I Hope Shane Lyons Tells Our New Governor....

Click bait.
Hooked em suckers good too.

Unless there is a surprise economic boom the new Governor will have problems that limit any ability to play State AD. How many $100 million is the deficit projected to be? Sports has to be the last item he deals with.
He said he didn't know if WVU and Marshall should play. That's it. Kinda refreshing.
No, that is not what he said. He said, "Marshall needs to get some things worked out in its athletic department first". That is not a no, so he just left the door open for when the football team starts playing better then we will talk about it is how I read that statement.
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The problem is not the Herd playing better, but finances. Their athletic department is broke, needs state money.
Which is why I think you will see a push for the game.

Excerpt from the linked article in the original post - " When followed up with a question about whether Marshall and WVU should match up in football Justice said he just didn't know if it was a good idea for his alma mater."

I would imagine Doc Holliday and most Marshall fans breathed a huge sigh of relief upon hearing that.

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