Who is "us"
We are all individual people.
Anyone in WVU footprint reetard. Remember? You have nothing to do with WVU. And don’t live anywhere near WVU. You’re a Texas fan living in the south.........aaaaahahahahahaha!!!!
Who is "us"
We are all individual people.
Anyone in WVU footprint reetard. Remember? You have nothing to do with WVU. And don’t live anywhere near WVU. You’re a Texas fan living in the south.........aaaaahahahahahaha!!!!
Stupidest shit I ever heard.
You are a self admitted Pitt fan.
So if what I am doing is wrong to you I guess that is a good thing.
Amirite, Greggy
I'm a racist? Go **** yourself. Might want to check yourself before you start throwing that word around to other people gregor....take that advice for what its worth.You’re a racist pandering fool. No one hates anyone drama queen haha. It’s all good.
I'm a racist? Go **** yourself. Might want to check yourself before you start throwing that word around to other people gregor....take that advice for what its worth.
I'd be embarrassed this thread went 10 pages....but you assclowns enjoy your moment.
Greggy is the Chairman of the My Fan Club
I couldn't ask for anyone better to promote my name on this message board.
The Vice Chairman MichiganHerd should look to create a message board all about me
Truth really upsets some people....
Have to learn how to handle reality. This isn't your own personal universe to create whatever reality you want to attack anything to do with WVU.
If you want that get your own message board.
You've changed your argument, as you've finally realized that you have a better chance of holding down steady employment than the Big 12 has of USC becoming a conference member. USC won't step that far out of its geographic footprint. No way, no how. Texas might, though.
Nothing is for sure
But Texas and USC will end up in the same conference.
What that conference is hasn't been determined.
As it is right now the chance of it being the Big 12 is pretty high.
Texas is gaining leverage.
Big 12 isn't the final destination...
Not the final destination for any of us.
How hard is it for you to understand this.
Texas was very close to going to ACC. Right now it would seem Texas belongs to Big Ten if they’d just ditch the Lamehorn Network.
Texas is in a position of power.
They are even more today.
Aaaahahaha! You mean they either stay pat or scurry around looking for a home. Got it big guy.
Chrissy is "talking" in circles. He's lied so many times on so many different boards under so many different handles that he forgets what he said, when he said it, and where he said it. If he ever gets one of his thousands of message board predictions right, then he'll never let you "hear" the end of it. He reminds me of a small town radio talk show host: Make as many outlandish predictions as possible, hope that everybody forgets all of your misses, then trumpet yourself as Nostradamus when you finally get a prediction right.
Chrissy doesn't understand that money makes the World go 'round, and that the B1G makes a ton of it. This is what happens to you when you go to Huntington Tech, then have to attend a good school because your first degree is worthless, and become a lifetime student with no experience in the real World.
The B1G makes the most $$$$$ of any conference, per school. Yet, Chrissy doesn't know why any school would want to join the B1G. Of course, a Marxist thinks that money grows on trees, so there's that.
That's one school, and an incredibly underachieving school, at that. I don't care about conferences, as my alma mater is the big dog in its conference. Your conference has won 0 playoff games, so you're desperate to go back in time...but not too far back, as Woody Hayes hung plenty of banners. Oh, and you attended Marshall, LOL. Neither your true favorite school nor your fake one is the big dog in the Big 12. #BoomerSooner