lot of discussion topics in Mueller Report, for both sides.

The Dunedein

Gold Member
Aug 1, 2003
Surprised the U.S. Attorney General did not include this Mueller quote in his 4-page summary letter:

"President Trump reacted negatively to the Special Counsel's appointment. He told advisors that it was the end of his presidency, sought to have Attorney General Jefferson (Jeff) Sessions unrecuse from the Russia investigation and to have the Special Counsel removed, and engaged in efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation and prevent the disclosure of evidence to it, including through public and private contacts with potential witnesses. Those and related actions are described and analyzed in Volume II of the report." p.8 of Mueller Report.

This Report is single-spaced (so far). Will take a long time to go through and absorb. Lot of information. I don't practice criminal law; it will be interesting to read the referenced-analysis in Volume II to see why that above factoid does not lean to obstruction of justice.

Vernon must be loving the discussion of this investigation vis a vis number of participants on his message board.
Surprised the U.S. Attorney General did not include this Mueller quote in his 4-page summary letter:

"President Trump reacted negatively to the Special Counsel's appointment. He told advisors that it was the end of his presidency, sought to have Attorney General Jefferson (Jeff) Sessions unrecuse from the Russia investigation and to have the Special Counsel removed, and engaged in efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation and prevent the disclosure of evidence to it, including through public and private contacts with potential witnesses. Those and related actions are described and analyzed in Volume II of the report." p.8 of Mueller Report.

This Report is single-spaced (so far). Will take a long time to go through and absorb. Lot of information. I don't practice criminal law; it will be interesting to read the referenced-analysis in Volume II to see why that above factoid does not lean to obstruction of justice.

Vernon must be loving the discussion of this investigation vis a vis number of participants on his message board.
Surprised the U.S. Attorney General did not include this Mueller quote in his 4-page summary letter:
I'm not surprised for 2 reasons. At a minimum, it's unflattering to the POTUS and secondly, it would have involved Barr including at least one complete sentence from the Mueller report instead of taking things out of context.
I'm not surprised for 2 reasons. At a minimum, it's unflattering to the POTUS
Kudo's to finally got something right.'s laughable that you would even mention
taking things out of context.
Surprised the U.S. Attorney General did not include this Mueller quote in his 4-page summary letter:

"President Trump reacted negatively to the Special Counsel's appointment. He told advisors that it was the end of his presidency, sought to have Attorney General Jefferson (Jeff) Sessions unrecuse from the Russia investigation and to have the Special Counsel removed, and engaged in efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation and prevent the disclosure of evidence to it, including through public and private contacts with potential witnesses. Those and related actions are described and analyzed in Volume II of the report." p.8 of Mueller Report.

This Report is single-spaced (so far). Will take a long time to go through and absorb. Lot of information. I don't practice criminal law; it will be interesting to read the referenced-analysis in Volume II to see why that above factoid does not lean to obstruction of justice.

Vernon must be loving the discussion of this investigation vis a vis number of participants on his message board.
I am shocked the president was upset that a special counsel was named and even more shocked he was upset Sessions recused himself. Breaking news.
This Report is single-spaced (so far). Will take a long time to go through and absorb. Lot of information. I don't practice criminal law; it will be interesting to read the referenced-analysis in Volume II to see why that above factoid does not lean to obstruction of justice.
Take your time, Mueller took 2 years. When your finished, see if you can determine why the FBI changed the wording of “grossly negligent”, to “extremely careless”, regarding Clinton’s handling of classified material. That “factoid” has yet to be explained, or investigated.
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The real story is being ignored. We had a coop attempt in this country and the press, whom are suppose to be the watch dogs, were completely complicit.

Clinton, Obama, and their ilk abused their powers and engaged in criminal activity. It amazes me that there are people on this board and though out our country that are okay with that ......because politics..........
The real story is being ignored. We had a coop attempt in this country and the press, whom are suppose to be the watch dogs, were completely complicit.

Clinton, Obama, and their ilk abused their powers and engaged in criminal activity. It amazes me that there are people on this board and though out our country that are okay with that ......because politics..........
This is where the board Libs respond with LOL’s, laughing memes, and “deep state” comments. I agree with you, however, and believe this chapter is far from over or being completed ..... patience.
This is where the board Libs respond with LOL’s, laughing memes, and “deep state” comments. I agree with you, however, and believe this chapter is far from over from being completed ..... patience.

Trump will never let it go. Not necessarily a good thing...
The real story is being ignored. We had a coop attempt in this country and the press, whom are suppose to be the watch dogs, were completely complicit.

Clinton, Obama, and their ilk abused their powers and engaged in criminal activity. It amazes me that there are people on this board and though out our country that are okay with that ......because politics..........

The real story is being ignored. We had a coop attempt in this country and the press, whom are suppose to be the watch dogs, were completely complicit.

Clinton, Obama, and their ilk abused their powers and engaged in criminal activity. It amazes me that there are people on this board and though out our country that are okay with that ......because politics..........

The real story is the POTUS and his low IQ supporters are not in the least calling out Russia for interfering in the election. In fact, this administration has lifted sanctions on Russia. Let that sink in.
The real story is being ignored. We had a coop attempt in this country and the press, whom are suppose to be the watch dogs, were completely complicit.

Clinton, Obama, and their ilk abused their powers and engaged in criminal activity. It amazes me that there are people on this board and though out our country that are okay with that ......because politics..........

The real story is the POTUS and his low IQ supporters are not in the least calling out Russia for interfering in the election. In fact, this administration has lifted sanctions on Russia. Let that sink in.

I know it’s a hard day for you brah. Just swallow your impotent rage.
1. Trump is not going to be prosecuted by the DOJ.
2. We (the American public) will hopefully digest the voluminous information in the Mueller Report as informed citizens, and ask appropriate questions of our elected leaders, and expect actual answers.
3. We (the American public) will hopefully come together and support the office of the president. The voting booth is now the place to register dissent, not infantile name-calling or personal attacks on Twitter, Facebook, our message board, etc. We need some healing.
4. It appears that Trump did not provably participate in the Russian election interference (i haven't even come close to reading the entire Mueller Report, but it seems headed that way).
5. Trump did some questionable things during the investigation, and it is fair for folks to discuss those. The quote at the beginning of this thread is factual as laid out by Mueller. Pithy LOL's or shews or but-Hillarys don't remove those facts. If HClinton or Obama did something wrong, conduct a fair investigation, and if appropriate, prosecute them, they are not above the law - "but-Hillarys" just don't count anymore. Obama was an ineffective leader, and HClinton would have been miserable as POTUS, but their failings don't create a free pass for subsequent leaders.

The REAL story that i see, so far, from the Mueller Report, is that all of us should be concentrating on at this point is the election interference by the damn Russians. First order of business is to put measures in place to prevent the Ruskies from doing it again, as they are currently trying to do. If we ignore the Russian interference and get lost in our personal divisions, we are fools.
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The real story is the POTUS and his low IQ supporters are not in the least calling out Russia for interfering in the election. In fact, this administration has lifted sanctions on Russia. Let that sink in.
Trump lifted ALL the sanctions he had imposed?
1. Trump is not going to be prosecuted by the DOJ.
2. We (the American public) will hopefully digest the voluminous information in the Mueller Report as informed citizens, and ask appropriate questions of our elected leaders, and expect actual answers.
3. We (the American public) will hopefully come together and support the office of the president. The voting booth is now the place to register dissent, not infantile name-calling or personal attacks on Twitter, Facebook, our message board, etc. We need some healing.
4. It appears that Trump did not provably participate in the Russian election interference (i haven't even come close to reading the entire Mueller Report, but it seems headed that way).
5. Trump did some questionable things during the investigation, and it is fair for folks to discuss those. The quote at the beginning of this thread is factual as laid out by Mueller. Pithy LOL's or shews or but-Hillarys don't remove those facts. If HClinton or Obama did something wrong, conduct a fair investigation, and if appropriate, prosecute them, they are not above the law - "but-Hillarys" just don't count anymore. Obama was an ineffective leader, and HClinton would have been miserable as POTUS, but their failings don't create a free pass for subsequent leaders.

The REAL story that i see, so far, from the Mueller Report, is that all of us should be concentrating on at this point is the election interference by the damn Russians. First order of business is to put measures in place to prevent the Ruskies from doing it again, as they are currently trying to do. If we ignore the Russian interference and get lost in our personal divisions, we are fools.

Trump's mistake was not releasing Comey the moment he took office. Had he come into office wanting a clean slate of his own choosing, it would have been hard to justify the appointment of a Special Prosecutor.

Then he compounded his mistake by releasing Comey when he did. He should have kept Comey around and close for another year and then let him go.

There was absolutely no reason to have this Special Prosecutor. We knew the Russians meddled, we have the agencies and forces to investigate and retaliate against that meddling, but by firing Comey like he did (Even though he was 1000% in justified in doing so) he opened the door for the investigation.

And his reaction to learning about the appointment, most certainly makes sense. We all know how disrupting a SP can be to any administration, and it has driven his narrative since.

And as I predicted, there are parts that both sides will cling to for and against Trump.
The REAL story that i see, so far, from the Mueller Report, is that all of us should be concentrating on at this point is the election interference by the damn Russians. First order of business is to put measures in place to prevent the Ruskies from doing it again, as they are currently trying to do. If we ignore the Russian interference and get lost in our personal divisions, we are fools.
It’s been happening since the 20s