John Eastman's trial... serious voter fraud started in 2004...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001

Now that Trump's attorney John Eastman is allowed to present his defense in his disbarment trial, it's frankly incredible all the evidence coming out about election fraud in 2020 that was never allowed to come out in the election challenges. Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Michael Gableman, who the legislature contracted with to conduct a small investigation into the election, is currently discussing the bombshell revelation about how election officials removed the requirement to have bipartisan observers present when collecting votes from nursing homes, and so the sheriff referred the election officials for criminal charges. The election officials (WEC) said during a meeting that was videotaped that they knew they were breaking the law by telling the clerks to disregard the law and just mail the ballots to nursing home residents.
The testimony by the first witness Trump's attorney John Eastman called to put on his side of the case in his disbarment trial has been nothing less than explosive. The trial ended for the day with more bombshells. He revealed that the Zuckbucks, $8.8 million from Zuckerberg's Center for Tech & Civic Life (CTCL) provided to Wisconsin's five large cities, violated the law. He said he doesn't call them "grants," he refers to it as "employment contracts," since the CTCL employees actually go work with the clerks' offices and get to see information about voters that the public can't access as easily (the public has to pay $12,500 for voter roll info, only gets a snapshot of that instant, and usually has to wait 4-5 days for it, so there's no way to determine whether someone was made active 2 weeks before the election then deactivated 2 weeks after the election). Also since if the clerks don't comply with CTCL's requirements, they have a huge penalty of giving money back. Those CTCL employees are able to determine if a voter was likely to vote for Trump or Biden. They were allowed to see voters who had requested ballots but hadn't returned them, then go chase them down to get their ballots. The CTCL employees were "embedded" in the clerks' offices and "running the elections." Yet the Zuckerbergs had made statements they wanted to defeat Trump. He also said votes were "illegally cast" that were dropped off in the drop boxes, since the drop boxes violated the law by not being placed near the clerks' offices - which the WI Supreme Court reaffimed; instead the clerks let CTCL dictate where they must be placed. The guy the Zuckerbergs hired to run this had written a book on how to defeat Trump, where he said the election would be won dueling it out block by block in these types of big cities.
Wow, I just watched the Democrat-donating judge chew out the witness for Trump's attorney John Eastman in Eastman's disbarment trial. Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who was appointed by Wisconsin Speaker Vos, was testifying about how Vos contracted him as special counsel with the Wisconsin Assembly to investigate whether there was wrongdoing in the 2020 election. Gableman said it was "widely known" that Voss didn't want a deep investigation, "not a serious effort." The California bar's attorney objected to him stating it was "widely known" since it was hearsay. Well, the judge has let in probably every bit of hearsay favoring the bar so far, justifying it by stating the disciplinary court has extra exceptions for hearsay. But she would not allow this, and gave Gableman an angry lecture about it, and when he inquired about what the deal is with the Rules of Evidence in that court, she looked like she was about to lose it and demanded a break so Eastman's attorney could school him.

The one-sided hypocrisy in this "trial" is being exposed.

Trump's attorney John Eastman in his disbarment trial is discussing the collusion between Pennsylvania election officials and the Democratic Party. He said the officials gave advance warning to Democratic Party officials in advance that they would be breaking state law and allowing curing of ballots on election day. So the Democratic Party advertised for workers in advance, which violated law since state law said that information cannot be disclosed until the polls have closed.

The California bar's attorney is asking Trump's attorney John Eastman in his disbarment trial about his statements on J6 that dead people voted, trying to get him to admit he had no evidence they did. Eastman retorted that yes there was, both Georgia and Nevada reported large numbers of dead people voting.

In his disbarment trial, Trump's attorney John Eastman just explained why Trump v. Raffensperger and Trump v. Kemp were voluntarily dismissed. In Raffensperger, the judge didn't bother scheduling it until AFTER J6, so after that it was moot, too late. The other case had a similar situation making it moot. Remember, these are the kinds of cases the left is gloating about stating we never had any evidence.

In his disbarment trial, Trump's attorney John Eastman just testified that based on the investigation of an expert named O'Donnell, he believes Dominion machines flipped the vote for Biden in 2020 in Colorado's Mesa County. In Michigan's Antrim County, he said the evidence wasn't conclusive since they deleted the log files.

Utterly hilarious watching Trump's attorney John Eastman in his disbarment trial school the California bar's attorney and the judge, even though he's sitting on the witness stand with no materials talking off the top of his head. The bar's attorney just brought up a 6th Circuit case, and incorrectly characterized it, I believe he said they upheld the lower court. Eastman corrected him and said the 6th Circuit affirmed in part and reversed in part, and the bar's attorney was forced to admit Eastman was right. This type of thing happens repeatedly throughout the trial; the bar's attorney is not an expert in this area and I believe he is so partisan he is trying to sneak and characterize things incorrectly hoping to get them past Eastman.

Here's my write up of what happened on Tuesday in the disbarment trial of Trump's attorney John Eastman. It was the best day yet, as Eastman decimated the Democrat-donating judge and California bar's attorney on election and constitutional law, subjects which neither are experts on unlike him, he kinda made them look like fools for trying to gang up on him.

The trial is resuming today right now, watch live here

In his disbarment trial, Trump's attorney John Eastman just DECIMATED a press release by Wisconsin election official Meagan Wolfe. She said the election was "conducted according to law." Eastman said that was FALSE - people claimed they were "indefinitely confined" when they weren't, there were illegal drop boxes, and county clerk employees illegally filled out missing information on ballots. The courts backed this up too, declaring these illegal.
Rachel Alexander


In the disbarment trial of Trump's attorney John Eastman, Kurt Olsen (who is also Kari Lake's attorney), is testifying about a Motion for Leave to File a Bill of Complaint he and Texas AG Ken Paxton filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, asking to stop Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin from certifying their 2020 election results due to multiple violations of state law. One of the reasons he brought the complaint was signature verification was stopped in the 2020 election in Detroit.

Jesse Jacob, a decades-long City of Detroit employee assigned to work in the Elections Department for the 2020 election testified that: Absentee ballots that were received in the mail would have the voter’s signature on the envelope. While I was at the TCF Center, I was instructed not to look at any of the signatures on the absentee ballots, and I was instructed not to compare the signature on the absentee ballot with the signature on file.
Rachel Alexander


Here's what happened on the last day of the disbarment trial of Trump's attorney John Eastman for awhile; it won't resume for over a week.

Kurt Olsen, who is also representing Kari Lake, revealed that the number of state laws that were massively violated in the 2020 election in several states was staggering, resulting in thousands and thousands of illegal votes.

Signature verification halted in Detroit and Georgia,
early ballots opened early in Georgia,
over 7 million ballot applications mailed to voters who had not requested them in Michigan,
unmanned ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin,
massive increase in “indefinitely confined” voters in Wisconsin who avoided providing signature verification or voter ID,
ballots cured without running them past the voters in Wisconsin,
58,000 ballots returned on the mailed-out date in Pennsylvania,
and 10,000 ballots received after the deadline in Pennsylvania were commingled.

And that doesn't even go over the bombshells Eastman revealed in his testimony - and he'll be testifying more the week after next. I wonder if maybe this is enough to get elon musk interested?

He has posted about issues in Abe Hamadeh's race previously.

Trump's attorney John Eastman testifying in his disbarment trial explained how Article II of the Constitution gives the power over how to choose electors to the state legislatures.

So when there was a violation of this, the elections violating state laws, then it was the legislatures' prerogative to step in and fix the situation.


In the disbarment trial of Trump's attorney John Eastman, attorney Kurt Olsen is testifying about the Ryan Report, which was issued by Pennsylvania legislators, which found that Pennsylvania said they mailed out 3.1 million ballots in 2020, but only 2.7 million ballots were sent out, with no explanation for the 400,000 discrepancy.

In his disbarment trial, Trump's attorney John Eastman is testifying about how he was talking to Joe Oltmann and Russell Ramsland on Jan. 5 about their predictions on how the cheating would occur that night in the Georgia run-off election. They predicted as vote totals got close to 100%, the percentage reported would remain the same, while additional ballots were added. The counting would have to shut down, so they could find voters who hadn’t voted. He observed that happen that night in Georgia. The percentage reported stayed at 95% for a long time. The ballots were ether scanned multiple times or the ballot images were replicated multiple times, he said.