Let me get this straight...


May 29, 2001
5-time pickem champ
In 2012, Obama hires 270 Strategies owner/founder, Jeremy Bird, to develop campaign strategy. Obama wins. Then Isaac Herzog hires 270 Strategies for his campaign and loses.

Where's the illegal part?

This post was edited on 3/18 12:28 PM by bamaEER
Haven't you heard? We haven't walked on the moon, Elvis aint dead and Obama conspired to get Netenyahu defeated. Just like the birth certificate thing...

The Jewish possess an intellect some 50 stratospheres higher ........

.............. than the cell-phone selfie creatins spewing the "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!" rhetoric that Eric Holder himself discredited. Hell, look at the embarrassing Black caucus debacle based on a lie that Obama's cabinet themselves exposed as a lie.

Look at "Go Gata!" down in Florida.

Look at DiBlasio.

Look at idiots like Saki and Harf.

What is the disconnect you are experiencing? The Jewish aren't morons, unlike the majority of our population. That is why it succeeds here and not there. Not saying I am in bed with their politics or ideology. I am not. But I don't doubt their lucidity ..... unlike our society which can't even spell the word.

This post was edited on 3/18 12:49 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel

They were getting part of their money from the state dept. We would not like it if Russia or China sent over teams partially funded by their government to create the same sort of mischief and damage that O;s minions were attempting. It rightly created a backlash with Israeli public. I am surprised they did ship Ferguson protesters over, as their current gig will wind down at some point.

This post was edited on 3/18 1:10 PM by orlando eer
No it won't.

Social unrest is one of the staples out of the anarchists handbook.

Uproar is nothing more than that which precedes silence ..... as in silent, obedient consent.

If you think the shooting of innocent cops is winding down or flare-ups (based on false narratives just like Michael Brown) are over, then you are going to sorely disappointed.

People use Selma and other incidents from the past as ways to convince you that current issues are far from unique. These milemarkers couldn't be any more unique if they tried. Yet another false narrative our dumbed-down society has bought into.

If you look at what has simple transpired over the last 12 months in this country and globally, you would see something else is afoot ........ and personally, I think it's legitimately comical even though I'm supposed to demonstrate the type of compassion that keeps me from laughing at what awaits people.

I'll try and work on that serious character flaw.

This post was edited on 3/18 1:20 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Every time you post it you unwittingly come to the correct conclusion.

Actually, we ARE doomed.

I know it makes you nervous and hence, these little posts that try and masquerade as cynicism but instead present as nervous missives.

Suffice to say, one day you'll actually recall these conversations (assuming you're not 70-80 years old and ready to kill over anyway) and feel like a real poo-poo head.

Me? I won't remember poo-poo heads. No time for poo-poo heads.
Re: State Dept funding?

Google it, his group One Voice took a grant for 350k from the state dept conspicuously timed. There were Senate hearings about and it was big issue in Israel. The Israeli chose to punish the unwelcome outside interference at the ballot box. No riots or counter demonstrations. Have to admire the Israeli people.
you are so gullible....

I posted a link to this yesterday that refuted this assertion. But I see the Fox news crew is running with it (like ususal) repeating lies to their idiotic watchers so that they can send out chain emails. Link above....

"In a response to the lawmakers, Julia Frifield, the State Department's assistant secretary for legislative affairs, said in a statement that OneVoice's Israel branch received a $233,500 grant in September 2013 to support peace negotiations by Mr. Netanyahu's government. The grant was paid in installments, with the final one paid in August 2014, before elections were called.

"There is absolutely no basis to claims that the Department of State has funded efforts to influence the current Israeli election campaign," Ms. Frifield wrote."
We all will. Unless you are a vampire.

I think they live forever.

The cool thing about vampires is they never have the need for self-reflection.
Re: you are so gullible....

The Israeli's spoke with one voice on the matter. Landslide. Any taxpayer money sent to one voice was not to help Netenyahu, no matter how it was labeled. Next time send the grant to Israel not an Obama leftist proxy political outfit.
Re: Every time you post it you unwittingly come to the correct conclusion.

one day you'll actually recall these conversations lol, seriously?