I promise you if Trump ever sneezed

We're not talking about sneezing. Sorry. Shame on someone for attempting to hold the POTUS accountable to not break the law. My god how you trumpers have become so dumb. I thought you all were the law and order party.
Lol, so un self aware, imagine if Obama had fought to hide his.................................ANYTHING! Why argue with Donnies lil doggies on here anymore?
the Dems would claim he was engaging in biological warfare and try to impeach him.

Not even trying at this point. This is akin to some washed up band releasing a Hits album, with 1 new song.
We're not talking about sneezing. Sorry. Shame on someone for attempting to hold the POTUS accountable to not break the law. My god how you trumpers have become so dumb. I thought you all were the law and order party.
What law has he broken?
You didnt answer the question.
You won't get an answer. Same sh*t day after day. I predict that IF Mueller finds NO collusion and NO obstruction the anti anything Trumpers will still be in denial. They just cannot accept the results of the 2016 election.
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You won't get an answer. Same sh*t day after day. I predict that IF Mueller finds NO collusion and NO obstruction the anti anything Trumpers will still be in denial. They just cannot accept the results of the 2016 election.

No, you will get the "conspiracy" theories we're beginning to hear. No collusion? Well, he must have "conspired" at least to collude which is actually worse!
What law has he broken?
At a minimum, campaign finance laws. Probably bank and insurance fraud laws. Of course it's easy to stand at your position since he has yet to be publicly indicted. He is, after all, the sitting President. I'll bet anyone on this board that he is indicted within 6 months after leaving office.

Then oh wise one, what does it mean? Was the issue of whether it should be considered a campaign payment decided in Cohen's plea deal? Was it decided that the payments were FOR what Cohen claimed they are? In general, the evidence was thoroughly described and detailed in a court of law for a judge or jury to make a proper decision on that charge for plea deal accepter #1?
At a minimum, campaign finance laws. Probably bank and insurance fraud laws. Of course it's easy to stand at your position since he has yet to be publicly indicted. He is, after all, the sitting President. I'll bet anyone on this board that he is indicted within 6 months after leaving office.

Absolute bunk at this point.
I'll bet anyone on this board that he is indicted within 6 months after leaving office.
I think it is very possible but I'm on record of taking a different position. I believe the president following Trump whether Dem or Republican will pardon Trump in the same manner Ford pardoned Nixon. Historians will say it is best of the continuation of the country and the peaceful succession of power from one president to another.
At a minimum, campaign finance laws. Probably bank and insurance fraud laws. Of course it's easy to stand at your position since he has yet to be publicly indicted. He is, after all, the sitting President. I'll bet anyone on this board that he is indicted within 6 months after leaving office.
Trump will long forgotten after he leaves office........The nonstop negative media narrative will be gone.
I'll bet anyone on this board that he is indicted within 6 months after leaving office.

This^^^. I would love to see the issue pursued (a sitting president being indicted). I think we need to send a message, for the future, that a sitting president is not above the law nor immune from the law.
Unindited....havent found crime to indite, co-conspirator conspired with others but be proven after 2 years.......sounds about right, right zebra???

Trump will long forgotten after he leaves office........The nonstop negative media narrative will be gone.

So, will you get your panties in a wad when Democrats gather and give a standing ovation when it is announced that Trump has passed away? (Like what his followers did when McCain's was mentioned)
At a minimum, campaign finance laws. Probably bank and insurance fraud laws. Of course it's easy to stand at your position since he has yet to be publicly indicted. He is, after all, the sitting President. I'll bet anyone on this board that he is indicted within 6 months after leaving office.
So he has been charged with nothing. And you are guessing he will later. Which brings me back to the original question. And then another question, If he is indicted later does that make him a criminal?
Sounds like you are willing to take Coop's bet?
Never said Trump would not be indicted after leaving office.....he may be. I will bet you that after he leaves office we will not see the 24/7 shit show about Trump. The Dem objective is get Trump out of office anyway that can. If he is gone....."mission accomplished".
So he has been charged with nothing. And you are guessing he will later. Which brings me back to the iriginal question. If he is indicted later does that make him a criminal?
That wasn't the question you asked. I responded to your original question as to what law he broke. He is, has been, and will be a criminal.
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So he has been charged with nothing. And you are guessing he will later. Which brings me back to the original question. And then another question, If he is indicted later does that make him a criminal?

He's already a criminal. He committed crimes. LOL! This aint rocket science.
Never said Trump would not be indicted after leaving office.....he may be. I will bet you that after he leaves office we will not see the 24/7 shit show about Trump. The Dem objective is get Trump out of office anyway that can. If he is gone....."mission accomplished".
No longer being the President will get him less coverage, but I think you are crazy if ANYONE will let Trump be forgotten.
This^^^. I would love to see the issue pursued (a sitting president being indicted). I think we need to send a message, for the future, that a sitting president is not above the law nor immune from the law.
This fascination you have with indictments. I dont understand.
That wasn't the question you asked. I responded to your original question as to what law he broke. He is, has been, and will be a criminal.
What crime has he been convicted of again? I keep forgetting the orange bad man is guilty before being proven guilty necause he made your vagina bleed.
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