Kamala Harris Blasts Israel


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2014
for ‘Human Suffering’ in Gaza After Meeting Netanyahu. Useful idiots like Harris only embolden Hamas.
Biden was the old puppet Harris is just the new puppet.
for ‘Human Suffering’ in Gaza After Meeting Netanyahu. Useful idiots like Harris only embolden Hamas.
Biden was the old puppet Harris is just the new puppet.

For those that want peace. I get it. Shit Trump wants peace.

However these protesters don't want peace. They want to destroy Isarel. Some because they hate Jews and Christians.

But this isn't just about being Anti-Semitc. Some of them don't hate all Jews. Just the conservative ones.

Some support the BDS movement. That's a power grab to destroy Capitalism and implement Crony Capitalism. The CCP loves that movement because it's all about the Belt to Road Intiative.

Bds Movement and CCP Belt to Road Intiative have been discussed on this board before. Just use them in the search terms.

They are Crony Capitalist tactics used to crush the middle class by Communist and Nazi Regime. They want to destroy Capitalism for you by using Crony Capitalism. Then you get Socialism while they ear all the steak.
for ‘Human Suffering’ in Gaza After Meeting Netanyahu. Useful idiots like Harris only embolden Hamas.
Biden was the old puppet Harris is just the new puppet.

For those that want peace. I get it. Shit Trump wants peace.

However these protesters don't want peace. They want to destroy Isarel. Some because they hate Jews and Christians.

But this isn't just about being Anti-Semitc. Some of them don't hate all Jews. Just the conservative ones.

Some support the BDS movement. That's a power grab to destroy Capitalism and implement Crony Capitalism. The CCP loves that movement because it's all about the Belt to Road Intiative.

Bds Movement and CCP Belt to Road Intiative have been discussed on this board before. Just use them in the search terms.

They are Crony Capitalist facts used to crush the middle class by Communist and Nazi Regime. They want to destroy Capitalism for you by using Crony Capitalism. Then you get Socialism while they ear all the steak

You also get your jobs sent overseas.
The so-called "Palestinians" were offered a two-state solution five times and rejected it. They want a one-state "solution," all of Israel.
What does Harris "From the river to the sea' means?
Dear Liberal Jews. She's going to get Isarel destroyed. That includes you Liberals. She is pandering to the CCP and BDS Movement supporters. Iran is licking their chops. Hence why Iran and the CCP are allies. That's who is funding these protesters. Some of protesters are Socialist. Some are wolves that want to kill and rape. Those funding it don't care either way.

However it's not just foreign countries funding it. The call is also coming in from inside the house. From the same assholes that sold your country out over the years to fill their pockets.

The so-called "Palestinians" were offered a two-state solution five times and rejected it. They want a one-state "solution," all of Israel.
What does Harris "From the river to the sea' means?

It should be a one State Solution. Isarel. They should learn to live there peacefully like other Muslims do. Some even serve in their military. If they can't then ship their ass to Iran. That's who the terrorists work for.
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It's amazing how sneaky Harris is as she tries to ride the center rail with Israel and her buddies Hamas.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is upset with Vice President Kamala Harris over her remarks on the war that he believes could jeopardize a hostage deal.

An Israeli official told Axios that Netanyahu was unhappy with Harris mentioning civilian deaths in Gaza and the "dire humanitarian situation there."

One Israeli official also said to Axios that "Harris' statement after the meeting was much more critical than what she told Netanyahu in the meeting."

Look at the despicable photos of the protests this week. No Jewish American should EVER vote for a Democrat.
For the life of me I cannot understand why passing an IQ test isn't required for serving in government, especially for the highest office in the land. Oh wait, it's because the DemonRat party would go extinct.

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