I wonder if his poor grammar is legitimately poor or calculated....

I wondered the same thing. And it was all the more funny since he was trying to denigrate the way they write by speaking not good!
Well, the conventions are over and it looks like he's reached as far as he can go with about 40% or so. There just aren't any more knuckle draggers than that.
I don't underestimate the number of morons out there. They're crazy, passionate and they vote. I just hope the rational, sane people show up on election day.
Well, the conventions are over and it looks like he's reached as far as he can go with about 40% or so. There just aren't any more knuckle draggers than that.

You have nothing to worry about, the welfare queens, cop killers and those who produce nothing will carry the day for the dems. Free college education for everyone, except those we don't think should get it.
I don't underestimate the number of morons out there. They're crazy, passionate and they vote. I just hope the rational, sane people show up on election day.

We can hope there is a big fire at the lumberyard.

"Ferget votin', Bill, 84 Lumber is going up and it's a humdinger! Grab a case of beer and I'll meet you over there. Huh? Yeah, I'll give you money for my half when you get there, you damned cheapskate! Donalt? I don't give a damn about no duck! Just bring the beer an' git yer ass over here! "
should Hillary have happened too?
Had DOJ and FBI found anything indictable, then no. But that wasn't the case. Meanwhile, Trump made a classless mockery of core GOP ideals and pretty much peed on everything in his way. And GOP voters loved him for it. This will be a problem for the GOP for years.
You have nothing to worry about, the welfare queens, cop killers and those who produce nothing will carry the day for the dems. Free college education for everyone, except those we don't think should get it.
I'm sure you imagine everyone not like you is one of those, lol, it's why you got crushed in 12 and will get crushed in 16, demographics ain't going back to the fifties.
Had DOJ and FBI found anything indictable, then no. But that wasn't the case. Meanwhile, Trump made a classless mockery of core GOP ideals and pretty much peed on everything in his way. And GOP voters loved him for it. This will be a problem for the GOP for years.
I love how she isn't held accountable for anything else outside of the DOJ/FBI. Interesting what standard of a leader is acceptable now a days. LOL!
I'm sure you imagine everyone not like you is one of those, lol, it's why you got crushed in 12 and will get crushed in 16, demographics ain't going back to the fifties.

No, but it sure looks like the dems pander to BLM, a big lie if there ever was one, crooks like Rev Jackson and Sharpton, and socialists. Free stuff that nobody has to pay for. It's why the really rich move their money overseas and corporations move their headquarters overseas too. Isn't the CEO of Apple a big Hilliary supporter? And they keep trillions overseas so they don't have to pay their fair share. You liberal dems are the reason this country will fall. Free stuff isn't free.
No, but it sure looks like the dems pander to BLM, a big lie if there ever was one, crooks like Rev Jackson and Sharpton, and socialists. Free stuff that nobody has to pay for. It's why the really rich move their money overseas and corporations move their headquarters overseas too. Isn't the CEO of Apple a big Hilliary supporter? And they keep trillions overseas so they don't have to pay their fair share. You liberal dems are the reason this country will fall. Free stuff isn't free.
You sure like to point the finger at everyone else for your party's failures. Look at who you have running for Prez. The Republicans should try looking in the mirror and quit blaming everyone else for them being out of touch and dysfunctional.
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No, but it sure looks like the dems pander to BLM, a big lie if there ever was one, crooks like Rev Jackson and Sharpton, and socialists. Free stuff that nobody has to pay for. It's why the really rich move their money overseas and corporations move their headquarters overseas too. Isn't the CEO of Apple a big Hilliary supporter? And they keep trillions overseas so they don't have to pay their fair share. You liberal dems are the reason this country will fall. Free stuff isn't free.
We haven't failed for the past 8 years but the W economy we inherited was a pretty big fail, as was the war.
We haven't failed for the past 8 years but the W economy we inherited was a pretty big fail, as was the war.

It's Bush's fault!! Give me a freakin break Obama has had 8 years, well enough time to screw it up more on his own.
You sure like to point the finger at everyone else for your party's failures. Look at who you have running for Prez. The Republicans should try looking in the mirror and quit blaming everyone else for them being out of touch and dysfunctional.

I never said I supported Trump. I just pointed out what liberal dems stand for, cop killers, welfare queens, black and white, BLM which is a big lie. Free stuff and occupy those that make wealth because you liberals are envious of those who work hard and don't expect free stuff.
We haven't failed for the past 8 years but the W economy we inherited was a pretty big fail, as was the war.

Worst recovery since another socialist run economy, FDR. Socialism doesn't produce, it takes.
It's Bush's fault!! Give me a freakin break Obama has had 8 years, well enough time to screw it up more on his own.

Bush made mistakes, we should never have invaded IRaq, Clinton should have taken out Bin Laden but pussied out. Obama is a Marxist, he believes America is evil.
You're a bitter, ignorant human being. [laughing] I feel sorry for you.

Just in case you didn't realize it, it's your party that keeps talking about a civil war.

I'm not bitter, I just wanted my kids to have the same future I had. It's not possible with liberals leading us into the ground. You want to see what a progressive government provides, check out the Olympics and all of South America! Open sewers in Rio, no toilet paper in Venezeula and the list goes on.
I never said I supported Trump. I just pointed out what liberal dems stand for, cop killers, welfare queens, black and white, BLM which is a big lie. Free stuff and occupy those that make wealth because you liberals are envious of those who work hard and don't expect free stuff.
Nothing personal but you sound like a crazy person or just a common troll, which is it?
Nancy makes a good point.

And the dems pander to
Nothing personal but you sound like a crazy person or just a common troll, which is it?

I'm a crazy troll! I just love tweaking liberals about their hypocrisy. Everything is free for socialist, except somebody has to pay for it. The big deal now is free college. If it's free, it has no value, much like many of the classes that kids take now anyway.
And the dems pander to

I'm a crazy troll! I just love tweaking liberals about their hypocrisy. Everything is free for socialist, except somebody has to pay for it. The big deal now is free college. If it's free, it has no value, much like many of the classes that kids take now anyway.
Apparently you went to private schools all your life.
Apparently you went to private schools all your life.

I did go to military school, for grades 10-12. Nothing easy about that. Everything else was public. The dumbing down of America has not helped. The lack of responsibility in America has not helped. Telling one race that it's not their fault they are killing each other at an alarming rate has not helped. Sooner or later, you have to take responsibility for your actions.
Worst recovery since another socialist run economy, FDR. Socialism doesn't produce, it takes.

[laughing] The two greatest recessions in the history of our country started when Republicans were presidents and you want to slam the recovery following those two events. [laughing]
[laughing] The two greatest recessions in the history of our country started when Republicans were presidents and you want to slam the recovery following those two events. [laughing]

You are too young to even remember other depressions besides this last one. I went through several before the last one. Reagan, after carter, was given a worse one than his one. I went through Nixon trying to control the economy. Sorry but that's the truth. FDR had 4 terms and he couldn't do a damn thing but give away govt money on things that have been proven to not work. WPA=we piddle around. The only thing that saved this country from FDR was WW2 and he died.
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[laughing] The two greatest recessions in the history of our country started when Republicans were presidents and you want to slam the recovery following those two events. [laughing]

By the way, this last one was a direct result of you libs monkeying around with the housing market thinking everybody should have a home. What a stupid idea that people shouldn't be responsible. Then, a delayed bankruptcy on the housing market slowed any chance of recovery. Slowly cutting the leg off doesn't really help. Get it off and thn start your recovery.
It's Bush's fault!! Give me a freakin break Obama has had 8 years, well enough time to screw it up more on his own.
75+ straight months of private job growth. Dow and S&P 500 at record levels. Budget deficits continue to decrease. Consumer confidence continues to rise. No, it aint perfect. But to pretend any Repub could've done better-particularly given that it was their mess Obama fixed-is laughable.
75+ straight months of private job growth. Dow and S&P 500 at record levels. Budget deficits continue to decrease. Consumer confidence continues to rise. No, it aint perfect. But to pretend any Repub could've done better-particularly given that it was their mess Obama fixed-is laughable.

We are still below the number of people working when Obama took office. Give the real number not the phony one generated by our dishonest government. I guess if you've been out of work over two years, you aren't counted.
You are too young to even remember other depressions besides this last one. I went through several before the last one. Reagan, after carter, was given a worse one than his one. I went through Nixon trying to control the economy. Sorry but that's the truth. FDR had 4 terms and he couldn't do a damn thing but give away govt money on things that have been proven to not work. WPA=we piddle around. The only thing that saved this country from FDR was WW2 and he died.
That's complete horseshit by any objective measure. Geez. have you lost it?