KY governor.....good grief


Sep 18, 2007
Suspending all indoor practices for public/private schools. Also closing down indoor dining and bars, but keeping open places that would be MUCH MORE of a spreader (Walmart, Lowes, etc.). And the kicker, he's telling me how many people I'm allowed to have at MY HOME. That's freaking hilarious. MY HOME.
Suspending all indoor practices for public/private schools. Also closing down indoor dining and bars, but keeping open places that would be MUCH MORE of a spreader (Walmart, Lowes, etc.). And the kicker, he's telling me how many people I'm allowed to have at MY HOME. That's freaking hilarious. MY HOME.
Where in KY are you? I’m headed there on Sat for Thanksgiving. I just assumed you were in Charleston for some reason.
Where in KY are you? I’m headed there on Sat for Thanksgiving. I just assumed you were in Charleston for some reason.

Ashland-Huntington area.

EDIT: Just relocated here. Was a WV boy most of my life, with a little in Ohio and North Carolina.
Suspending all indoor practices for public/private schools. Also closing down indoor dining and bars, but keeping open places that would be MUCH MORE of a spreader (Walmart, Lowes, etc.). And the kicker, he's telling me how many people I'm allowed to have at MY HOME. That's freaking hilarious. MY HOME.
In all seriousness, it’s getting ridiculous!!
I have personally missed (with my family):

1. Birthday celebrations/cookout
2. Vacation
3. Spring sports
4. Prom
5. Graduation

And now I'm about to restart this again? Don't think so.
That really sucks. My uncle has terminal pancreatic cancer. So I haven’t been able to see him as much. This whole thing is a sham.
I have personally missed (with my family):

1. Birthday celebrations/cookout
2. Vacation
3. Spring sports
4. Prom
5. Graduation

And now I'm about to restart this again? Don't think so.
Yes I’m over it!! I mean completely over it. I work in the mines and we were told after all this time that we have to wear masks while we are outside but when we get underground we don’t have to. We all said nope!! Haven’t had to all this time we aren’t doing it now. It’s funny when everyone stands together they don’t fight back.
Suspending all indoor practices for public/private schools. Also closing down indoor dining and bars, but keeping open places that would be MUCH MORE of a spreader (Walmart, Lowes, etc.). And the kicker, he's telling me how many people I'm allowed to have at MY HOME. That's freaking hilarious. MY HOME.
Just a taste of what a Pedo Joe presidency would look like.
Ashland-Huntington area.

EDIT: Just relocated here. Was a WV boy most of my life, with a little in Ohio and North Carolina.
What part of NC? I lived in Charlotte for about 5 years before I got married and moved to Morgantown. My family all moved down that way so I had to come back to WV after all my warrants expired. 😉
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Suspending all indoor practices for public/private schools. Also closing down indoor dining and bars, but keeping open places that would be MUCH MORE of a spreader (Walmart, Lowes, etc.). And the kicker, he's telling me how many people I'm allowed to have at MY HOME. That's freaking hilarious. MY HOME.

Got to vote him out quick. Can you impeach a Governor?
· 14m

Being a free American, I will be personally suspending COVID restrictions to celebrate the holidays.

I invite you to do the same.
Suspending all indoor practices for public/private schools. Also closing down indoor dining and bars, but keeping open places that would be MUCH MORE of a spreader (Walmart, Lowes, etc.). And the kicker, he's telling me how many people I'm allowed to have at MY HOME. That's freaking hilarious. MY HOME.
How would Wal Mart and lowes be "MUCH MORE of a spreader"? Results are pretty obvious spreads are not occurring at those places.
I think all of this will eventually be challenged to SCOTUS.
100% I think most will be upheld, but there certainly are religious practices being curbed where I think you will see MAJOR pushback.
100% I think most will be upheld, but there certainly are religious practices being curbed where I think you will see MAJOR pushback.
I dont think keeping people from assembling at their homes or churches or anywhere privately owned will be upheld. No way.
How would Wal Mart and lowes be "MUCH MORE of a spreader"? Results are pretty obvious spreads are not occurring at those places.

Data? As was asked by a reporter at yesterday's presser to the governor, of which he had ZERO data on where the spread was originating from.

Common sense = more people, more spread possibility. That's what we've been told, at least. Right? Does Arby's or Walmart have more people inside?
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I think all of this will eventually be challenged to SCOTUS.

Yep, because people are huge pussies. This generation of 20-30 something year olds is the selfish, I’m entitled to do whatever I want and you can’t tell me what to do generation.
Yep, because people are huge pussies. This generation of 20-30 something year olds is the selfish, I’m entitled to do whatever I want and you can’t tell me what to do generation.
The constitution entitles them and everyone else to certain things. Damn them for wanting their god given freedom.

Ps. You calling people pussies. 😂😂😂😂😂
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I dont think keeping people from assembling at their homes or churches or anywhere privately owned will be upheld. No way.
Businesses I think will. Homes and churches 100% agree. I don't think the majority of states have actual rules/laws on gathering at your home, but I hope NY, Connecticut, etc get sued.
Businesses I think will. Homes and churches 100% agree. I don't think the majority of states have actual rules/laws on gathering at your home, but I hope NY, Connecticut, etc get sued.
Businesses is a bit trickier since most are licensed by some municipal entity.
Data? As was asked by a reporter at yesterday's presser to the governor, of which he had ZERO data on where the spread was originating from.

Common sense = more people, more spread possibility. That's what we've been told, at least. Right? Does Arby's or Walmart have more people inside?
Your "common sense" is wrong. More people in a bigger area, more spread out, wearing masks with top of the line ventilation systems are not super spreader areas.
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Yep, because people are huge pussies. This generation of 20-30 something year olds is the selfish, I’m entitled to do whatever I want and you can’t tell me what to do generation.

Government doesn't tell me that I can only have 5 people in my home.
Then your "common sense/data" is wrong. Spread out? HA! Masks? HA HA!
You think data is from personal observations? I think I get the problem. Carry on. I hope your crusade of message board whining brings about real change!
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Yep, because people are huge pussies. This generation of 20-30 something year olds is the selfish, I’m entitled to do whatever I want and you can’t tell me what to do generation.
Yes a generation of incompetent pu$$ys that want someone else to pay for their education, while bitching they can do what they want no matter the consequences..
Seems to me both actions are based on entitlement....I see you agree with me
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You think data is from personal observations? I think I get the problem. Carry on. I hope your crusade of message board whining brings about real change!

About as much change as masks are for this "virus".

EDIT: Why does he not show his data? Never does.
Yep, because people are huge pussies. This generation of 20-30 something year olds is the selfish, I’m entitled to do whatever I want and you can’t tell me what to do generation.
That’s pretty much the case, we can do whatever we want, for the most part. We can burn down cities, we can do drugs in a lot of states, there really isn’t a lot of taboo shit anymore. With respect to going out and congregating and having fun, I literally don’t care about you and the rest of the Karen’s in the world being disgusted. I’m gonna have the fun I want with who I want and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.
Well, last Spring was under Trump. Just saying I don't think the POTUS has anything to do with this. It's the Kings...I mean governors.
Yes the governor's need to be put in check , as do our federal government, vote any one out after 2nd term ...
Under Biden the kings will get federal support to encroach on our liberties in the name of protectionism, in this situation, under Trump not so much .under Biden the governor's of physically mismanage states will get bailout do to Corona, under Trump not so much ....not saying Trump didn't have his own spending issues, but everyone in D.C likes to spend our money on stuff we dont want the

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