I'm on the verge of removing my Republican label and becoming independent

The Republican establishment is nearly as bad as the Dems. They both want a huge national government they runs up enormous debt and controls our lives. The elites know what's best for us.
yep....been considering that for 2 years

don't want to be associated with either of the two main parties.....if the libertarians could come up with someone who wasn't whacko.....
Re: yep....been considering that for 2 years

Libertarians foreign policy positions scare the hell out of me.
Re: yep....been considering that for 2 years

what foreign policy?
I have considered that, but I didn't get to participate in the primaries as indy. Living most of my young adult life in a county that was 13:1 Democrat, I could not accept their lack of principles. That left the Republican party and I registered and remained there throughout my adult life. One exception was a Democrat poker playing friend asked me to vote for him in primary. I complied and changed registration during primary about 30 years ago. He was elected and still holds office. I returned to my party.

Would like to be in TParty, but people talk about you and the party, and I don't know why. Who opposes limited government and lower taxes - that IDs me. I have asked people to tell me what they find objectionable to the TParty, but I cannot get anyone to explain. Because someone carried a gun to a rally? That was a radical individual. Or someone carried a rebel flag to a rally - that to an individual.
I saw the writing on the wall in '96....

After the 94 Contract with America election the Reps controlled House and Senate. Yet they failed to pass the most important tenet of the Contract--term limits. I'll never forget Republican Henry Hyde standing to oppose term limits saying, "Why should I give up my career?" Before the 96 elections I was independent.
I did the same a few years back, with the Democratic party. I just don't see much difference between the two parties, other than the special interest groups that primarily control/benefit from each. The Dems have more effective leadership and more spine, but that is about the only difference.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Re: I did that years ago.

"And neither serve the people."

Amen to that! They are both good at getting us to fight amongst ourselves though.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I don't like the two party system. It sucks that we are forced to chose from the lesser of two evils.
Originally posted by WVinUSAF:
I don't like the two party system. It sucks that we are forced to chose from the lesser of two evils.
We do have other options. It just takes enough people to join together. At the last election the libertarian party received more votes than any 3rd party ever had.

I got disgusted with both parties quite a long time ago. I honestly can't remember the last president that was Dem or GOP that got my vote.
I felt that way some time ago and now vote Independent leaning more Libertarian but some of their principles don't jive with me either.
The Republican pandering to evangelical Christians is sickening, every time they discuss abortion or anything to do with homosexuals I cringe. Makes it really hard for me to be a Republican. Keep the government out of our lives unless you are gay or a woman.