If a woman decides to become a man,

Likely a huge increase, because if I was a woman and decided to become a man, I would insist on having a crank the size of Ron Jeremy, and would become the world's highest paid porn star.
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I'm certainly not an expert on this topic but I don't think people are just "deciding" to change gender.
"If a woman decides to become a man............"

I'll finish that sentence.........

".......then Dave will finally be attracted to them". [cheers]
does she get a pay increase or does it stay the same?
Do some research on chromosomes and transgenders and you won't make yourself look uninformed when you ask a question. They exist whether ya understand it or not and it ain't about choice. Although I know you confused conservatives must mistake the woody ya get in the locker room as a choice. Stay backward if ya want, science moves on.
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Do some research on chromosomes and transgenders and you won't make yourself look uninformed when you ask a question. They exist whether ya understand it or not and it ain't about choice. Although I know you confused conservatives must mistake the woody ya get in the locker room as a choice. Stay backward if ya want, science moves on.
I think he was trying to be funny. You know, the whole dem thing about unequal pay? Especially where Hiliary was paying her female staff less than her male staff at the same time trying to use that point to paint the right as in favor of unequal pay.
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I think he was trying to be funny. You know, the whole dem thing about unequal pay? Especially where Hiliary was paying her female staff less than her male staff at the same time trying to use that point to paint the right as in favor of unequal pay.
Fake news.
Do some research on chromosomes and transgenders and you won't make yourself look uninformed when you ask a question. They exist whether ya understand it or not and it ain't about choice. Although I know you confused conservatives must mistake the woody ya get in the locker room as a choice. Stay backward if ya want, science moves on.
Science says they are mentally ill.
Science says they are mentally ill.
Was homosexuality once considered a mental illness? Banging different races? Watching soccer?

I don't see the big deal, other than tax money shouldn't be used for gender reassignment surgeries, or whatevs they call it.
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Was homosexuality once considered a mental illness? Banging different races? Watching soccer?

I don't see the big deal, other than tax money shouldn't be used for gender reassignment surgeries, or whatevs they call it.
I dont really care either. Not sure that this is the same thing as being gay or banging other races and I am just talking about how it is classified medically.

Of course a lot were joining the military so uncle sam would pay for the surgery. The bottom oine is that those with gender dysphoria statistically speaking suffer from depression in high numbers and IMO it is a social experiment our military doesnt need to perform.
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I dont really care either. Not sure that this is the same thing as being gay or banging other races and I am just talking about how it is classified medically.
And I was just asking if those others were once classified medically as a mental illness.
Was homosexuality once considered a mental illness? Banging different races? Watching soccer?

I don't see the big deal, other than tax money shouldn't be used for gender reassignment surgeries, or whatevs they call it.
Mother nature takes care of aberrant behavior. Black rabbits hanging out on snow don't survive very well. Aids is the result of aberrant behavior.
Maybe homosexuality. Pretty sure people have been crossracially uglybumping since old testament times.
I think dudes have been bumping swords since then too. Pretty sure it was considered a mental illness lat in the 20th century, not real sure about interracial attraction.
Wow. AIDS came to humans via african tribes eating simians.

Wow. AIDS came to humans via african tribes eating simians.
  • Having unprotected or condom-less vaginal, oral and anal sex especially with high risk groups like those who are injection drug abusers or are likely to have HIV infection.
  • Sharing needles for injections with other drug users and patients who are likely to be HIV positive.
  • Sharing sexual toys and objects with an infected person
  • Among healthcare workers who can accidentally prick themselves with an infected needle. The risk is extremely low.
  • From an infected mother to her baby before or during birth. Transmission may also occur via breast milk during lactation. If the mother is treated with anti-HIV medications, the risk of transmission is low.
  • Via transfusion of blood contaminated with HIV. This is very rare these days since blood is screened for HIV before being transfused.
  • Getting a surgical operation with unsterile instruments that may have been used on HIV positive individuals
  • Being exposed to blood, organs or products of an infected person. This is common among healthcare workers.
  • Those who get tattoos or body piercing with shared needles or improperly sterilized
I think dudes have been bumping swords since then too. Pretty sure it was considered a mental illness lat in the 20th century, not real sure about interracial attraction.
That really wasnt the point. Men have been dressing like women since at least the Korean war if MASH is real life and I know it is. That doesnt change much. Drs have studies gender dysphoria for a while.
This is interesting......

Because few patients reported injection drug use and needle sharing in the last 12 months, the study outcomes focused on two high-risk behaviors that may increase HIV transmission risk: (1) any unsafe sexual behavior and (2) non-disclosure of HIV infection to their partner(s).12 An unsafe sexual behavior was defined if patients answered “Yes” to inconsistent condom use, have had sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or exchange of sex for money. Non-disclosure of HIV infection status to sexual partner(s) was determined if patients answered “No” to “partner(s) know you have HIV”. Practice of unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) was also examined as the study outcome for men who have sex with men (MSM) or MSM/IDU patients. UAI was defined as having anal sex without consistent condom use in the last 12 months.
Do you beleive that sex between the same sex is normal or aberrant behavior?
That really wasnt the point. Men have been dressing like women since at least the Korean war if MASH is real life and I know it is. That doesnt change much. Drs have studies gender dysphoria for a while.
Hmmm? We must be carrying on different conversations. I was replying to the defense being that "science" has currently labelled it a mental illness and wondering if other taboos were once considered a mental illness. They were. What's it mean? F*ck if I know.
Because few patients reported injection drug use and needle sharing in the last 12 months, the study outcomes focused on two high-risk behaviors that may increase HIV transmission risk: (1) any unsafe sexual behavior and (2) non-disclosure of HIV infection to their partner(s).12 An unsafe sexual behavior was defined if patients answered “Yes” to inconsistent condom use, have had sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or exchange of sex for money. Non-disclosure of HIV infection status to sexual partner(s) was determined if patients answered “No” to “partner(s) know you have HIV”. Practice of unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) was also examined as the study outcome for men who have sex with men (MSM) or MSM/IDU patients. UAI was defined as having anal sex without consistent condom use in the last 12 months.
Do you beleive that sex between the same sex is normal or aberrant behavior?
It's normal for gay people.
It's normal for gay people.
As I said, mother nature abhors aberrant behavior. Anal sex is aberrant behavior. Anal sex between two men is aberrant behavior and contracting aids that way is a result of aberrant behavior and a way that mother nature responds to it. Facts are cruel things.
As I said, mother nature abhors aberrant behavior. Anal sex is aberrant behavior. Anal sex between two men is aberrant behavior and contracting aids that way is a result of aberrant behavior and a way that mother nature responds to it. Facts are cruel things.
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you? So you're racist, a homophobe and you hate poor people (for starters). Expound on the "nature abhors aberrant behavior" thing when you get time.
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you? So you're racist, a homophobe and you hate poor people (for starters). Expound on the "nature abhors aberrant behavior" thing when you get time.
Do you know about natural selection? In nature the strongest and smartest live to procreate. Mates pick for a variety of reasons. They do not pick the weak and crippled. I am not a homophobe. I just stated that Aids is passed, for the most part, by abnormal behavior. IV drug use, sharing needles, unprotected sex and anal sex unprotected. Please tell me how that is wrong? If a seal goes out into shark infested waters and flaps around on the surface announcing that he is ready to be eaten, mother nature will usually accommodate that abnormal behavior.
As I said, mother nature abhors aberrant behavior. Anal sex is aberrant behavior. Anal sex between two men is aberrant behavior and contracting aids that way is a result of aberrant behavior and a way that mother nature responds to it. Facts are cruel things.

So, mother nature give people aids for anal sex? As a form of punishment? Didn't know that........then what the Hell did those with cancer do to get that?????? :popcorn:

And I'm pretty sure anal sex is just not for male on need to catch up on some porn time......[laughing][laughing][laughing]
Do you know about natural selection? In nature the strongest and smartest live to procreate. Mates pick for a variety of reasons. They do not pick the weak and crippled. I am not a homophobe. I just stated that Aids is passed, for the most part, by abnormal behavior. IV drug use, sharing needles, unprotected sex and anal sex unprotected. Please tell me how that is wrong? If a seal goes out into shark infested waters and flaps around on the surface announcing that he is ready to be eaten, mother nature will usually accommodate that abnormal behavior.
Assuming that you are a dentist, I'll never understand how you made it that far in school.
Assuming that you are a dentist, I'll never understand how you made it that far in school.

Using this same logic that he did, one could say that people with cancer are being punished for smoking........because we all know that only those smokers get cancer.......;)
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Was homosexuality once considered a mental illness? Banging different races? Watching soccer?

I don't see the big deal, other than tax money shouldn't be used for gender reassignment surgeries, or whatevs they call it.

I'm pretty sure watching soccer is a metal illness.
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So, mother nature give people aids for anal sex? As a form of punishment? Didn't know that........then what the Hell did those with cancer do to get that?????? :popcorn:

And I'm pretty sure anal sex is just not for male on need to catch up on some porn time......[laughing][laughing][laughing]
Leave it to you to not only miss the point but to expond on the wrong point drawing baseless conclusions from you misunderstanding.
Using this same logic that he did, one could say that people with cancer are being punished for smoking........because we all know that only those smokers get cancer.......;)
Umm...people who get cancer from smoking are getting punished for smoking. He didnt say aberrant behavior was the only way to get aids.