House Republicans launch investigation into the corrupt 6JAN Committee.


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday night released never-before-seen January 6 footage showing police escorting peaceful protestors through the Capitol.

The newly released videos destroyed the sham January 6 Committee’s narrative.

Congressman Barry Loudermilk, Chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight is spearheading the investigation into the January 6 panel.

Barry Loudermilk was a victim of the January 6 panel’s lies.

Recall, members of the J6 panel falsely claimed Rep. Loudermilk gave Trump supporters a ‘reconnaissance tour’ on January 5.

Capitol Hill Police later released a letter exonerating Rep. Barry Loudermilk from accusations that he led a tour of the Capitol the day before a mob of then-President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the building.

Barry Loudermilk received death threats because of Bennie Thompson’s lies.

Despite the letter exonerating Rep. Loudermilk, the January 6 Committee released selectively edited video footage of GOP Rep. Barry Loudermilk leading constituents on a tour around the Capitol complex on Jan. 5th.

The sham Jan. 6 Committee did this knowing it was a lie and that Loudermilk had been exonerated.

Loudermilk is now spearheading an investigation into the January 6 Committee.

NBC News reported:
A Republican-controlled House committee launched an inquiry Wednesday into the Democratic-controlled Jan. 6 committee, which a staff member said will review whether pertinent information about the riot was omitted from the high-profile examination of the attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Many House Republicans were vocal critics since the creation of the Jan. 6 committee, and the inquiry seems to make good on lawmaker campaign trail vows to investigate the investigators.
The House Administration’s subcommittee on oversight will be combing through the massive amount of records collected by the Jan. 6 committee, which was dissolved in January, said the staffer, with the goal of analyzing how the panel conducted the investigation.

The House Administration Committee has launched a portal to collect tips from the public. News about the subcommittee’s plans was first reported by CNN.
The subcommittee — made up of four Republicans and two Democrats — will be looking into roughly two million documents and records, the source said, which the House Administration Committee obtained from the House Rules Committee after the Jan. 6 panel was dissolved.
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Trial transcripts from the Proud Boys J6 trial in which an FBI agent under oath admits they were reading attorney-client privileged emails in an attempt to outmaneuver the legal defense of the accused.



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