Hamas is currently on the ground in southern Israel... 1,000+ killed... THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU GIVE IRAN BILLIONS OF DOLLARS

IMHO it was a designed perfect storm. I suspect there is information that will never be made official but I have someone I know who would have a good understanding of what is happening. We spoke this evening at a Bible study and he had some interesting insight and things he had been told in the last 48 hours.

1. The Israeli government is a mess. It is heavily divided. There is a major power struggle and changing of hands over major departments.

2. Its a major religious holiday and a large portion of them military was furlowed. The troops that were at the border were mostly younger, maditory reserve service units. Think raw troops who weren't prepared with large female units.

3. Coordinated, quick attacks that took out radar and rocket attacks to hit their defense wall. Once they wall was opened Hamas breached the openings and attacked soft targets. Faint attacks drew small forces of Israeli police, border defense and IDF troops. Then they would ambush and drive them out. Then barracks and bases were attacked next. That gave Hamas some time to start going door to door kidnaping, raping and killing.

4. I believe some reports have (or will) come out that they iron dome was hacked. This slowed the offensive response by the IDF in southern Israel when coordinated rocket attacks started again.

5. My friend believes there was faulty intel involved. Most of Israel's heavy armor was in Northern Israel and he was told furlowed troops were going to be ordered to amass there after the holiday. He suspects mosad knew something was up but intel had them believe it was more likely to come from the north/east from Hezbollah.
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IMHO it was a designed perfect storm. I suspect there is information that will never be made official but I have someone I know who would have a good understanding of what is happening. We spoke this evening at a Bible study and he had some interesting insight and things he had been told in the last 48 hours.

1. The Israeli government is a mess. It is heavily divided. There is a major power struggle and changing of hands over major departments.

2. Its a major religious holiday and a large portion of them military was furlowed. The troops that were at the border were mostly younger, maditory reserve service units. Think raw troops who weren't prepared with large female units.

3. Coordinated, quick attacks that took out radar and rocket attacks to hit their defense wall. Once they wall was opened Hamas breached the openings and attacked soft targets. Faint attacks drew small forces of Israeli police, border defense and IDF troops. Then they would ambush and drive them out. Then barracks and bases were attacked next. That gave Hamas some time to start going door to door kidnaping, raping and killing.

4. I believe some reports have (or will) come out that they iron dome was hacked. This slowed the offensive response by the IDF in southern Israel when coordinated rocket attacks started again.

5. My friend believes there was faulty intel involved. Most of Israel's heavy armor was in Northern Israel and he was told furlowed troops were going to be ordered to amass there after the holiday. He suspects mosad knew something was up but intel had them believe it was more likely to come from the north/east from Hezbollah.

#5 Might still happen.

He doesn't know that. Here's a conspiracy theroy for you though. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran along with several other countries want to wipe Isarel of the map and genocide all the jews. They also want to do the same to the United States and American's. They are constantly saying it on TV, Radio, and Social Media. What kind of mind control technology are the Jews using to get them to say all that?

I just read his comments. He doesn't know either way. However they did bring media in and show them is what I was told. They are not going to show that. Anyone who has dealt with Islamic Jihadist before are not surprised they would. I get some are scared this could lead to WW3. But shit like this isn't helpful. If you don't believe they are capable then wait until they start the shit here. You will figure it out real quick.
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