McDonald's CEO - Announces nationwide rollout of kiosks

This has been in the works for years. Many chains in the ff industry have implemented already . The fast casual chains will also start in the future .
Sheetz has always been this way.

Others will soon follow. They can't let McDonald's gain this kind of competitive advantage.

The business of America is business. Make a profit. Be rewarded for your work. If labor wants $15/hr, then they need more than to be working at McDonalds wrapping hamburgers. Congrats, occupy people, you just eliminated about 30% of the work force at McDonalds. Come pick out who, among the workforce, the owners should fire.
Panera Bread started this last year.

Writing is on the wall. If there's artificial pressure to raise the wage to more than the business can justify and somebody brings in these kiosks, guess what's going to happen? Workers are going to be let go. I just wish liberals would realize what happens when they demand something that the marketplace should decide.
The business of America is business. Make a profit. Be rewarded for your work. If labor wants $15/hr, then they need more than to be working at McDonalds wrapping hamburgers. Congrats, occupy people, you just eliminated about 30% of the work force at McDonalds. Come pick out who, among the workforce, the owners should fire.
Good news for diners. They'll have bigger pool of applicants from which to choose.
Writing is on the wall. If there's artificial pressure to raise the wage to more than the business can justify and somebody brings in these kiosks, guess what's going to happen? Workers are going to be let go. I just wish liberals would realize what happens when they demand something that the marketplace should decide.
Unless the push isn't for higher wages but rather a government provided guaranteed minimum income...maybe that's their end game?
It is too convenient to blame this innovation on a rising minimum wage. It isn't. Automation of service has been going on since to 80's. It has now in the FF industry.

Research shows customers want this. They don't want to talk to someone behind a counter and screw up the order. Especially millenials that are used to communicating through a touchscreen.

If you really wanted to predict the future 40 years ago, all one had to do was watch The Jetsons.
Unless the push isn't for higher wages but rather a government provided guaranteed minimum income...maybe that's their end game?

Each state/city is so different. San Fran is much different than Plainview, TX. One size does not fit all. A federal minimum must be the minimum at which small poor towns can pay and survive. Then flexible enough to allow cities and states to increase it based on their economic circumstances.

I don't mind Seattle for instance increasing their minimum wage to $15 per hour. It has resulted on lost jobs and higher costs, but they feel it is best for them. Then the Seattle voters can decide.
People need to reject these attempts to replace Workers.
By mandating a higher minimum wage that is based on nothing more than a socialist attempt to bring down our country, you do nothing for the working person but put more out of work. As the minimum wage gets higher than the workers are worth, the machines get more attractive.
People need to reject these attempts to replace Workers.

I agree with airport. Artificially raising wages for very low skilled workers means automation will replace them. And it's sad because these are mostly entry-level jobs for high school kids to earn a little money.
People need to reject these attempts to replace Workers.
How does industry go about telling employees that at some point they can be replaced or the business will have to close. Any repetitive job can be done by a machine. In the long term is it more economical to do the task with people or machine. Substantially, can the person do the task as well as a mechanical devise.

Auto industry kept demanding more and more, and some people actually sabotaged their end product. Now we see mechanical arms doing what individuals formerly did. And it was an industry with competition.

Coal industry has machinery doing what workers did formerly. Unions demanded so much and interrupted work so frequently, it became cheaper to invest in machinery for multiple reasons. And there were other forms of energy

Airline pilots have not been replaced as higher and higher demands were placed on industry. The pilots could not be replaced, so it was easier to meet the demands and pass the cost on to customers.

There are limitations on what demands can be made when you have so many alternatives to choose from. Entry labor force cannot push too hard or they get replaced.