If a woman decides to become a man,

Why is logic so foreign to you? You act like a woman.

You wouldn't know what a woman acts like........unless you ordered one of them fancy blowup dolls.....

Nice picture of you, Dave.......

You wouldn't know what a woman acts like........unless you ordered one of them fancy blowup dolls.....

Nice picture of you, Dave.......

My virginity is more lost than your wit and humor. Nobody would pick on you if you just made a little sense.
I disagree.
I figured that would get a response from you. Do you do it with another man? Male to male sex is aberrant behavior in the world that mother nature resides in because it is not reproductive sex.
Using this same logic that he did, one could say that people with cancer are being punished for smoking........because we all know that only those smokers get cancer.......;)
Smoking tobacco would fall under behavior that is not normal. Now, I ahve a problem with the tobacco companies putting additives in there to make them even more addictive. I do not smoke, I know that smoking increases my chances of lung cancer and other forms. I know that unprotectred sex with another male that I do not know "greatly" increases my chances of contracting a disease that I wouldn't in normal sex between a my wife.
Assuming that you are a dentist, I'll never understand how you made it that far in school.
Do you even understand the concept of natural selection? That's what happens when guys like you and me try to get a date with Jennifer Aniston.[cheers] By the way, I had compromising pictures of the dean is the reason I got through school[winking]
So are you saying that unprotected male/female sex isn't as high of a risk as male-to-male sex?
Yes. When u had all the gays in San Francisco engaging in multiple partners each night, some thru holes in the wall, you think that is normal behavior? Only a person devoid of common sense would think that contracting aids had the same incidence from hetero sex vs male to male sex.
Maybe you should ask another stupid question just in case there is someone left on here who doesnt realize you are a fukrard.

I could have just asked you, but I realized that you have no experience male-to-female......only male-to-male......[thumbsup]

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