The 1st half of yesterday's game was probably one of the most embarrassing episodes of modern Mountaineer football history. The team was ill prepared, mentally undisciplined and lacked the focus needed to perform well on a national stage. The personal fouls, running into the kicker was just flat out awful. Mountaineer fans wherever you where last night should have been embarrassed by the 1st half. This is a direct indictment of the coaching staff. Holgersen proved once again that he wasn't ready for the bright lights. Anyone trying to direct blame away from the coaching staff clearly puts their loyalty to Dana above Wvu. Six years is more than enough time to prove your worth. He has failed to return the program to the glory days of 2005-2007. The second half of the game was better but we were playing for a shot at the big 12 title not for a participation trophy. The big 12 is weak this year and it was a perfect opportunity to prove his worth. He let an Oklahoma team that was already exposed by Houston and OSU come into our house an embarrass us. Anyone who thinks this guy will ever win a big 12 title after last nights debacle needs to have there mountaineer Patriotism questioned.