Jawbones?? Somebody tell that to Purim.

Wolf J. Flywheel

Apr 29, 2014
Ayatolloh Ali Khamenei (diagnosed with prostate cancer 10 years ago), the man who vows to eradicate the earth of Jews, suddenly sees his vital organs shut down on Purim. Of course, I take zero pleasure in the suffering of another and I hope his eyes are opened, although that seems unlikely based on his apocalyptic hatred and pursuit of his genocidal prophecy.

On Purim in 1953, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin dies in the midst of the famous "Doctors Trial" that accused Jewish doctors of treason against the USSR, where a conviction would have led not to a mass execution of Jews. That instead lead not to mass genocide but the initial trek of Jews from Russia to Jerusalem.

Yes, strange coincidence ........ especially considering it lasts ONE FREAKING DAY.

What does this current administration seek?

To actually pander to the largest sponsor of global terror at the expense of not only the U.S., but Israel, all amid wanting to divide the land. Sheer brilliance.

Somebody needs to tell God that Democrats (and Republicans) are in control and not him. LOL!!! Such bizarre "coincidences" we constantly see. Just wait until this country receives the just desserts of its Purim pizza party. Pizza and coincidences ...... YUM!!!!

Whom do I believe? Scientists and politicians or God? Gee, tough choice.

This post was edited on 3/5 11:16 AM by Wolf J. Flywheel
LOL! You're Cube aren''t you?

That's all you have? "Alex Jones" type stuff? Tell me this .........

................ how is it that Alex Jones and whackjob conspiracy theorists of his ilk, who think politicians are really reptilians from the gates of Hell ..... a member of the "Illuminati" standing on every street corner ..... can somehow "expose" all these secret plots and do so not by only keeping their shows, but keeping their LIVES?

Every presidency has had dissidents killed. We see it go on in every country and accept that as reality. Hell, we just saw it go on in the Ukraine this week. Yet we do not realize it goes on here. Reagan had people offed, Clinton had people killed (Vince Foster, anyone?), and somehow there's been a ton of freak deaths of people who had it 'in' for Obama (Andrew Breitbart, Steve Bridges, etc.). Of course it goes on here.

So how does Alex Jones keep breathing if he knows all this stuff?

If there IS a conspiracy, it's that he's a plant ......... and I don't believe that. He's harmless and he remains living because he's full of sh*t like 100% of the conspiracy quacks.

Unfortunately for you, God's works don't fall under conspiracy and one day you will find that out firsthand.
It can't go on here

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
Every presidency has had dissidents killed. We see it go on in every country and accept that as reality. Hell, we just saw it go on in the Ukraine this week. Yet we do not realize it goes on here. Reagan had people offed, Clinton had people killed (Vince Foster, anyone?), and somehow there's been a ton of freak deaths of people who had it 'in' for Obama (Andrew Breitbart, Steve Bridges, etc.). Of course it goes on here.
Hell no it doesn't go on here. To suggest that America is anything other than perfect is to be unpatriotic.
Dissent is indeed the greatest form of pariotism.

And more people should practice it regardless of which party holds office. Instead, they walk like lambs to the slaughter. Why? It could be due to the fact that more people than ever are receiving federal aid and have traded their silent, obedient consent for their survival.

I'm thankful our founding fathers had their mild 'disagreement' with King George and I am glad we still have the forums to express as such .......... and of course, the government seizing control of the internet is not gonna eventually impact that freedom one bit ........... oh noooooooooooo ........ of course not.

What was that part about lambs to the slaughter?
Who needs bunkers ...... or your same boring, cookie cutter responses?

Does Billy Bob from Blainesville really think this next global crisis is gonna be fought with stockpiled guns, precious metals, batteries, and canned goods?

I hate to bare bad news to any preppers here, but those things ain't gonna help you a bit.

I possess 1 Glock with 5 clips (home defense) and as of this moment, I don't own any silver (dammit) or as far as canned goods, all I can say is "I wish" because it's snowing like a mother here and there's hardly any food in the house.

I know how I will fight the next conflict and that is peacefully and confidently.
You honestly believe that?

You don't believe the political system in this country has incorporated homicide as a means to maintain power?


Wait a minute ...... you can acknowledge those fascists Russians will do it (Boris Nemtsov just this week), that there's been hundreds of political killings in the Phillippines, over 200 fulfilled attempts in Europe over just the past 15 years, and even sitting Presidents here in the United States killed (unless you think history books have failed us), but somehow, the most powerful country in history, whose leaders would do anything to harness that power, have clean hands?

And you are accusing ME of being naive?
Re: No different than you turning into Knox over the past few weeks**

Knox, Knox, Knox, that's all you talk there something you want to share? hmmm
Re: Dissent is indeed the greatest form of pariotism.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
And more people should practice it regardless of which party holds office.
This board needs a "like" button
Not really...

I have always liked his posts even though we disagree on 80% of things discussed. Lately he has seemed a little more over the top.
You and I are in total agreement on politics.

Of course, they whole "God" thing throws things off from there.

Don't worry ...... one day that may be clearer :)
Re: No different than you turning into Knox over the past few weeks**

Nothing to share from me. I'm straight, you on the other hand seem to have Obama's cock in your mouth 24hrs a day. Anything YOU want to share?
Re: You and I are in total agreement on politics.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
Of course, they whole "God" thing throws things off from there.

Don't worry ...... one day that may be clearer :)
LOL. Yeah, we diverge on the "God" thing a bit. :)

My stance on that isn't as harsh as I've made it seem. I just allowed myself to get caught up in the prevailing attitude of the board and have responded many times in ways that I normally wouldn't.

I'm trying to be more mindful about that.

Funny thing is that I was raised Southern Baptist and both my grandfathers were ministers. Many things started turning me off of the church in general and then I just questioned everything about churches and all religion in general.
I've always found such fervent partisanship amazingly creepy.

And it is combined with his "Republicans have never done anything right" line of postings.

And the Republicans do the same thing ....... only in reverse.

Of course, I'm the loon that has faith in God, not politicians or mankind in general, so I'm a whole different classification of loon ............ but at least I'm on the right team.
I stepped away from the church and religion a LOOOOOONG time ago.

Thing is, both ends of the spectrum (Secularists and Evangelicals) have strangely spliced Jesus and religion ......... and I have never grasped the reasoning for that.

Both poles better wake the hell up ......... and soon.
Re: I've always found such fervent partisanship amazingly creepy.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
And it is combined with his "Republicans have never done anything right" line of postings.

And the Republicans do the same thing ....... only in reverse.

Of course, I'm the loon that has faith in God, not politicians or mankind in general, so I'm a whole different classification of loon ............ but at least I'm on the right team.
If you step back and look objectively without the cloud of bias, you realize that both parties are essentially the same. Neither side is righteous and neither side is purely evil. There is corruption in both parties and there are good, well meaning people in both parties.

Unfortunately it just seems that the most fervent partisans have the loudest voices. There's no room for reason or compromise anymore.
Those "well meaning" people have not truly been indoctrinated.

I hate to sound crass and cliche but the higher up in politics you get, the more humanity you must shed ..... and many had little to begin with.

This post was edited on 3/5 12:48 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Re: I've always found such fervent partisanship amazingly creepy.

For 2 months, every 3 days I asked Moe and Keysereer if they have EVER disagreed with anything (even one thing) that Obama has done. I never got even one response from either of them. You're right it actually is creepy. It is almost as if you are attacking a mans wife with some of these guys. I just take it that both of them are using a ton of entitlements and Obama is their Messiah.
Re: Those "well meaning" people have not truly been indoctrinated.

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
I hate to sound crass and cliche but the higher up in politics you get, the more humanity you must shed ..... and many had little to begin with.

This post was edited on 3/5 12:48 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
There are some studies that suggest that those in the highest positions of power share many traits of psychopaths and sociopaths.

So, I kind of wonder if its not that the "well meaning" get indoctrinated, or that they just never get there in the first place because there are parts of themselves they aren't willing to compromise.
Re: I've always found such fervent partisanship amazingly creepy.

Originally posted by Motown Mounty:
For 2 months, every 3 days I asked Moe and Keysereer if they have EVER disagreed with anything (even one thing) that Obama has done. I never got even one response from either of them. You're right it actually is creepy. It is almost as if you are attacking a mans wife with some of these guys. I just take it that both of them are using a ton of entitlements and Obama is their Messiah.
There is a lot of that from the conservative side too. There's no way that Bush or Reagan ever did anything wrong.

What I dislike about this board is that you can't make the kind of statement I just made without it coming across as defending the "other team". That statement is not in defense of anything, only to point out that there are plenty on both sides that do the same thing, and then those same people disparage the other side for doing the same thing.
Re: I've always found such fervent partisanship amazingly creepy.

Bush and Reagan did plenty of things wrong. I didn't agree with Reagan firing the air traffic controllers. I didn't like the weapons to Iraq, nor the Oliver North fiasco. Bush did nothing to help secure the border, TARP, Patriot Act. I could go on. I am not a lemming. There are a few people on this board who would NEVER find fault with anything Obama has done or will do. I am tired of the "My team wins" attitude towards politics.
Our church is trying

We aren't a cookie cutter Baptist church. Most other churches around here don't like us too much.