He's out

What "team"? It's more like keystone cops in your worthless loser party right now! How in the Hell do you go from winning with a "record" 81 million votes to dropping out of the race for re election three years later against the SAME OPPONENT?

Ans: You cheat your ass off the first time, and realize everyone's on to you the second time. :rolleyes:

I don't think I could argue against this logic if I wanted to.
I don't think I could argue against this logic if I wanted to.
I wanted the creepy corpse to stay in the race to get beaten like a drum this cycle to vindicate Trump's "stolen victory" the first time. However Trump's going to win against whoever they throw out there to try and steal it again so I guess it doesn't matter at the end of the day. 🤔
Watch what the MSM will do with Harris...modern day Joan of Arc and savior of the United States.
Yeah, maybe they can interview her on the border to show what a masterful job she did inviting 10 million illegals to just "come on over" 🙄
I wanted the creepy corpse to stay in the race to and get beaten like a drum thos cycle to vindicate Trump's "stolen victory" the first time. However Trump's going to win against whoever they throw there to try and steal it again so I guess it doesn't matter at the end of the day. 🤔

Don't fall for these fake crocodile tears either. She damn well know she will get someone more progressive on the ticket. There's a reason they don't want Biden to step down as President. Now would be a good time for people to research how Harris VP is confirmed.

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Don't fall for these fake crocodile tears either. She damn well know she will get someone more progressive on the ticket. There's a reason they don't want Biden down as President. Now would be a good time for people to research how Harris VP is confirmed.

She is in on it. They all are. Especially the far left.

True and they are looking for a way around her right now.

Kamala Harris was complicit in a massive coverup to hide and deny the fact that Joe Biden was not capable of discharging the duties of the office.She also was the the border czar during the worst border crisis in American history.Democrats are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Watch what the MSM will do with Harris...modern day Joan of Arc and savior of the United States.
Exactly. It’s gonna go like this

Every headline will be “First Black Woman”. Followed by endless stories of Harris battling racism her entire life. She will be woman of the year. Everyone against her is racist. She will be the most beautiful. The most courageous. The most brave. Inspiring. The most eloquent. She will be the voice of reason.

It will be nauseating. Turn your msm off now