Is losing 59-20...


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2015
any different than losing by 1 point...I do not cherish moral victories...let us move on.
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In terms of record no, but it does show the true gap of how far away we are from winning the conference. In basically any game where we get OU’s best shot (minus the anomaly 6-6 OU team last year) due to either us having a strong record or them coming off a loss and needing to “get right” we basically always get the shit kicked out of us. That’s not unlucky, and should we ever get into even a Big XII Champ game one year I expect we would lose by a similar margin.
sometimes games just go in the world does UCF defeat Ok State 45-3?
They gave 110% mentally and physically against Oklahoma and never thought of UCF. When it's a rival and the last game possibly forever against them you're going all out. Guarantee OSU never thought once about UCF nor prepared for them.

That's how in the world they defeat them.

OU thumping WVU is just plain simple facts of they have more talent and better coaching.
I'd bet my last dollar that they did prepare for UCF..both teams had a good win the week's just impossible to gauge an emotional letdown
Yea it is worse than losing by 1. A lot worse actually. It means we were not even in the game. If we lost by one, then that means it would have been a good game. We were not even competitive for oklahoma and that is much worse than actually being competitive in the game. That's a big big difference. The Neal Brown folks are some of the most ignorant I've ever seen.
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59 points is terrible..but not as bad as giving up 56 points in the first half to Baylor..there's no doubt in my mind that Baylor could have scored over 100 if they had left Bryce Petty and the other starters in the second half
Baylor is a different team. They haven't sucked for 5 years. They're just having a down year. We're having a Down 5 years because of bad coaching. There's a big difference. That game against Oklahoma should have meant a lot to WVU and Kneel brown. We had a chance to get in the Big 12 picture. We weren't even competitive in the game. No adjustments were made on our side of the field. It was just an absolute ass kicking embarrassment. And it wasn't because we don't have talent. It's because we have bad coaching
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hard to take anyone seriously when they can't spell his name
You are 100% full of shit Bru. You're just butt hurt because your boy failed miserably and it's not going to improve because he's a bad coach for this level of football. But I fixed it for you anyways. Voice text spells it differently than it should be
let me translate for you Knute Rockne..when a coach says we missed assignments, that means that the player was coached to do one thing and he did something else..that is on the player not the coaches
So now you're going to throw the players under the bus? The kids who are here to get coached up, who came here to play for a coach that knows how to get them prepared mentally and physically to be competitive in football games? It's all their fault yep. 59 to 20, we didn't even show up. This team for 5 years rarely beats a team with a winning record. It's the players fault. Good for you BRU. You're such a great fan. You should be proud and hopefully when brown leaves he takes you with him.
you're a joke..every college coach in the country will point out mistakes..we didn't execute, too many stupid penalties, missed tackles players aren't as sensitive as you make them out to be..they can take it..ours will bounce back and prepare for the Bearcats to get to 7-4..
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you're a joke..every college coach in the country will point out mistakes..we didn't execute, too many stupid penalties, missed tackles players aren't as sensitive as you make them out to be..they can take it..ours will bounce back and prepare for the Bearcats to get to 7-4..
Whatever you need to tell yourself BRU. It's obvious that you're just mad because your boy Brown is failing. But honestly you have zero credibility with me in terms of football. You are a person who thinks Brown is a better Coach than Jimbo Fisher lol. A coach who won a national championship and has a winning record in the hardest division in all of football. Brown has never beaten A ranked team. He has only beaten a small handful of teams that finished the season with a winning record.
he's not my boy..Brown is the head coach of the WVU football team..of which I am a fan..and he will be next year..let me also translate something else
Kendrick said that Brown deserves to keep his job..and that was before the BYU game..translation: I founded Country Roads Trust and put a significant amount of money there in doing so
If you want to fire the staff..go ahead..just don't come crawling to me for money to hire the new coaches
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he's not my boy..Brown is the head coach of the WVU football team..of which I am a fan..and he will be next year..let me also translate something else
Kendrick said that Brown deserves to keep his job..and that was before the BYU game..translation: I founded Country Roads Trust and put a significant amount of money there in doing so
If you want to fire the staff..go ahead..just don't come crawling to me for money to hire the new coaches

you're the triggered one..I predicted eight wins and have the year if everyone returns, we could have 20 starters returning..on offense the only loss is Carter...on defense Kpogba and Bishop...move Cutter to LK's positon and Lathan back to his...
you're the triggered one..I predicted eight wins and have the year if everyone returns, we could have 20 starters returning..on offense the only loss is Carter...on defense Kpogba and Bishop...move Cutter to LK's positon and Lathan back to his...
You are correct. It is my opinion regardless of coach, the team is still not "great". It should be the best in Brown's tenure but we still lack depth and the type of talent that would put us in a position to make the playoffs. I don't pretend to have the answer but those that expect WVU to be a premier team without upgrading the amount of great talent and then constantly bitching everything will be resolved by firing Brown are worthless individuals. And I have some in my family that are just like these people on this board.
Gabriel is paid 1.1 million to play QB at Oklahoma this year...he has EvoShield, Cremson and Cream, Brands Unlimited, Old Spice, Booster Athletes as well as money for autographs
you're a joke..every college coach in the country will point out mistakes..we didn't execute, too many stupid penalties, missed tackles players aren't as sensitive as you make them out to be..they can take it..ours will bounce back and prepare for the Bearcats to get to 7-4..
I fully expect to win the last 2 games and finish 8-4.
you're the triggered one..I predicted eight wins and have the year if everyone returns, we could have 20 starters returning..on offense the only loss is Carter...on defense Kpogba and Bishop...move Cutter to LK's positon and Lathan back to his...
You and your other account have been stalking me for months about this topic. You literally threatened to have me banned from the Message Board because I don't think Kneel Brown is a good enough coach for WVU. You have two accounts that pretend to be separate people lol. Get real dude

And for the record I also predicted we would have a pretty good season. And was hoping we would because it will help Neal Brown find another job somewhere. We have a good roster, we just don't have coaching to match or we would be competing for the Big 12 title
no one would exert the time or effort to stalk an idiot... you call him Kneel Brown after claiming to like him and going over to his house with Matt Moore.. troll..nothing more nothing less
no one would exert the time or effort to stalk an idiot... you call him Kneel Brown after claiming to like him and going over to his house with Matt Moore.. troll..nothing more nothing less
I call him Kneel Brown to trigger you because it works. I've been to his house and Matt Moore but not for a social call. They are both nice fellas. That doesn't mean they are the right guys to lead WVU. If I'm looking for a friend i prefer nice fellas. If I want a coach for WVU I want someone who wins way more games than they lose. I don't care if they are nice so much
It doesn't trigger a thing..what were you there for, to clean his pool?
I wish it was to clean his pool. If you aren't triggered then why do you bother bringing it up as if it's a bad insult to him personally. Who cares? I like the man just think he's a really bad coach for P5. Can't wait to fire him lol
I like the man but can't wait to fire him..that is hilarious..guess what? aren't firing shit and neither is anyone prepare to bitch, bitch, bitch for at least another year...I take pleasure in your suffering along with your unhinged ilk
I like the man but can't wait to fire him..that is hilarious..guess what? aren't firing shit and neither is anyone prepare to bitch, bitch, bitch for at least another year...I take pleasure in your suffering along with your unhinged ilk
I'm looking forward to making fun of him through another season. It will be a hoot! I'm planning on starting a Kneel Brown meme campaign just for it
Gabriel is paid 1.1 million to play QB at Oklahoma this year...he has EvoShield, Cremson and Cream, Brands Unlimited, Old Spice, Booster Athletes as well as money for autographs

That pretty much sums up the problem in itself. It's going to be tough to land a top notch QB or retain one at Wvu when you can go to a blueblood and end up in a Wendy's commercial like Caleb Williams did.
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That pretty much sums up the problem in itself. It's going to be tough to land a top notch QB or retain one at Wvu when you can go to a blueblood and end up in a Wendy's commercial like Caleb Williams did.
We have 2 good QBs right now. Nicco is a 4 star QB. His potential is very high. With good coaching and a good offensive scheme, there is no reason either one of them can't win a B12 championship. WVU has a history of doing more with less, until Brown of course. WVU is an appealing place, with great facilites and we will pay players. We had a 5 star QB just last season. We just dont have the coaching to bring it all together and compete against the better teams. We have a great roster. Any previous WVU coach would do much more with this roster than Brown has, including Dana, who is a far better coach.
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so you think Oklahoma st didn't look at game film, prepare a gameplan or practice for a week..ok
They put 110% into OU game. It's obvious from watching that game they prepared nothing as if it was an FCS team.
We have 2 good QBs right now. Nicco is a 4 star QB. His potential is very high. With good coaching and a good offensive scheme, there is no reason either one of them can't win a B12 championship. WVU has a history of doing more with less, until Brown of course. WVU is an appealing place, with great facilites and we will pay players. We had a 5 star QB just last season. We just dont have the coaching to bring it all together and compete against the better teams. We have a great roster. Any previous WVU coach would do much more with this roster than Brown has, including Dana, who is a far better coach.
That 5 Star QB last year had the OC that recruited him out of High School. They both failed. Dana can't even make Houston a winner and according to him it's a better place to recruit players than WVU.
We have 2 good QBs right now. Nicco is a 4 star QB. His potential is very high. With good coaching and a good offensive scheme, there is no reason either one of them can't win a B12 championship. WVU has a history of doing more with less, until Brown of course. WVU is an appealing place, with great facilites and we will pay players. We had a 5 star QB just last season. We just dont have the coaching to bring it all together and compete against the better teams. We have a great roster. Any previous WVU coach would do much more with this roster than Brown has, including Dana, who is a far better coach.
Wvu hasn't proven it can do more with less in the era of the transfer portal and NIL. The Qb's at Wvu wouldn't be starting at blue bloods. The talent on this roster is just average not any better than your typical Big 12 team. Dana just got smacked by a two-win Cincinnati team at home. WVU is not going to attract or retain top tier talent in this era of college football until it finds a way to pay these guys.
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Wvu hasn't proven it can do more with less in the era of the transfer portal and NIL. The Qb's at Wvu wouldn't be starting at blue bloods. The talent on this roster is just average not any better than your typical Big 12 team. Dana just got smacked by a two-win Cincinnati team at home. WVU is not going to attract or retain top tier talent in this era of college football until it finds a way to pay these guys.
You and VGABRU are the weakest minded fans I've ever seen in any level of any sport. All of you little Nancy girls keep saying WVU is going to get crushed in the days of the NIL but I have yet to see it. It's what you want though. In fact in basketball we have been able to land players we normally would not get. Such negative thinking about WVU I wonder if you are really Pitt fans. I've never seen a group of gals throw WVU under the bus as much as you do. I got news for you. WVU actually can do more than you think it can. Also dont forget, WVU has the worst coach it has ever had in football, ever. You have no idea what a good coach would do with this roster, but it would be way more than Brown could do.
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