In this poll, 43% of Repubs believe in evolution


Dec 7, 2010
Santa Cruz, CA
compared to 67% for Dems and 65% for Indies. Not a lot different from the PPP poll below. I can't believe people below are disputing these numbers. Anyone who lives and breathes knows where the GOP is today. Tea Party. Evangelicals. Nutjobs. And about 30% who are rational and embarrassed by what their party has become. As to the official religion issue, really? People are disputing that too? Laughable.

I told my youth tonight that Darwinian evolution is absolute truth. Just tonight.

Now I'm going to get pounded with a foot of snow. Coincidence?
In other words, you are correct about God's non-existence?

How so?

I'm no Evangelical myself and detest 'religion' as a whole, but I am indeed a Theist and I'd be interested in observing something to verify that your conclusion is correct, and please spare me the sophmorish "I can't disprove a negative."

I'm not asking you to disprove God. I am asking you to prove your subscribed origin of it all. Were you there? I wasn't. The Big Bang was supposed to be the start of it all. Just this month even the scientific community is backtracking decades of their Big Bang tubthumping. Simply prove that your conclusion is correct beyond any hint of doubt, and that a non-intelligent design origin of it all is indeed FACT ....... because your pompous post suggests that you can.

Well, then lay it all out for us.

This post was edited on 2/25 9:13 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
clarify your point please

this post you state the following:

Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

compared to 67% for Dems and 65% for Indies. Not a lot different from the PPP poll below. I can't believe people below are disputing these numbers. Anyone who lives and breathes knows where the GOP is today. Tea Party. Evangelicals. Nutjobs. And about 30% who are rational and embarrassed by what their party has become. As to the official religion issue, really? People are disputing that too? Laughable.
and the previous post you post the following:

57% would support Christianity as the national religion. And only 30% oppose. Hardly surprising. Another interesting nugget from this poll, only 37% of repubs "believe in evolution".

are you saying those in both polls saying they believe in evolution are the rational portion of the samples? what are you trying to generalize of the GOP by both poll results? there is a lot there.
I'll get ot it...

right after I lay out the theory of gravity. Anyone who thinks the earth is a few thousand years old, that man and dinosaurs co-existed, that a 700 year old man built a big boat and gathered two of all the animals on earth to put on it and that an unseen man in the heavens created everything we can see, touch, hear, smell and taste in 6 days is a moron.
In other words, you have no idea how life started?

Why was your tantrum (devoid of any shred of requested insight) not of any surprise to me?
The GOP is dominated by people who deny science

I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. The official religion thing was a bonus for me.
But we all know it's true. These folks want school prayer, 10 commandments everywhere, yada yada
Don't worry ...... you're most assuredly gonna see an official religion.

And you will be subjected to it as all others in this country (and elsewhere) will.

Only it's not going to be Christianity, so you can put those fears to rest. The country-fried white evangelicals won't be the ones oppressing you or other Atheists and Agnostics.

This post was edited on 2/25 9:24 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him...

as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.
Much better to believe it started with a rock, water, and lightning **

(I'm being facetious)
maybe the kook frenge as seen here but not mainstream GOP

"dominated by people who deny science"? No confidence in that unless there is a poll out there revealing this, used as propaganda by people with a lot of initials behind their name, you know, like you too.

This post was edited on 2/25 9:26 PM by BigLickMountee
I'm sure my car's failure to start isn't due to a defective Kenmore pulley.

That wasn't an answer.

How did life start?

The only way you can know how it did NOT start is by knowing how it DID start.

This post was edited on 2/25 9:32 PM by Wolf J. Flywheel
Pretty sure it won't be Sharia Law ...... unless you're in Dearborn.

But yes, this country is going to be brought to its knees soon enough.

Of course, you've got a head start since you're already down on yours.
Re: I only have two initials

Originally posted by RichardPeterJohnson:

but I'm a Diplomate. So there's that. But I defer to your initials

no you are not, plus, you must have missed the point.
This post was edited on 2/25 9:36 PM by BigLickMountee
About those scientists you constantly defer to.

I just saw them speed off in a Prius in pursuit of those missing 18 transitional fossils.

Maybe the Big Bang fellas know when they'll be back. Of course, the Big Bang folks, by their own admission, don't even trust their own watches anymore, so we could be waiting a while .......... like 800 bajillion katrillion years.
Re: I only have two initials

I have a piece of paper that says I am. And I think your party has become kooky. How can you deny that? It's not just this forum. If you can read and see you realize it. But you've admitted in the past that you don't really pay attention.
Re: I only have two initials

so are you saying you don't have a doctorate of optometry or are you saying you only have a diploma certificate? I think you have the DO (maybe on diploma paper) but I doubt you are a diploma grad without the doctorate.

It ain't my party. I have no party. It is yours to troll here about.

I pay attention to MSNBC because I study extremism in politics. I stopped studying extremism in religion because I've learned enough through Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts, and Jimmy Swaggart and most recently everything on early morning TV.
Man's unbrideled hubris .......... it's exceedingly precious.

They'll never taste a sliver of Plato's humble pie.
Re: I only have two initials

I'm saying I have both a doctor of optometry and I'm board certified ie Diplomate of the ABO. I think that means I can get out of speeding tickets and such.
Re: Man's unbrideled hubris .......... it's exceedingly precious.

His hatred of Christianity just demonstrates how delusional he is. The country is not ing in the shutter because of a few harmless people that don't acknowledge Darwinism. The looney, idealogues in charge of the country: deep pockets Obama, Holder, Rice, Kerry and the Old bag Hill are a much more significant problem.
"Fence Riders"? ..... Lady, how can a person be any more specific .........

............ than saying they believe in the teachings of Jesus but don't subscribe to religion?

That's as succinct as a person can get.

I have no idea when the bizarre bedfellows of Atheists and Evangelicals decided to splice Jesus with religion but I have to assume both parties did so for their own unique reasoning.

If people were wise, they'd run from religion as fast as they could and run straight to Jesus.
Such an unoriginal response sounds like whistling past the graveyard.

And when I say unoriginal, I mean VERY unoriginal.
Did you even read the story?

Because even Pew questions the numbers.
I bet more than 43% believe in evolution

I have no problem seeing how evolution and creation can both be right. It is a matter of time scale. The evolution of man relative to the 14 billion years or so since the Big Bang is relatively a blink of the eye. Granted there are some holy rollers who take the words in the Bible and interpret ALL of them to the letter but there was also a lot of story telling involved when it was written. Compound that with many translations from language to language as well as some whole sell reedits by the Catholic Church and of course there are some disconnects.
Re: "Fence Riders"? ..... Lady, how can a person be any more specific .........

Originally posted by Wolf J. Flywheel:
............ than saying they believe in the teachings of Jesus but don't subscribe to religion?

That's as succinct as a person can get.

I have no idea when the bizarre bedfellows of Atheists and Evangelicals decided to splice Jesus with religion but I have to assume both parties did so for their own unique reasoning.

If people were wise, they'd run from religion as fast as they could and run straight to Jesus.
This is pretty much where I'm at. Organized religion disgusts me. The principles and moral foundation that comes with it is necessary. Those are intangibles science does not provide.
Re: "Fence Riders"? ..... Lady, how can a person be any more specific .........

just to add to this science really doesn't have to provide tangibility either.
What an idiot this loon is..He must live in a very small....

isolated world. Maybe we should all pitch in and buy him a few travel tickets.