Leftists leaders and big tech have prided themselves of being against COVID "misinformation"....


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
Totally silent and giving a pass to a leftist Supreme Court Justice blatantly lying about COVID as she will vote on Pedo Joe's COVID mandates. If that had been a conservative justice, you better believe liberals and leftists would be mad as hell. One would think the bleating sheep would be upset....But they stand there and bleat like they've been lobotomized.

The lying leftist, while arguing for Pedo-Joe says more than 100,000 children hospitalized with many on ventilators. The number is actually 3,700 and zero on ventilators.

She should be removed from the high court. Calling all sheep...Where's your outrage?

LINK: Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor came under withering criticism Friday after she falsely suggested that upwards of 100,000 children in the United States are hospitalized from COVID-19, many of them on ventilators.

During oral arguments on the Biden administration's mandate on private businesses for employees to be either vaccinated or frequently tested, Sotomayor drastically overstated the number of young people who have fallen severely ill from coronavirus.

"We have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. We have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators," she said.

Also, Sotomayor professed not to be able to understand the distinction between federal authority and state police powers.


She is a SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, for crying out loud and leftists want to pack our Supreme Court?

Ahhh, but alas...The bleating sheep seem focused on when the last time Trump farted, than to see that their messiahs are lying to them, stripping their freedoms and destroying America.
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Sounds like moe

The lying leftist is a Supreme Court Justice who is about to vote on something that affects all of our lives. Not only does she not know the facts, she's freaking lying about them.

Us peasants will go to jail when we lie in court. What happens when a judge is caught blatantly lying in court? What does that do to the trust American citizens are supposed to have in our high court?

Leftists are destroying our country.
My heart tells me she was mistaken, my head tells me she is a corrupt pos who is intentionally trying to take power from the states so her Democrat lords can have more control
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The false info she spewed is found nowhere. She literally pulled it out of thin air. Talk about a danger to our democracy.
I know she is a lying pos , but I hate to believe that a person setting on the highest court in the land can either be that ignorant or that corrupt.....I hate to believe people support her efforts.
2 hospitals in my area are at capacity, nation guard called in to help at one, lots of children getting sick, but not many on vents here.
Why on God's green earth are you still getting information from CNN. Yeah they said she "misspoke" but that was because her lie was so egregious that they had no choice but to do so.
Totally silent and giving a pass to a leftist Supreme Court Justice blatantly lying about COVID as she will vote on Pedo Joe's COVID mandates. If that had been a conservative justice, you better believe liberals and leftists would be mad as hell. One would think the bleating sheep would be upset....But they stand there and bleat like they've been lobotomized.

The lying leftist, while arguing for Pedo-Joe says more than 100,000 children hospitalized with many on ventilators. The number is actually 3,700 and zero on ventilators.

She should be removed from the high court. Calling all sheep...Where's your outrage?

LINK: Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor came under withering criticism Friday after she falsely suggested that upwards of 100,000 children in the United States are hospitalized from COVID-19, many of them on ventilators.

During oral arguments on the Biden administration's mandate on private businesses for employees to be either vaccinated or frequently tested, Sotomayor drastically overstated the number of young people who have fallen severely ill from coronavirus.

"We have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. We have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before, in serious condition, many on ventilators," she said.

Judge frontbutt was only wrong by 3000%.
  • Wow
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CNN (PedoNews)

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Wow. 24 patients.

3 in ICU.

In flu season.


But be scared Mr Mom.
Two of mine already had it, one developed pneumonia. Both, and my wife came out fine. Im sure you were concerned. Im just showing that, cnn is covering Soto’s comments, and my own local news is reporting higher numbers with kids - im actually ok with this variant - but it will be tough for those already compromised. Nothing else has worked, this could turn it into a flu-like yearly pain, with numbers less destructive.
As for the Mr mom thing, i had to work, i couldnt do it anymore.
I cant believe the media is literally suggesting hospitals are filling up with kids because kids are not being vaccinated.

Flu season is hard on kids every year. This didnt start in 2020.
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I thought you said in the other thread you don't watch CNN?

This is hopefully the last time i say this - i dont watch my news, i think any television news is sensationalized.
Yet here you are "quoting" CNN (which is T-V news) just because you refuse to admit a Leftist is blatantly lying about Covid infections in kids?

I am very careful in ensuring that I seek opposite sources
You're so "fake" you won't admit you're lying about not being as "fake" as you are! :rolleyes:
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I cant believe the media is literally suggesting hospitals are filling up with kids because kids are not being vaccinated.

Flu season is hard on kids every year. This didnt start in 2020.
Oh Dave, don't you know the Flu stopped after Covid? There are no more flu cases, only Covid?

C'mon man!!!!
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I thought you said in the other thread you don't watch CNN?

Yet here you are "quoting" CNN (which is T-V news) just because you refuse to admit a Leftist is blatantly lying about Covid infections in kids?

You're so "fake" you won't admit you're lying about not being as "fake" as you are! :rolleyes:
That was a video link. It was in response to a post about the msm not covering the Soto comment - i thought a video from CNN (from the website i review) would be relevant.
That was a video link. It was in response to a post about the msm not covering the Soto comment - i thought a video from CNN (from the website i review) would be relevant.
Oh OK....What about the Nunes memo? Any comments?

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