thing about Neil Brown is that he said if he wasn't getting the job done he would step down and he didn't. If he's going to be all about the money over his word then I guess he has welcomed this in his life. So it is what it is. Sucks but this is what happens when you should have already fired a coach who hasn't got it done and instead you double down on stupid and extend him.
That's very distasteful and disturbing. But there are no laws that say these type of billboards messages can't be put up.

I suppose Neal or the school could threaten to sue but that really wouldn't help defuse the situation.
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That's very distasteful and disturbing. But there are no laws that say these type of billboards messages can't be put up.

I suppose Neal or the school could threaten to sue but that really wouldn't help defuse the situation.

I have been very vocal about wanting Neil Brown fired but I hate this right here. I talk smack on here but Neil Brown is a nice guy and the bottom line is he's really paying the price for what Shane Lyons did and what Gordon gee approved.
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I saw this coming but I didn't think it would get this bad this fast. Honestly after last year and looking at the roster I thought we were going to be a much better this year and I sort of jumped back on a wait and see mindset but that will never come back after the season. Here's why I think this is happening and it's going to get worse if they don't replace him.

1. West Virginia is one of the poorest states in the nation.
2. West Virginia doesn't have professional sports so WVU is everything to football fans in the state.
3. WVU has become one of the top five most expensive game days in the country.
4. WVU football is worse now than most average fans have ever seen in their entire life.

When you mix those four things together you have what's happening right now. They should have let Brown go but instead they extended him after what most of us knew was a fluke season.
I saw this coming but I didn't think it would get this bad this fast. Honestly after last year and looking at the roster I thought we were going to be a much better this year and I sort of jumped back on a wait and see mindset but that will never come back after the season. Here's why I think this is happening and it's going to get worse if they don't replace him.

1. West Virginia is one of the poorest states in the nation.
2. West Virginia doesn't have professional sports so WVU is everything to football fans in the state.
3. WVU has become one of the top five most expensive game days in the country.
4. WVU football is worse now than most average fans have ever seen in their entire life.

When you mix those four things together you have what's happening right now. They should have let Brown go but instead they extended him after what most of us knew was a fluke season.
It’s been apparent to me that Neal Brown and the WVU Athletic Department didn’t see this coming. I think they were naive and out of touch with the fanbase. It is a shame it’s come to this, but he’s lost the fanbase. It’s really unsettling to me that we had an obviously different standard with Neal than other former coaches at WVU. Bill Stewart went 27-9 and it wasn’t good enough. Dana Holgorsen had a better record than Brown and beat ranked teams. It wasn’t good enough either. Why is Brown getting the benefit of the doubt? After 6 years, this isn’t progress. This isn’t WVU football. This is the worst stretch since Cignetti in the mid to late 1970’s. People can call it distasteful and it really is distasteful. However, how else were the fans supposed to get someone to end this nonsense? Obviously WVU felt it was ok. They extended him last year. It’s unacceptable.
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It’s been apparent to me that Neal Brown and the WVU Athletic Department didn’t see this coming. I think they were naive and out of touch with the fanbase. It is a shame it’s come to this, but he’s lost the fanbase. It’s really unsettling to me that we had an obviously different standard with Neal than other former coaches at WVU. Bill Stewart went 27-9 and it wasn’t good enough. Dana Holgorsen had a better record than Brown and beat ranked teams. It wasn’t good enough either. Why is Brown getting the benefit of the doubt? After 6 years, this isn’t progress. This isn’t WVU football. This is the worst stretch since Cignetti in the mid to late 1970’s. People can call it distasteful and it really is distasteful. However, how else were the fans supposed to get someone to end this nonsense? Obviously WVU felt it was ok. They extended him last year. It’s unacceptable.
You are 100% right about WVU holding Brown to a different standard than the previous two coaches. He has been given the longest leash of any WVU coach ever and it has completely backfired in every way. And a really sad part is that he has what all of those coaches never had. He has absolute top-notch, state of the art facilities. When I see pictures and video of the WVU locker room and their new facilities it makes me absolutely proud of WVU and West Virginia. Neil Brown has done less with more than anyone. Rich Rodriguez would have stayed at WVU if he had that stuff. Neil Brown has completely squandered it and WVU has sat back and let it happen and has literally extended the dude twice. You can't make it up, it almost seems like it's on purpose to destroy the football program somehow. That's how ridiculous this whole thing is. The losingest coach in 50 plus years has received two contract extensions that no other coach has received in recent memory lol.

And the "excuse" is that he's a nice guy. Good grief that's the weakest crap I have ever heard for a football coach. But so many people were offended because Dana was a big drinker and all that. So people give Neil Brown a pass to suck because he's a nice guy.
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You are 100% right about WVU holding Brown to a different standard than the previous two coaches. He has been given the longest leash of any WVU coach ever and it has completely backfired in every way. And a really sad part is that he has what all of those coaches never had. He has absolute top-notch, state of the art facilities. When I see pictures and video of the WVU locker room and their new facilities it makes me absolutely proud of WVU and West Virginia. Neil Brown has done less with more than anyone. Rich Rodriguez would have stayed at WVU if he had that stuff. Neil Brown has completely squandered it and WVU has sat back and let it happen and has literally extended the dude twice. You can't make it up, it almost seems like it's on purpose to destroy the football program somehow. That's how ridiculous this whole thing is. The losingest coach in 50 plus years has received two contract extensions that no other coach has received in recent memory lol.

And the "excuse" is that he's a nice guy. Good grief that's the weakest crap I have ever heard for a football coach. But so many people were offended because Dana was a big drinker and all that. So people give Neil Brown a pass to suck because he's a nice guy.
I get the need for a professional coach that teaches life lessons and respect. However, you also got to win. It’s my personal opinion, a successful HC has to be almost BiPolar to have a perfect mix of what is needed. There’s the polite, professional, and courteous side and then there’s the raging lunatic the players and opponents fear.
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Does this mean that UCF takes their football more seriously than WVU? Seems like it to a lot of fans.....

I didn't know he was at UCF. Answer to your question, no they don't take it more seriously than WVU. Stupid to compare in that manner. I will say Roof is a crap coach and I'm not surprised he is fired mid season. Isn't the first time for him.

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