WVSPORTS.COM Macon relaxed, ready for bigger role

I truly hope he gets it together on the court .... but more than that, I hope that he really does start making a way forward with his life.

It really is tough to lose a loved one, especially when apparently your whole world centered around that person. Elijah may end up being the classic definition of a late bloomer in more ways than one.
"To prepare for his expanded role he also has cut 12-pounds off his frame by increasing his conditioning and cutting out fatty foods over the course of the summer. It’s a decision he made on his own accord after Huggins asked him to be more active and run the floor than he has in the past.

And now one of his biggest weakness, could be a strength.

“It gives me a big advantage because some bigs won’t be able to run the floor,” he said."

This is a big step, to take this transition on proactively, with not much direction other than a few words from Huggs. I think it shows he's getting his head in the right place.
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"And now one of his biggest weakness, could be a strength."

Good lord, show me one person who has lost 12 pounds of fat and has gotten weaker.

He is one of the most athletic big men that we have had in recent years. He has shown 'moments' of brilliants, but just that moments. If we can get 20-25 minutes of solid play from him we should be OK up front. It's truly his time to step it up.