Is Obama afraid that Bibi will expose the lies he and Kerry has been

Yes and I don't trust the U.S. Media at ALL to expose the lies

I'm not sure where threatening a long standing Ally stands in the pecking order of misdeeds but it isn't good.
Re: Yes and I don't trust the U.S. Media at ALL to expose the lies

Obama's teachers and Obama's ability to retain early life instruction is supreme. Hate the infidel was taught in wahabism (?) classes in early childhood.
He is a product of his upbringing and this is why the founders

wanted naturally born citizens as the only folks eligible. Not saying he doesn't meet the requirements but there is some doubt there. I find it sad that a very large segment of our population now does NOT like our country nor its founding principals. It almost like we have transformed to Europe.
Re: He is a product of his upbringing and this is why the founders

That sounds like a fair analysis. Scary to look where Europe is now.