Manchin rerunning for Senate seat. How will that affect the gov race?

orlando eer

Aug 26, 2002
Is earl ray term limited out. Could the GOP now be defending the Capitol senate seat as she runs for gov.
It would have had more impact had he joined the Gov's race as he would be the clear favorite (if you listen to the pundits)...I think this just opens the field. Not sure who you're talking about with regard the GOP and senate seat.
Kinda surprised he's made this turn around. I wonder if he's thinking he's going to position himself as a future VP candidate.
It effectively cedes the governorship to the republicans.

I think it tells you everything you need to know about Manchin that he'd commission a poll and release the results for an office he never intended to run for.
Re: It effectively cedes the governorship to the republicans.

It effectively cedes the governorship to the republicans. Why do you say this? I guess you don't think that B. Goodwin or other Dems can win.
It means Marshall fans . . . .

can forget getting a football series with WVU anytime in the forseeable future. Manchin was the only potential governor with approval ratings high enough to shove something like that down the state's throat. JMO.
No surprise here..... Life in Georgetown is a lot nicer.....

than a hellhole like Charleston.
Re: No surprise here..... Life in Georgetown is a lot nicer.....

The Governor's mansion w/paid wait staff isn't much of a hellhole.
Are you serious ? No contest.... I believe there's more to....

life then being cooped up in the governor's mansion day and night.
Re: Are you serious ? No contest.... I believe there's more to....

Just saying that the life style of being the governor of WV is not a bad one and Charleston may not be D.C. but it's pretty good for WV. According to your profile, you live in Charles Town and you call Charleston a hellhole? That's not a knock on Charles Town but come on lol.
Re: It effectively cedes the governorship to the republicans.

"I guess you don't think that B. Goodwin or other Dems can win."

No. I don't.
Re: It effectively cedes the governorship to the republicans.

Who is going to win it for the Republicans?
Re: Are you serious ? No contest.... I believe there's more to....

Calling Charleston a "hellhole" was out of line. I knew it might get a few reactions. I should learned from my previous experience when I called Morgantown a "hellhole". I stand by that as I was born and raised in Morgantown. I still have relatives there and until a few years ago, maintained homes and property there.. Charles Town is an ideal little town, close to metro DC and Baltimore. The weather and roads are also much,much better.
That's the question.

Not a single Republican I can think of that is capable of winning the entire state. Aside from maybe Shelly.
Re: No surprise here..... Life in Georgetown is a lot nicer.....

Joe has said that he has preferred life in the Gov's mansion to having to drive his ass around DC. I think this is a long term move towards a VP nom or a Cabinet position.
Re: It effectively cedes the governorship to the republicans.

After the "bangup" job the Republicans are doing in the State Senate and House, I disagree. Rolling back mine safety regulations, storage tank inspection requirements (only a year after the devastating leak), rolling back requirements to use renewable sources of energy, no educational requirements to get a concealed carry license, giving gas companies the power of eminent domain, repealing public smoking bans, etc. etc. It's like we just turned the clock back twenty years.
Re: No surprise here..... Life in Georgetown is a lot nicer.....

Agree that he has greater aspirations in D.C.
Re: No surprise here..... Life in Georgetown is a lot nicer.....

I don't know about long term move, but he is firmly entrenched in Hilliary's camp. You may be correct about VP or Cabinet.
"(only a year after the devastating leak)" you mean the one..

that the Democrats allowed on there watch. And please, remind me again how long the Repubs have had state control. You may want to give them a few years to correct the decades of devastation that your fellow Democrat cronies heaped upon our state. You may want to remove you head from the sand and look at how WV ranks in ANY measure of quality of life issues. Surely you are not blind to facts.
Re: No surprise here..... Life in Georgetown is a lot nicer.....

He was being looked at 8 years ago, before she lost in the primaries.

Middle of the road Dem. Could maybe swing WV, and even though we're only a couple votes, he's attractive enough to potentially help in the south even more.
Re: "(only a year after the devastating leak)" you mean the one..

I don't know how you, or anyone in their right mind could pin the blame for the tank leak on the democrats, so I'm not even getting into that discussion....

but, explain to me how eliminating the requirement to inspect tanks, containing hazardous substances sitting next to our water supply sources is a good idea.
You are capable of more objective reasoning

There are some on here that aren't. I know you are.

Originally posted by bornaneer:
that the Democrats allowed on there watch.
If you want to pin the water contamination on Democrats, OK, but that's ignoring how everybody in this state is bought and sold by the coal companies. We chase the EPA out of this state with pitchforks and torches, and then wonder when something like this happens? Blame it on Democrats, but in light of this just happening, does it make sense to actually LOOSEN restrictions? Not to me.

You say the GOP has just taken control ... give them time ... but everything listed are things they have already done or tried to do in a very short amount of time.

They are taking land owner rights from them in favor of the oil and gas companies.

I'm not a huge gun control guy, but you have to admit that some people simply shouldn't be carrying guns around all the time. There are drug and alcohol addictions. There are irrational and highly irate people. And then there are simply morons. Like the guy who's gun went off in church. IN CHURCH!! Why in the hell do you need a gun in church? And, if you are so stupid or irresponsible that you can't keep it from going off IN CHURCH, you shouldn't have a concealed carry permit and never should have in the first place. But hey, let's let everybody carry all the time ... that will be safe.

WV does rank low on nearly every measure of quality of life issues, but how do any of the actions undertaken so far help that?

I'm not going to claim them as failures just yet, as you say, they have just started ... but I can't see where anything so far is going to be a net positive for anybody but the oil, gas and coal companies. Companies, by the way, with a long history of lax safety measures in the name of profits that end up killing our workers. Then they just pick up and take off and leave ghost towns in their wake.
Joe has lifetime appointment

Can he top Bob? Gov race is open for a couple terms. Truman is the likely candidate.
Re: You are capable of more objective reasoning

"They are taking land owner rights from them in favor of the oil and gas companies."

They've done no such thing. The forced pooling bill failed.
Re: That's the question.

Lots of them are capable. Especially with Hillary on the ticket. They just don't have very good name recognition right now. But neither do any of the dems that are running.
The word was that JM running for gov opened a GOP senate opportunity, if Capitol runs for gov it would mean a den opportunity for her senate seat.
You are right

I didn't word that part well. Above I mentioned that what had been listed was things they either did or tried to do. The forced pooling was something that they tried to do.

The forced pooling bill DID get through the house the first time around, but then lost votes on the revote because of backlash.
Re: It effectively cedes the governorship to the republicans.

The vast majority of the things you listed (mine safety, tank inspections, renew. resources) won the majority of democratic votes in the legislature and were signed by a democrat governor. Forced pooling failed, as did the smoking bill. That leaves the concealed carry bill. Good luck running on that in WV.
Re: You are capable of more objective reasoning

The EPA needs to do its damn job protecting the environment and stop wasting time and money worrying about carbon dioxide and mud puddles. I am all for protecting the environment, including holding coal companies and chemical companies responsible for what they do, but the EPA has been bastardized to use as yet another political weapon.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Of course the Dumbocrats are to blame......

they NEVER had the tanks inspected. Your cronies had years and years to get it done. And they tried to COVER their ass's by passing a meaningless law AFTER the spill. Where have you been?
Re: That's the question.

The Federal prosecutor Booth Goodwin has kept his name in the news for the last several years and not by accident. I'd say that he'd probably be the most recognizeable Dem outside of the legislature should he run which he probably will. I don't think that Hilary would hurt any Dem governor candidate but she could a little, maybe.
"state is bought and sold by the coal companies"....Yes, but....

who let them do it? You have recently tried very hard to shed your partisanship. But in the end you are a denier of the fact. The fact is that the coal operators were filling the pockets of mostly state Democrats. That's another reality we can pin on the Democrats.
Re: "state is bought and sold by the coal companies"....Yes, but....

Originally posted by bornaneer:
who let them do it? You have recently tried very hard to shed your partisanship. But in the end you are a denier of the fact. The fact is that the coal operators were filling the pockets of mostly state Democrats. That's another reality we can pin on the Democrats.
I'm not denying that as fact at all. If you think the GOP isn't getting their pockets filled by the coal companies (as well as oil and gas now, in a big way) then you are also in denial.

I have never, not once, ever said that the Democrats weren't bought and sold by the coal companies. My exact quote, which you have in the subject line is "the state is bought and sold by the coal companies", which applies to all politicians. To think, or try to state, the GOP isn't part of the corruption as well is very naive. (I'm throwing oil and gas in now too, they are possibly bigger players than coal at this point)
Re: That's the question.

"I don't think that Hilary would hurt any Dem governor candidate"

I disagree in the strongest possible terms.
Re: "state is bought and sold by the coal companies"....Yes, but....

The big corporations are definitely stuffing the pockets of both sides. Gotta hedge those bets.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: That's the question.

Tomblin was an incumbent running against a guy who had never held political office. And he won by less than 5 points.
those pesky facts

perhaps you should read the bills instead of getting the scoop at This was by far the most bipartisan session at the statehouse in decades. You should get a better news source becaue faux news is making your brain shrink.

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