Is the message getting through?

Yes, it should be very concerning. It is extremely dangerous to our democracy. However, the liberals and democrats have already been programmed. You'll see a few in this thread yucking it up claiming this is some right wing nut conspiracy. The question is, who is controlling what comes out of these mindless robots?
Companies like the Sinclair Group own local news and give all their stations scripts they MUST run. It's been going on for years.

BTW, I didn't watch the video, but assume from the looks it's all the anchors reporting the same story, word for word.
And this is why so many are misinformed and live in an alternate Trump reality leading to a weakening of the country for the past 4 years. These are problems.
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And this is why so many are misinformed and live in an alternate Trump reality leading to a weakening of the country for the past 4 years. These are problems.
Not a smidgen of corruption. LOL
Companies like the Sinclair Group own local news and give all their stations scripts they MUST run. It's been going on for years.

BTW, I didn't watch the video, but assume from the looks it's all the anchors reporting the same story, word for word.
You should of watched the video. The content is germane.
You should of watched the video. The content is germane.
But they all read the same script, word for word? Again, it's been happening for years. "Local" news is a thing of the past now.
What is wrong? Sinclair Group. As has been said. Used by many righties on here.
First, you are making an assumption that all those outlets are Sinclair group. Second what is wrong is the message itself.
Oh, there’s so much of this.
I can't think of a single board righty that has an ounce of credibility left. Not a single one. Every one has swallowed everything Trump has spewed on their face for the past 4 years and have wrecked them. Not a single one of them is regretting their past actions or believing into such bullshit. To hell with every one of them.
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I can't think of a single board righty that has an ounce of credibility left. Not a single one. Every one has swallowed everything Trump has spewed on their face for the past 4 years and have wrecked them. Not a single one of them is regretting their past actions or believing into such bullshit. To hell with every one of them.

Pedophile Bru is mad as hell and he ain't going to take it anymore!
I can't think of a single board righty that has an ounce of credibility left. Not a single one. Every one has swallowed everything Trump has spewed on their face for the past 4 years and have wrecked them. Not a single one of them is regretting their past actions or believing into such bullshit. To hell with every one of them.
They have zero credibility. None.
Why did Democrats (and many Republicans ostensibly) vote for Joe Biden and not against the same folks who helped Trump pass his agenda?

There are only two rational, logical or even reasonable answers:

1) Trump was more hated than his effective policies.

2) All of those votes only for Joe Biden were fraudulent.

There are no other rational, logical, or even reasonable explanations. If there are, let's hear 'em?
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Now I'm quite aware none of you "bragging, boasting, bellicose" Leftists can even attempt a logical, rational, or reasonable explanation of how Joe Biden got 10 million more votes than Barrack Obama, yet lost significant numbers of challenged Democrat incumbent House races for his party?

It makes no sense!

I'm offering this analysis to further explain how illogical this argument is. I function on logic...if something doesn't make logical sense to me, I dismiss it. (It's a big reason I don't vote Left)

So here....consider these facts as logic as to why Biden's victory is not be trusted.

Donald Trump has majority approval. Nearly six in 10 Americans feel better off today than when Barack Obama was in office, and 15 percent more voters pulled the lever for his re-election than in his 2016 victory. These are not the numbers of a losing candidate, yet we’re told Joe Biden managed to prevail.

  • Not since President Grover Cleveland’s re-election campaign in 1888 has a sitting president won more votes the second time around and still lost
  • Trump won a greater share of minority votes than any Republican presidential candidate since 1960 and brought more Democrats over to his side than in 2016. More than nine in 10 evangelical Christians voted to re-elect the president. For Trump to expand his coalition of voters so substantially and still lose is historic.
  • According to Gallup, only 32 percent of Americans say they aren’t better off since Trump was inaugurated. No sitting president has lost re-election when more than half of the country is doing better than before the incumbent entered office.
  • Part of the reason for Americans’ strong sense of being better off under Trump surely stems from the unprecedented prosperity Americans were experiencing until this past spring when the Chinese coronavirus stopped the world’s economies. Under the president, minority unemployment had reached record lows, and minority wealth savings had reached record highs. At the same time, the stock market had risen to all-time record highs. In other words, the Trump economy was benefiting Americans at all economic levels.
  • In the past, the performance of the S&P 500 in the three months before Americans head to the polls has predicted 87 percent of elections since 1928 and 100 percent since 1984. If the S&P is in positive territory by the end of those three months, the incumbent party almost always wins. On the last trading day in July, the S&P 500 closed at 3,271, was up nearly 7 percent by mid-October, and closed at 3,310 on the Monday before the 2020 election. The market predicted a Trump victory.
  • In June, during the middle of the pandemic, pollster Scott Rasmussen was blown away by the enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden voters. He wrote in amazement: “Wow! 76 percent of Trump voters are enthusiastic about their candidate compared to just 49 percent of Biden voters.” Anyone who saw a Trump rally would not be surprised. At one of his last campaign stops before Election Day, about 60,000 Trump supporters showed up to see the president in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump tractor parades, boat parades, and 30-mile-long highway caravans have been a common feature of the 2020 campaign.
  • By a 7 percentage-point margin, Harvard/Harris polling found in late September that more Americans believed their neighbors would vote for Trump’s re-election than for Biden. In the week before the election, USC Dornsife published a poll asking a similar question: “Do you think your friends and neighbors are voting for Trump?” USC concluded that “it’s looking like an Electoral College loss for Biden.”
  • Just 12 days before the election, Trump’s approval rating popped over 50 percent and has held steady since that time. As Gallup noted, “[A]ll incumbents with an approval rating of 50 percent or higher have won re-election, and presidents with approval ratings much lower than 50 percent have lost.” Rasmussen and Zogby both had Trump hitting that “holy grail” approval number tied to certain re-election. On the day before the election, Rasmussen had Trump at 52 percent approval. At the same point in his presidency, and before his own re-election, Obama had 50 percent.
These are all logical, rational, and I'd argue unassailable facts which goes back to my original question in post #22.

If we're to believe Joe Biden's surprising victory, we MUST believe his voters indeed hated Trump but supported Trump's policies. Why? Because the people who helped Trump pass that agenda were either re-elected or elected over opposing Democrats down ballot. Democrats lost seats in a record turnout election. Not only in Congress, but in State Houses where critical redistricting lines will be drawn.

If we're to believe Joe Biden's massive vote winning victory, we have to assume his voters rejected the very Democrats he's going to need to dismantle Trump's agenda. He does not have that support. Biden's party lost seats, they may not even be in the majority once all the recounts are completed!

So the only other logical, rational, reasonable conclusion one can develop as to why only Joe Biden got votes over Trump's supporters and even members of his own Democrat party is the recorded votes only for him were not genuine.

What other logical, rational, reasonable explanation is there?
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I can't think of a single board righty that has an ounce of credibility left. Not a single one. Every one has swallowed everything Trump has spewed on their face for the past 4 years and have wrecked them. Not a single one of them is regretting their past actions or believing into such bullshit. To hell with every one of them.
Your tears are going to be the biggest and wettest of all when everything comes out and the rule of law is applied to the elections. Say it with me, "My current President, Donald J. Trump, and my future President, Donald J. Trump."
Why did Democrats (and many Republicans ostensibly) vote for Joe Biden and not against the same folks who helped Trump pass his agenda?

There are only two rational, logical or even reasonable answers:

1) Trump was more hated than his effective policies.

2) All of those votes only for Joe Biden were fraudulent.

There are no other rational, logical, or even reasonable explanations. If there are, let's hear 'em?

Almost 80M people LOATHE Donald Trump....fact!

Only you, WVU82 and Rudy Giuliani are still pushing the massive voter fraud conspiracy theory.....

GA will certify the win for Biden tomorrow. A GOP controlled state.....
Almost 80M people LOATHE Donald Trump....fact!

Only you, WVU82 and Rudy Giuliani are still pushing the massive voter fraud conspiracy theory.....

GA will certify the win for Biden tomorrow. A GOP controlled state.....
Over 80M LEGAL votes were cast for Trump, according to Sidney Powell. Loathe him all you want, he will be your next President.
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Democrats cannot explain why in a self described "wave" election, their record setting top vote winning candidate lost seats among voters who showed up in record numbers to cast a ballot for him.

If hatred for Trump was demonstrated by that vote, it logically follows there was massive support for continuation of his effective polices since Biden was NOT given permission to dismantle the Trump agenda.

It simply cannot be argued any other way, as Trump won more minority votes, more Democrat votes, more votes from Women, more votes from Hispanics, even more votes in general than Barrack Obama! Trump won more votes for his re-election than he won for his first term, and Democrats lost seats in this record turnout election.

That has never happened before. NEVER. No one on the Left can explain it without admitting Trump's policies were more successful than his personality. If the argument is voters simply disliked Trump, then that same argument based on the actual results means they want his policies to continue.

Joe Biden's agenda was rejected by least those who fully understand what the Hell it was?

No one on the Left does. Not even enough of them voted for it as a result.
Democrats cannot explain why in a self described "wave" election, their record setting top vote winning candidate lost seats among voters who showed up in record numbers to cast a ballot for him.

If hatred for Trump was demonstrated by that vote, it logically follows there was massive support for continuation of his effective polices since Biden was NOT given permission to dismantle the Trump agenda.

It simply cannot be argued any other way, as Trump won more minority votes, more Democrat votes, more votes from Women, more votes from Hispanics, even more votes in general than Barrack Obama! Trump won more votes for his re-election than he won for his first term, and Democrats lost seats in this record turnout election.

That has never happened before. NEVER. No one on the Left can explain it without admitting Trump's policies were more successful than his personality. If the argument is voters simply disliked Trump, then that same argument based on the actual results means they want his policies to continue.

Joe Biden's agenda was rejected by least those who fully understand what the Hell it was?

No one on the Left does. Not even enough of them voted for it as a result.

You should just start a podcast for Trumpster wackos......nobody reads your trash on here bro....
Two other Lawyers, with impeccable reputations and stellar winning records are promising they have the proof of massive voter fraud in this election. No one is challenging their assertions.

These Lawyers are staking their reputations on promises to provide hard evidence of massive voter fraud in this election. Any reason to doubt them?
Two other Lawyers, with impeccable reputations and stellar winning records are promising they have the proof of massive voter fraud in this election. no one is challenging their assertions.

These Lawyers are staking their reputations on promises to provide hard evidence of massive voter fraud in this election. Any reason to doubt them?

They are wacko grifters just like Rudy.......the damage being done to our democracy and the peaceful transition of power by these people will be long lasting and should be considered criminal
You can pray to him all you want wacko.....he isn’t my president, he is a loser and a fraud......
Don't support Pedo Joe and then cry fraud about anything. I suggest you leave the country if you don't want Trump to be your president. You'd hate it here even more the next 4 years.
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They are wacko grifters just like Rudy.......the damage being done to our democracy and the peaceful transition of power by these people will be long lasting and should be considered criminal
Fraudulent elections should be considered criminal. Oh wait, they ALREADY ARE.
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Don't support Pedo Joe and then cry fraud about anything. I suggest you leave the country if you don't want Trump to be your president. You'd hate it here even more the next 4 years.

The hard fact of the matter is Democrats will have to contend with a robust, stronger, deeper, and more resilient Conservative minority in the House, and a Majority in the Senate if form holds true in this State as it has for the past 20 some odd years and Georgians send two GOP Senators back to Washington.

Joe Biden will be one of the weakest, if not THE most politically weak Presidents in recent history.
Sidney Powell and Lin Wood have won massive cases, and have stellar reputations as effective counsel for their clients. Lin Wod in particular has won massive settlements against media bias for his clients, and Sydney Powell single handedly got the phony Mike Flynn prosecution by the Obama DOJ thrown out by the DOJ!

Both of them are promising to blow the lid off the rampant fraud and corruption that was featured in this election. I would not bet against them.
Sidney Powell and Lin Wood have won massive cases, and have stellar reputations as effective counsel for their clients. Lin Wod in particular has won massive settlements against media bias for his clients, and Sydney Powell single handedly got the phony Mike Flynn prosecution by the Obama DOJ thrown out by the DOJ!

Both of them are promising to blow the lid off the rampant fraud and corruption that was featured in this election. I would not bet against them.

Lin Wood is know for the Olympic bomber case and Nick Sandman.....nothing else!

Sydney Powell didn’t win this for Flynn, Barr did.....

The next DOJ will have a lot of work to do with the corrupt and criminal nature of the Trump administration......
Lin Wood is know for the Olympic bomber case and Nick Sandman.....nothing else!

Sydney Powell didn’t win this for Flynn, Barr did.....

The next DOJ will have a lot of work to do with the corrupt and criminal nature of the Trump administration......
As Democrats continue to insist "there is no evidence of voter fraud" reams of evidence continue being collected by scores of Legal volunteers and Trump's diligent yet meticulous Legal team. In a case as widespread and massive as this, it takes time to assemble all of the hard evidence, connect all the relevant players, and make the case air tight so it will withstand cross examination.

Democrats obviously are not anxious to provide the counterarguments, and are relying on a massive campaign of disinformation to discredit credible witnesses who are daily coming forward with sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury for their eyewitness accounts of vote manipulation and ballot fraud.

The evidence can be dismissed, but it cannot be refuted. In the end, facts will command attention and prevail. There was either no fraud as Democrats claim, or massive fraud as witnesses testify and factual evidence suggests. They both cannot be correct. One side has Truth on their side, and the other side is hiding behind a wall of lies.

We'll soon see how it all plays out.
As Democrats continue to insist "there is no evidence of voter fraud" reams of evidence continue being collected by scores of Legal volunteers and Trump's diligent yet meticulous Legal team. In a case as widespread and massive as this, it takes time to assemble all of the hard evidence, connect all the relevant players, and make the case air tight so it will withstand cross examination.

Democrats obviously are not anxious to provide the counterarguments, and are relying on a massive campaign of disinformation to discredit credible witnesses who are daily coming forward with sworn affidavits under penalty of perjury of their eyewitness accounts of vote manipulation and ballot fraud.

The evidence can be dismissed, but it cannot be refuted. In the end, facts will command attention and prevail. There was either no fraud as Democrats claim, or massive fraud as witnesses testify and logical evidence suggests. They both cannot be correct. One side has Truth on their side, and the other side is hiding behind a wall of lies.

We'll soon see how it all plays out.

Tell this to all the lawyers who keep quitting and the number of cases thrown’s getting embarrassing for Trumpsters to continue this sad charade just to please a mentally unhinged lost!
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