How dare all these greenhorns


Jan 16, 2006
Saint Albans
Talk crap about WVU's football schedules. For the next 7 years, WVU will play 11....count em, 11, Power 5 schools per year. The only other B12 school that will play 11 P5 schools in a season is Texas, next year.....once in that timeframe. I'm not talking the Purdues of the world, but legit P5 programs. Doubtful many, if ANY, school plays that schedule anywhere in the country.

Stay on the porch, Marshall, and tune into power football every weekend on real TV. We may need to rethink the Marshall beatings for a breather midway through the season.
What say you, Mr. Tony?..... Let me answer for you. ""It'll be awesome to see our state constantly representened on the national stage""(pop tax and the accolades we get in just research alone)..... ahem, back to the topic....11? Serious, Tony? Love the fact you're a swing guy, but why not fall to the proper, the kosher, the American? You know you want to, hell, Hump is invited to the light as well.....Welcome to Big time football....I'd personally like to invite O$U, and Harbaugh U to the party....sans their trips to Italy to practice???? It's fun to watch a team that doesn't cheat, picking fights with those that do, Mich, O$U, ALA, FL,USC,TX,BAY, ND, AUB, MIA,NC,LOU,USC,FSU,TCU,
Talk crap about WVU's football schedules. For the next 7 years, WVU will play 11....count em, 11, Power 5 schools per year. The only other B12 school that will play 11 P5 schools in a season is Texas, next year.....once in that timeframe. I'm not talking the Purdues of the world, but legit P5 programs. Doubtful many, if ANY, school plays that schedule anywhere in the country.

Stay on the porch, Marshall, and tune into power football every weekend on real TV. We may need to rethink the Marshall beatings for a breather midway through the season.
do you get al jazeera?....just in case we want to check the marshal score
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What say you, Mr. Tony?..... Let me answer for you. ""It'll be awesome to see our state constantly representened on the national stage""(pop tax and the accolades we get in just research alone)..... ahem, back to the topic....11? Serious, Tony? Love the fact you're a swing guy, but why not fall to the proper, the kosher, the American? You know you want to, hell, Hump is invited to the light as well.....Welcome to Big time football....I'd personally like to invite O$U, and Harbaugh U to the party....sans their trips to Italy to practice???? It's fun to watch a team that doesn't cheat, picking fights with those that do, Mich, O$U, ALA, FL,USC,TX,BAY, ND, AUB, MIA,NC,LOU,USC,FSU,TCU,
I appreciate the invitation to join Mountaineer Nation but until you boys share the Pop Tax and agree to home and home with Marshall , I'll have to pass on your gracious invitation! BTW, I'll concede that WVU isn't at fault for ECU, Kansas and BU being totally abysmal this season but you can't blame me for pointing out the truth of that statement.
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I appreciate the invitation to join Mountaineer Nation but until you boys share the Pop Tax and agree to home and home with Marshall , I'll have to pass on your gracious invitation! BTW, I'll concede that WVU isn't at fault for ECU, Kansas and BU being totally abysmal this season but you can't blame me for pointing out the truth of that statement.

Close.......sorta close..... But, not quite what you're capable of. Now, try again....give the flagship the respect it deserves. It's not paregoric, you can do this thing
Close.......sorta close..... But, not quite what you're capable of. Now, try again....give the flagship the respect it deserves. It's not paregoric, you can do this thing
....and open next season with Tennessee who are bad to historic proportions! Again, that's not WVU 's fault but is nonetheless true!