Judge Aileen Cannon is going to hold a hearing on the Constitutionality of Jack Smith's appointment as a Special Prosecutor....

- Jack Smith presented the evidence of the classified documents case to a grand jury in Miami instead of Palm Beach. Forum shopping. How on the up and up. Said no one ever.

- Judge Cannon will be asking for all the grand jury testimony and all of the material including the backup material for Howell’s extraordinary order piercing attorney client privilege between Donald Trump and his attorney Evan Corkrin. This order forced Donald Trump’s attorney to testify before a grand jury, and to produce all of his communications with his client. Howell used the crime fraud exemption to justify her decision. This material is under seal in DC and the Chief Judge there refuses to produce them for discovery to the defense attorneys.

I totally forgot that these corrupt and disgusting prosecutors and this absolutely ridiculous judge pierced attorney client privilege because they needed to get Trump. This is one of the most extraordinary remedies that are available in our system of jurisprudence, and the fact that it was done in secret and under seal and none of this being released to Trump’s lawyers is unreal.

I have to say that if it weren’t for people like Julie Kelly who has devoted her life to reporting on this when no one else is and Judge Cannon unsealing this we wouldn’t know any of this. And that is why Jack Smith, and all of these jackbooted thugs want to do everything in DC because these judges on that circuit are completely and totally compromised.

Overall, the judicial system has taken a devastating blow from the “Get Trump” campaign.

This is republic ending stuff and I don’t know how we’re going to recover from it.

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