Herd Fever: True Story


Aug 17, 2011
I was going to post a picture of Dangerous Dan's big fat ass, but thought about it, and figured that wouldn't be right, and certainly not getting banned over.

Regardless, I googled 'Fat Guy from Sistersville', and for some reason, several of your pictures popped up. I have no idea why, but it was funny as hell.
Dan works as a state of WV employee. He's never worked a day in his life.
For me it would have been Hell. I would rather run a jackhammer than in a small office all day. Its funny because dan gets called out for belching and farting and his office manager sends him,,Issues: in his email to report to the office.
I do think dan sold out at the right time. Fracking is bad and they might never drill a well on his land. If they do drill he could lose thousands, but he got thousands to sell out

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