I watched the Trump speech last night....


Dec 7, 2010
Santa Cruz, CA
he said he'd put Carl Icahn in charge of China and Japan. I'm sure those two countries were happy to hear that. He's going to be "tremendous" when it comes to trade. And "fabulous" when it comes to women's issues. Nothing specific. But I'm heartened to know that he's going to do some tremendous fabulous things.

Apparently GOP voters are in to celebrity. I don't know how else to explain how he could ever lead the GOP field. Granted, it's not the strongest group. But there are some serious politicians with some serious credentials with track records. Meanwhile, in his speech last night, Trump highlighted his net worth and the fact that he sells $15 million dollar apartments to Chinese people, they pay on time, and those little apartment sales are a drop in the bucket to him.

I guess there must be a sense of desperation given the demographic shift in the country and the GOP's Neanderthal social policies. Put up a reality tv star, egomaniac and see if that works.

Very sad what the GOP has become.
I didn't see his speech but in all of his talks and media interaction, I've never seen any specific plans he has or any concrete strategy. Everything is always vague generalizations.
I don't think his GOP popularity is because he is a celebrity, I think it's because he is just a plain old asshole and the uneducated part of the GOP sees him as "telling it as it is".
The irony of the Libs on this board considering what they elected to office, twice.
I've never seen any specific plans he has or any concrete strategy. Everything is always vague generalizations.

In all fairness, I remember watching the debates between GHWB and Clinton and GHWB was giving answers and Clinton was dancing around everything to the point that it was frustrating GHWB. He even said "he isn't giving any answers, as a President you have to have answers and make decisions".

It's a sad commentary on our society that he is leading the GOP polls, it really is. As stated, he doesn't say HOW he is going to do anything or even what his policies even are (other than to keep all the Mexican's out), only that he will be the best at everything that anybody has ever seen.

After 16 years of poor decisions and poor leadership, I was really hoping for something better this time around. I'm very concerned for our country.

I honestly don't care what party the next president comes from, but I would like it to come down to two very strong choices. I don't see that happening right now, but the election is still well over a year away so a lot can change.
The irony of the Libs on this board considering what they elected to office, twice.

Exactly. What makes what they did even worse is they elected an empty resume to office.

And as they sit and complain about Trump their own leading candidate is thumbing her nose at the law left and right while avoiding questions left and right.
And as they sit and complain about Trump their own leading candidate is thumbing her nose at the law left and right while avoiding questions left and right.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Bernie Sanders is leading the polling on the left.
In all fairness, I remember watching the debates between GHWB and Clinton and GHWB was giving answers and Clinton was dancing around everything to the point that it was frustrating GHWB. He even said "he isn't giving any answers, as a President you have to have answers and make decisions".

It's a sad commentary on our society that he is leading the GOP polls, it really is. As stated, he doesn't say HOW he is going to do anything or even what his policies even are (other than to keep all the Mexican's out), only that he will be the best at everything that anybody has ever seen.

After 16 years of poor decisions and poor leadership, I was really hoping for something better this time around. I'm very concerned for our country.

I honestly don't care what party the next president comes from, but I would like it to come down to two very strong choices. I don't see that happening right now, but the election is still well over a year away so a lot can change.

I've become shocked at how many people I see on Facebook who are starting to buy into Trump. People that would never in a million years vote Republican, but are so tired of the establishment process that they are looking for that wild card.

I thought it was going to be a sad commentary on our country if we nominate Hillary and Jeb to run for President, but Hillary and Trump? :(
I've become shocked at how many people I see on Facebook who are starting to buy into Trump. People that would never in a million years vote Republican, but are so tired of the establishment process that they are looking for that wild card.

I thought it was going to be a sad commentary on our country if we nominate Hillary and Jeb to run for President, but Hillary and Trump? :(

I agree, but I wouldn't consider it a foregone conclusion that the other ticket is going to have Hilary's name on it. I'd reserve that judgement until at least the first debates are held.
Very sad what the GOP has become.

Meanwhile, on the Dem farm, the leading candidate is turning over her server and flash drive because they contain top secret material. Next in line is an admitted socialist. Yes, the Dems are so much better.

It's all a circus.
I've become shocked at how many people I see on Facebook who are starting to buy into Trump. People that would never in a million years vote Republican, but are so tired of the establishment process that they are looking for that wild card.

I thought it was going to be a sad commentary on our country if we nominate Hillary and Jeb to run for President, but Hillary and Trump? :(

That's how Trump wins this. Jeb and Hillary get nominated, and Trump runs unaffiliated.
Next in line is an admitted socialist.

First, we are more socialist already than many people realize. And second, are new ideas really unwarranted and without value? Look at the state of our country now ... it's hard to say that the status quo has been a rousing success.
There are still very star differences in the GOP Platform and the Democratic platform if ya look beyond the personalities of the people running.
First, we are more socialist already than many people realize. And second, are new ideas really unwarranted and without value? Look at the state of our country now ... it's hard to say that the status quo has been a rousing success.

You pretty much answered your own question. We've become more socialist, and you admit it's not a success. Are the new ideas going even more "progressive" than we've already went really where we want to go? It's not like there isn't a track record for socialism. Just look around the world. As you take away the individualistic's risk/reward concepts, productivity drops. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
You pretty much answered your own question. We've become more socialist, and you admit it's not a success.

I wouldn't say that it's the socialist concepts that have caused our issues as much as how much of an oligarchy we've become. We can argue and disagree on that all day.

I think roads are a good thing. I think infrastructure is a good thing. I think education is a good thing. I think the ever widening divide between the haves and have nots is a bad thing. You have to take into account the trajectory we were on as far as big business is concerned to see how we got to where we are today and it's hard to argue that we would have been better off if we hadn't.
I think roads are a good thing. I think infrastructure is a good thing. I think education is a good thing. I think the ever widening divide between the haves and have nots is a bad thing. You have to take into account the trajectory we were on as far as big business is concerned to see how we got to where we are today and it's hard to argue that we would have been better off if we hadn't.

I think what education has become is a bad thing. Teaching to pass a test is a horrible idea. Agreed on the gap, but socialism never fixes that. Matter of fact, socialism has a history of killing the middle class, making society a two tier system. Add to it our trade agreements with third world countries, our manufacturing base has already been decimated. Give it time with technology and nearly everything else will be as well, including most technology and engineering jobs.

Big anything is troublesome: business, education, government, ... Too much power in too few hands.
when you have the SoS saying Russia and China are reading his emails and nothing is done, you see why Trump is winning.
In all fairness, I remember watching the debates between GHWB and Clinton and GHWB was giving answers and Clinton was dancing around everything to the point that it was frustrating GHWB. He even said "he isn't giving any answers, as a President you have to have answers and make decisions".

It's a sad commentary on our society that he is leading the GOP polls, it really is. As stated, he doesn't say HOW he is going to do anything or even what his policies even are (other than to keep all the Mexican's out), only that he will be the best at everything that anybody has ever seen.

After 16 years of poor decisions and poor leadership, I was really hoping for something better this time around. I'm very concerned for our country.

I honestly don't care what party the next president comes from, but I would like it to come down to two very strong choices. I don't see that happening right now, but the election is still well over a year away so a lot can change.
Yep. After 16 years of the same BS, I don't want another four...
Interesting take on the party from Mark Cuban. I tend to agree with him.
I agree with a lot of this. The republican party is about conservative conformism and the RINO's are often scorned as not being part of the 'real' team. But he lost me at "Trump is the best thing that happened to politics". I agree that having someone from outside the GOP establishment is refreshing, but Donald Trump is still that turd floating in the middle of the GOP punch bowl. I wish it was someone else leading the way instead of Trump. He lacks essential qualities I'm looking for in a president and he's pretty much just an ego-inflamed asshole.
You folks are beyond hilarious......your obsession with Trump is amazing...... and now defending a FOX host....PRICELESS. You goofballs need to stick to touting Hillary,she has all the qualities you love.

Who is obsessed with Trump? We find the situation very amusing and entertaining. Who's defending a Faux news host?
The two most used terms in the GOP "debate" was Hillary and Political Correctness.

I think the answer is obvious........who starts the all the Trump related threads?
It's not obsession, it's shock and amusement. You have to admit, the GOP as a whole does NOT want this guy to win. He continues to stick his foot in his mouth and continues to lead the polls. He continues to say outrageous things and continues to lead the GOP polls...and it appears his margin of lead is getting bigger. Eventually, it will all settle out and he won't win the nomination (as many of us have said) but it is very entertaining for the time being. He has attacked the media, Mexicans, POWs, and women.
It's not obsession, it's shock and amusement. You have to admit, the GOP as a whole does NOT want this guy to win. He continues to stick his foot in his mouth and continues to lead the polls. He continues to say outrageous things and continues to lead the GOP polls...and it appears his margin of lead is getting bigger. Eventually, it will all settle out and he won't win the nomination (as many of us have said) but it is very entertaining for the time being. He has attacked the media, Mexicans, POWs, and women.

I first thought he would never be the nominee......but I am beginning to think he could be. I think you are in for a big surprise if it ends up Trump against Hillary.
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I first thought he would never be the nominee......but I am beginning to think he could be. I think you are in for a big surprise if it ends up Trump against Hillary.

Poll numbers still show Hillary by 12 over Trump and even bigger margins over everyone else. I'm not convinced Hillary wins the nomination....just yet. Still a lot of time...both sides.
I first thought he would never be the nominee......but I am beginning to think he could be. I think you are in for a big surprise if it ends up Trump against Hillary.
No shit. They will get a dose of what we have had to deal with. A completely unqualified candidate being elected to lead our country.
The really interesting race would be Trump vs. Sanders. I wonder which one independents and moderates would favor.
Irony aside, the GOP has a serious problem right now. Trump has a double digit lead over the next guy and it is very possible he may get the nomination.

Guess who is wrong, wrong again? Bama's wrong, wrong again.
It's not obsession, it's shock and amusement. You have to admit, the GOP as a whole does NOT want this guy to win. He continues to stick his foot in his mouth and continues to lead the polls. He continues to say outrageous things and continues to lead the GOP polls...and it appears his margin of lead is getting bigger. Eventually, it will all settle out and he won't win the nomination (as many of us have said) but it is very entertaining for the time being. He has attacked the media, Mexicans, POWs, and women.

All you do is be wrong.

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