When facebook launches that suck a dick app tou wont have to ever leave the house. It will take your fauxmance with your other screennames to the next level.Check your Facebook message in-box. You'll laugh. Out loud. For.A.Very.Long.Time.
When facebook launches that suck a dick app tou wont have to ever leave the house. It will take your fauxmance with your other screennames to the next level.Check your Facebook message in-box. You'll laugh. Out loud. For.A.Very.Long.Time.
That doesnt even make sense. Are you off your meds again?Well, my life does require knowing more than simply that Green means go, and Red means stop. Must be cold out there on the roads this morning, particularly for a frail person such as yourself.
sorry twiggy. Allow me to write it in a manner that a retard like yourself can understand. The most difficult part of your day is knowing when to turn the sign as you direct traffic through the construction site. Red means stop, green means go. Got it simpleton state Road employee?That doesnt even make sense. Are you off your meds again?
Did someone say meds?That doesnt even make sense. Are you off your meds again?