Has anyone noticed

I asked you if you respect the Right firebombing abortion clinics in protest against the government like you said you respected the Left rioting and burning down buildings to protest the government?

Why is one worthy of your recognition as a legitimate expression of protest and the other you remain silent on?
I don't read most of your shit. You respond to yourself way too much and respond to the same post several times, which makes no sense to me. It is as if you felt you had a better gif to post and gave it another shot. You look ridiculous.

It is wierd, dude.
You argue like a millenial with all your goofy pics, memes and other internet spoofs. If laughing at you wasn't so fun I wouldn't waste my time on you.
Good...I noticed you argue like a typical Leftist... too afraid or embarrassed or perhaps intellectually dishonest to answer direct questions. You resort to ridicule and put downs as a response. I use memes to mock your intransigence towards simply backing up what you're posting.

We get a good laugh off each other.

Run along now. Had my laugh...wouldn't want to waste any more of our precious time. :rolleyes:
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I don't read most of your shit. You respond to yourself way too much and respond to the same post several times, which makes no sense to me. It is as if you felt you had a better gif to post and gave it another shot. You look ridiculous.

It is wierd, dude.
I think you're weird too because you can't answer a direct question! Why waste your time posting thoughts you can't honestly stand behind? It's like you're trying to prove how vapid your arguments are?
Well you certainly are entitled to your opinion on Leftists destroying personal property in the name of "peaceful protesting". I have no respect for their form of protesting or their so called "cause" trying to tear apart the very country that gives them the freedom to speak out against that which they find so unfavorable. God forbid they should win in their ultimate objective:

"no borders, no walls, no USA at all!"

No thanks.
Actually I think we see just the opposite.

The BLM riots were predominantly leftists who were taking the fight to the government, in addition to looting and breaking shit. When is the last time we saw the right do that? Instead, it is always excuses.

And I'm not advocating fighting the government or arguing which side was correct.
I see the point you are trying to make and even agree with it to a point.

But the BLM riots WERE NOT leftists taking the fight to the government. These riots in the summer of 2020 were done in collusion with the democratically run governments in those particular cities. Look at what was "attacked" - police stations and other places that would be quickly rebuilt largely with collected tax dollars.

No, those riots in 2020 were conducted for one sole purpose - to remove Trump from the presidency and any chance of re-election.

See, if Trump's government reacts to put them down, its simply because he's a racist who hates the black man and wants to keep him down and from exercising their 1st amendment rights.

If he doesn't do anything, see, he doesn't care about the black man, inner city, or destruction because he's a racist and wants it all to burn. Oh, and he's incompetent to go with it.

Trump was caught between a rock and a hard place. Any move he made was lose-lose. Brilliant play by the Democrats-gotta give them credit for that one.

Now, other "riots" you may have a point on.
Except the government suspended all our fundamental rights for months in 2020 and none of this nation's armed citizens did anything about it.

People need to can the tough guy talk.
Well, for one, this certainly didn't rise to the level of requiring armed resistance. People weren't FORCED to do anything and their "rights" weren't suspended at all.

People CHOSE to go along with these government suggestions. Most everyone did - for a while anyway. They did so because at the time nobody really knew how "deadly" this virus was. But, as it became apparent that this virus wasn't as deadly as originally thought, people began to slowly resist more until eventually the government just let up. What was truly ironic was the government suddenly opened things up the week after the 2020 election. Hmmm, wonder why?
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I see the point you are trying to make and even agree with it to a point.

But the BLM riots WERE NOT leftists taking the fight to the government. These riots in the summer of 2020 were done in collusion with the democratically run governments in those particular cities. Look at what was "attacked" - police stations and other places that would be quickly rebuilt largely with collected tax dollars.

No, those riots in 2020 were conducted for one sole purpose - to remove Trump from the presidency and any chance of re-election.

See, if Trump's government reacts to put them down, its simply because he's a racist who hates the black man and wants to keep him down and from exercising their 1st amendment rights.

If he doesn't do anything, see, he doesn't care about the black man, inner city, or destruction because he's a racist and wants it all to burn. Oh, and he's incompetent to go with it.

Trump was caught between a rock and a hard place. Any move he made was lose-lose. Brilliant play by the Democrats-gotta give them credit for that one.

Now, other "riots" you may have a point on.
I can accept most of that that and tend to agree with the Democrats encouraging the rioters. Does it rise to collusion? I don't know but I wouldn't argue against that conclusion either.

It doesn't change the fact that leftists were out there fighting government officials (police) and destroying government property. They put up. It is time for the "I have my guns to fight the government if they take my rights" crowd to shut up.

All that is needed to be said is "I want to own my guns and I have a Constitutional right to do so." End of story and there is no debate. It is the foolish rhetoric beyond that that makes the gun lobby look as stupid as the BLM idiots.
Well, for one, this certainly didn't rise to the level of requiring armed resistance. People weren't FORCED to do anything and their "rights" weren't suspended at all.

People CHOSE to go along with these government suggestions. Most everyone did - for a while anyway. They did so because at the time nobody really knew how "deadly" this virus was. But, as it became apparent that this virus wasn't as deadly as originally thought, people began to slowly resist more until eventually the government just let up. What was truly ironic was the government suddenly opened things up the week after the 2020 election. Hmmm, wonder why?
The government actually prevented many businesses from conducting business in 2020. Religious centers too. The government flat out shut down the 6th Amendment as well.

And of course everyone is going to say it didn't rise to the level that they needed to fight back. They have to because they watched the government strip them on their rights and failed to back up their tough talk.

Just admit what everyone already knows: you will never use your firearms against the United States government.
I think you're weird too because you can't answer a direct question! Why waste your time posting thoughts you can't honestly stand behind? It's like you're trying to prove how vapid your arguments are?
I'll tell you what, go through your litany of posts to find your best 2 points and repost them without those childish gifs or memes and perhaps I will respond since that is what you seek.

I'll tell you, I'm not wasting my time discussing shit with a millennial.
I'll tell you what, go through your litany of posts to find your best 2 points and repost them without those childish gifs or memes and perhaps I will respond since that is what you seek.

I'll tell you, I'm not wasting my time discussing shit with a millennial.
You said that back in post #40 :rolleyes:

For the record here's some direct questions I asked you ITT (without any memes btw) which you skipped right over offering a reasonable answer:
What "rights" were being taken away from the BLM protestors?

you have no problem with Pro-Life supporters (mostly on the Right) firebombing abortion mills in order to stop the government from funding the slaughter of innocent babies?
When you didn't offer an answer to either of these two reasonable "non meme" questions standing by your admiration for various expressions of violent protesting on the Left, my follow ups did include goofy memes mocking your reluctance to remain consistent in your argument admiring a similar form of violent protest on the Right? That was amusing to me.

I probably understand why you didn't/can't honestly answer the question (s) because answering truthfully with logical consistency of your original thesis in admiration of violent forms of protest on the Left as opposed to a similar form of violent protest against the government on the Right, carries no intellectual veracity!

No memes, just calling you out for your duplicitous observations about folks on the Right who support their second amendment rights and reserve that right for self defense or as an ultimate form of protest against government tyranny.
The government actually prevented many businesses from conducting business in 2020. Religious centers too. The government flat out shut down the 6th Amendment as well.

And of course everyone is going to say it didn't rise to the level that they needed to fight back. They have to because they watched the government strip them on their rights and failed to back up their tough talk.

Just admit what everyone already knows: you will never use your firearms against the United States government.
I 100% agree we should have fought by protesting in multiple ways except the use of fire arms .
I did , but I'm only 1 . I was willing to lose everything I've ever worked for not to get the jab . I did go to any place that would open in protest . I'm only 1 .
I agree Democrats are more willing to make a public fight and fight with their money than Republicans. Maybe the democrats protesting don't have much to lose by not working..
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I don't care about any of that.

You are saying the left is rolling over for the government while the government takes their rights away but that isn't what I saw with the BLM riots. We saw the left out there fighting our government officials.

If you want to argue the merits of the BLM riots, we can argue that in another thread, (I think we all know my view of that). But all I see from the right is cheap talk and idle threats when their rights were abused while the left actually stood up for themselves when they felt their rights were abused.

It is pretty ironic.
I mean were they though? Most of us just did whatever we wanted. They tried, we just ignored it. Granted, not everyone did. Other mechanisms were put in place to accommodate what people thought was in the best interests of society. Now, me personally? I didn’t care about anyone I didn’t personally know, and I respected the wishes of those I knew, but I lived my life pretty much unchanged during the whole pandemic.
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I see the point you are trying to make and even agree with it to a point.

But the BLM riots WERE NOT leftists taking the fight to the government. These riots in the summer of 2020 were done in collusion with the democratically run governments in those particular cities. Look at what was "attacked" - police stations and other places that would be quickly rebuilt largely with collected tax dollars.

No, those riots in 2020 were conducted for one sole purpose - to remove Trump from the presidency and any chance of re-election.

See, if Trump's government reacts to put them down, its simply because he's a racist who hates the black man and wants to keep him down and from exercising their 1st amendment rights.

If he doesn't do anything, see, he doesn't care about the black man, inner city, or destruction because he's a racist and wants it all to burn. Oh, and he's incompetent to go with it.

Trump was caught between a rock and a hard place. Any move he made was lose-lose. Brilliant play by the Democrats-gotta give them credit for that one.

Now, other "riots" you may have a point on.
BLM in my opinion have no legitimate argument. They stand by silently when Black youth kill other Black people at random across America. They have no opposition to the organized genocide being carried out by Planned Parenthood against innocent Black babies who are slaughtered at rates more than two to one (over other races), and the crime young Black criminals reign down on even Black people goes without their protest.

They have a right to protest, but as I said that does not give them the right to destroy private property, especially considering how tame they are over Black lives which should matter more than police chasing suspects down and some of them ending up dead because they either foolishly resist or flee arrest.
I mean were they though? Most of us just did whatever we wanted. They tried, we just ignored it. Granted, not everyone did. Other mechanisms were put in place to accommodate what people thought was in the best interests of society. Now, me personally? I didn’t care about anyone I didn’t personally know, and I respected the wishes of those I knew, but I lived my life pretty much unchanged during the whole pandemic.
I agree with this 100%. To the extent I was "forced" to wear those silly masks (ie on airplanes or in hospitals) I essentially ignored most of that propaganda that was being fed to us over the Covid hype by media and the swamp dwellers in the CDC and NIH.

It was nothing but a giant scam.
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BLM in my opinion have no legitimate argument. They stand by silently when Black youth kill other Black people at random across America. They have no opposition to the organized genocide being carried out by Planned Parenthood against innocent Black babies who are slaughtered at rates more than two to one (over other races), and the crime young Black criminals reign down on even Black people goes without their protest.

They have a right to protest, but as I said that does not give them the right to destroy private property, especially considering how tame they are over Black lives which should matter more than police chasing suspects down and some of them ending up dead because they either foolishly resist or flee arrest.
I agree that blm is a chicken sh!t group of people making money of gullible white liberals. If blm and the LeBron James of society truly cared about ( government made in projects) poor blacks they would be marching in high crime areas on days/nights that stuff occurs. They don't. They claim to defend the police saying people can police themselves, they can't if they could things wouldn't have gotten so bad ... emotions over facts kills a civil society.
Soco is not defending the actions the 2020 protesters took , he is not defending them as a whole.
He and I 100% agree with him is saying we did nothing to prevent the 2020 lock downs .
People rolled up their sleeves to take the jab for a paycheck and it leads me to ask what else will they give up for a paycheck.....
BLM in my opinion have no legitimate argument. They stand by silently when Black youth kill other Black people at random across America. They have no opposition to the organized genocide being carried out by Planned Parenthood against innocent Black babies who are slaughtered at rates more than two to one (over other races), and the crime young Black criminals reign down on even Black people goes without their protest.

They have a right to protest, but as I said that does not give them the right to destroy private property, especially considering how tame they are over Black lives which should matter more than police chasing suspects down and some of them ending up dead because they either foolishly resist or flee arrest.
I agree that blm is a chicken sh!t group of people making money of gullible white liberals. If blm and the LeBron James of society truly cared about ( government made in projects) poor blacks they would be marching in high crime areas on days/nights that stuff occurs. They don't. They claim to defend the police saying people can police themselves, they can't if they could things wouldn't have gotten so bad ... emotions over facts kills a civil society.
Soco is not defending the actions the 2020 protesters took , he is not defending them as a whole.
He and I 100% agree with him is saying we did nothing to prevent the 2020 lock downs .
People rolled up their sleeves to take the jab for a paycheck and it leads me to ask what else will they give up for a paycheck
You said that back in post #40 :rolleyes:

For the record here's some direct questions I asked you ITT (without any memes btw) which you skipped right over offering a reasonable answer:

When you didn't offer an answer to either of these two reasonable "non meme" questions standing by your admiration for various expressions of violent protesting on the Left, my follow ups did include goofy memes mocking your reluctance to remain consistent in your argument admiring a similar form of violent protest on the Right? That was amusing to me.

I probably understand why you didn't/can't honestly answer the question (s) because answering truthfully with logical consistency of your original thesis in admiration of violent forms of protest on the Left as opposed to a similar form of violent protest against the government on the Right, carries no intellectual veracity!

No memes, just calling you out for your duplicitous observations about folks on the Right who support their second amendment rights and reserve that right for self defense or as an ultimate form of protest against government tyranny.
1. BLM/rights: It would be the 14th Amendment at issue there, which IMO is perhaps the most important right, coupled with the 5th. I am not arguing that BLM was correct in rioting or fighting the government nor am I arguing they were justified in their beliefs. If you want to debate the merits of their position, start another thread but I doubt we will disagree there.

2. I don't admire BLM. I find them as stupid as the idiots who claim they have and will use their firearms to fight the government to protect their rights. As we saw in 2020, it is all just loudmouth blowhard talk from the gun lobby. Carrying a jar of Vaseline would have been more useful for them since they sat back and took what the government was doing. BLM walked the walk while the gun lobby merely talks the talk. They need to shut up with stupid rhetoric
Except the government suspended all our fundamental rights for months in 2020 and none of this nation's armed citizens did anything about it.

People need to can the tough guy talk.
That's because, despite all of the lies and propaganda to the contrary, this nation's responsible gun owners are not in a hurry to shed blood.

You saw them attempt to exhaust every peaceful means possible to resolve conflicts before ever resorting to violence.

If anything, the situation you described in 2020 proved the restraint of American gun owners and the American right in general.
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I mean were they though? Most of us just did whatever we wanted. They tried, we just ignored it. Granted, not everyone did. Other mechanisms were put in place to accommodate what people thought was in the best interests of society. Now, me personally? I didn’t care about anyone I didn’t personally know, and I respected the wishes of those I knew, but I lived my life pretty much unchanged during the whole pandemic.
If the government is going to take your rights but you are going to do what you want anyway, why not abolish the Second Amendment? You are going to keep your guns anyway.

I don't understand why you care what laws we have if you are going to do what you want regardless.

Further, I think it is this thread where someone asked how we got to this point in American society. Your attitude sums it up perfectly. That is the same rationale carjackers, rapists, drug runners and other criminals use. They do what they want regardless of our laws and don't give a daman about anyone they don't know.
1. BLM/rights: It would be the 14th Amendment at issue there, which IMO is perhaps the most important right, coupled with the 5th. I am not arguing that BLM was correct in rioting or fighting the government nor am I arguing they were justified in their beliefs. If you want to debate the merits of their position, start another thread but I doubt we will disagree there.

2. I don't admire BLM. I find them as stupid as the idiots who claim they have and will use their firearms to fight the government to protect their rights. As we saw in 2020, it is all just loudmouth blowhard talk from the gun lobby. Carrying a jar of Vaseline would have been more useful for them since they sat back and took what the government was doing. BLM walked the walk while the gun lobby merely talks the talk. They need to shut up with stupid rhetoric
I was commenting on your stated admiration of the Left (ie: Black lives matter) taking action to their protest. I asked if you have similar admiration for the Right's form of protest...firebombing abortion mills?

You still haven't answered. Why not?
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That's because, despite all of the lies and propaganda to the contrary, this nation's responsible gun owners are not in a hurry to shed blood.

You saw them attempt to exhaust every peaceful means possible to resolve conflicts before ever resorting to violence.

If anything, the situation you described in 2020 proved the restraint of American gun owners and American right in general.
I didn't see them do anything but sit back and take it.
If you want to debate the merits of their position, start another thread but I doubt we will disagree there.
I have already clearly stated ITT I do not believe they (BLM) had merit in their protest or the means they used to express it.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

All I am saying is I see the left doing what the right boasts and pretends they will do with their arms.

I am not saying either is right or wrong. I respect the left for at least having the balls to put their money where their mouth is in this regard.
You have a very shallow version of respect.
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I was commenting on your stated admiration of the Left (ie: Black lives matter) taking action to their protest. I asked if you were similarly impressed with the Right's form of protest...firebombing abortion mills?

You still haven't answered. Why not?
To answer your question directly: I was not impressed with the BLM protests. Therefore, I remain equally unimpressed with the right's firebombing of abortion clinics.

Perhaps try a different approach rather than tell me what I admire or am impressed by when you have no idea. You have no idea what I admire or am impressed by. It is a very dishonest form of discussion.
I’m not the idiot saying I have my guns to fight our own government.

the stupidity of that entire line of reasoning is amazing to me. Especially When I see the left fighting the government for what they perceive to be injustice while the right talks the big game but is too cowardly to back it up.

like I said above, the right needs to shove the tough guy talk up their ass. They sound foolish. They had their chance to stand up for their rights but pushed out.
That's an incredibly ignorant argument.

So you praise people who are quick to resort to violence and shed blood as "respectable"?
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I can accept most of that that and tend to agree with the Democrats encouraging the rioters. Does it rise to collusion? I don't know but I wouldn't argue against that conclusion either.

It doesn't change the fact that leftists were out there fighting government officials (police) and destroying government property. They put up. It is time for the "I have my guns to fight the government if they take my rights" crowd to shut up.

All that is needed to be said is "I want to own my guns and I have a Constitutional right to do so." End of story and there is no debate. It is the foolish rhetoric beyond that that makes the gun lobby look as stupid as the BLM idiots.
Only in your myopic view.
I respect the left for at least having the balls to put their money where their mouth is in this regard.

To answer your question directly: I was not impressed with the BLM protests.
So now we're into a semantic discussion between "respect" for the Left taking violent action vs you not being impressed by the BLM protests!

So why don't you explain the difference instead of talking out of both sides of your mouth?
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I just can't respect blowhards who talk the big game but cower down when their bluff is called.
Again, exercising restraint is not "cowering down".

Decent people don't hurry to shed blood or commit violence.

Taking up arms is a last resort, not a first move.

Responsible gun owners aren't going to start shooting people just to impress you and frankly, your respect is not worth having.
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Be careful with that statement. (See "Sons of Liberty")
There is no justification for destroying someone else's private property that doesn't belong to you in order to "protest" whatever the Hell you're upset about. None.
If the government is going to take your rights but you are going to do what you want anyway, why not abolish the Second Amendment? You are going to keep your guns anyway.

I don't understand why you care what laws we have if you are going to do what you want regardless.

Further, I think it is this thread where someone asked how we got to this point in American society. Your attitude sums it up perfectly. That is the same rationale carjackers, rapists, drug runners and other criminals use. They do what they want regardless of our laws and don't give a daman about anyone they don't know.
That’s a fair point. I’d argue mine are victimless “crimes” (nothing was ever actually legislated, so it wasn’t a law I was breaking) and the ones you listed have victims. I get the hyperbolic intent. I look at laws a lot like processes in business. If people aren’t following or constantly failing your processes, the process is broken and needs fixed. And yea, I just fully decide to pick and choose what I’m going to do based on the amount of risk I’m willing to incur.
that most of these terrible shootings are happening in way liberal states that have soft on crime laws?........I'd like to hear a sheeple defend that intelligently......of course that last word will eliminate 90% of the sheeples
Well, as you’re the sheeple in chief, let’s hear your defense, you sheeple.
That's an incredibly ignorant argument.

So you praise people who are quick to resort to violence and shed blood as "respectable"?
Once or God forbid "if" there is ever an armed uprising as protest in this country, they will most certainly have his "respect" if not his undivided attention! :rolleyes:
Again, exercising restraint is not "cowering down".

Decent people don't hurry to shed blood or commit violence.

Taking up arms is a last resort, not a first move.

Responsible gun owners aren't going to start shooting people just to impress you and frankly, your respect is not worth having.
Well stated.