To ask that question after 3 games against teams not in the top 25, maybe not even the top 50, of college football today qualifies as premature ejaculation.
That's a grammar term, by the way.
Why don't we wait till Nov. 1 to re-think that one.
Pat White, Steve Slaton, Owen Schmitt were pretty fair football players, too.
M ighty defense throttled Georgia Southern, 44-0
O utstanding defense obliterated Liberty, 41-17
U nilaterally decimated Maryland, 45-6, on defense and offense
N euter Oklahoma with Octopus Defense
T rample Oklahoma State
A nnihilate Baylor
I ncinerate TCU
N ail Texas Tech
E rectile dysfunction Texas
E viscerate Kansas
R ip open a new one for Iowa State
S kewer Kansas State