Before you guys start casting stones, try to remember how and why Jake Kelchner ended up coming here?
Most fans didn't have a problem when Don and Holliday were bringing questionable kids in at WVU. You can crack on Holliday all you want, but remember where he learned to recruit.
You check their background out with the HS coaches that know them, if the kid checks out, and you think he's worth the risk,you bring them in and hope for the best ala' Kelchner. Nothing wrong with it where it's allowed. You can always boot them if they act up.
The P-5 leagues can no longer take partials or NQ's, If the kids wants to sit a year to play, they either drop to FCS or what used to be called D-I AA. Otherwise, the P-5's stash theirs away in prep schools or JC's to take later.
Most of the Big-12 lives on JC's as does much of the SEC and PAC-12. Same ol' sh!t, just a better shovel.